Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

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Chief Vapor Officer
stinkmeaner said:
I wanted to point out the many firsts that VapeXhale's Cloud is going to bring to the table for an American made Vaporizer. (to the best of my knowledge)

1. The Hydratube system. Sure there have been other watercooled vaporizers & whip attachments but no stand alone unity has come with a direct full-size water pipe tube with percs. The Hydratubes are also being designed by well known glass companies/artists.

2. Closed-Loop Algorythm Temperature Control. Some have used commercial PID controllers, but not other American made vaporizer has designed their own electronics. ("Commercially" with respect to the Bud Toaster)

3. Custom OEM Enclosure. No other American made Vaporizer has made its own commercial enclosure from scratch, stamped from sheet metal, this takes more money and time than one could imagine, much props for doing this. There is a reason most have used hobby enclosures, metal tubing, wood, etc. (I know some do wood for ascetics)

4. All Glass Internally Sealed Air Path. With respect to those that have done similar by using a single side opening glass tube, the Cloud will be the first to my knowledge that uses a glass air-path that is open from one end to the other.

@Stinkmeaner - You hit the nail on the head for each of those points. The only detail that was slightly off is our custom enclosures. Instead of stamped steel, we actually went with producing moulds instead. There are various thickness points throughout our enclosure so we could not stamp it as you have to start with uniform sheets. I did learn about all the different ways you could shape and form metals in the process, hydroforming being one of the crazier concepts that I never even thought about.

@Troi - Just fill out what you can, the more detail the better. I manage the Oracle alliance for my day job and I can speak from first hand experience that bigger isn't always better. We are really looking for people that have similar mindset, business acumen, grasp of social media and inbound marketing, articulate, can sell based on value proposition, and people that are used to working 60+ hour work weeks. We are a hungry start up and we are looking for like minded partners - if you think you fit that description, take the time to put down the reasons why in the distributors form and I will have Robot contact you shortly to discuss.

As far as bent neck pieces go, that is certainly a possibility down the road. We are heavily investing in bringing more glass production in house. As of right now, we have a small team focused on our current designs. As the company grows and we have the capacity to do more, bent neck, more percs, different style mouth pieces, will all be part of our future roadmap.

For those of you that didn't get a chance to see the picture in the blog



stonemonkey55 said:
The only detail that was slightly off is our custom enclosures. Instead of stamped steel, we actually went with producing moulds instead. There are various thickness points throughout our enclosure so we could not stamp it as you have to start with uniform sheets. I did learn about all the different ways you could shape and form metals in the process, hydroforming being one of the crazier concepts that I never even thought about.
This confirms a hunch I had about the enclosure. Based on your concept it seemed the logical execution. Can't wait to see it! I'm having Sharkfeet flashbacks. :D


Well-Known Member
stonemonkey55 said:
3. Custom OEM Enclosure. No other American made Vaporizer has made its own commercial enclosure from scratch, stamped from sheet metal, this takes more money and time than one could imagine, much props for doing this. There is a reason most have used hobby enclosures, metal tubing, wood, etc. (I know some do wood for ascetics)

@Stinkmeaner - You hit the nail on the head for each of those points. The only detail that was slightly off is our custom enclosures. Instead of stamped steel, we actually went with producing moulds instead. There are various thickness points throughout our enclosure so we could not stamp it as you have to start with uniform sheets. I did learn about all the different ways you could shape and form metals in the process, hydroforming being one of the crazier concepts that I never even thought about.
Yes it surely is fascinating learning about all of the awesome techniques to form metal, I am just impressed that you are taking the necessary steps on creating a professional product and not just a product that is homemade with off-shelf components. This is really reminding me of the way the Volcano is made.


Well-Known Member
stinkmeaner said:
Yes it surely is fascinating learning about all of the awesome techniques to form metal, I am just impressed that you are taking the necessary steps on creating a professional product and not just a product that is homemade with off-shelf components. This is really reminding me of the way the Volcano is made.


So you use a Volcano, is that your primary vape? I don't know why, but I notice that the volcano always irritates me more causes me to cough more, vapor has more of a stale feel to it? Which valve system to you use and prefer? I own one, and I do respect the craftsmanship behind it, i currently use the solid valve.

mod note: Your post is off topic for this thread. You can pose this question to the general membership in the 'cano thread, or email stinkmeaner if you need a response just from him.


Well-Known Member
I'm just blown away by da stonemonkey's articulate businesslike response. You guys seem serious...lol.

If it were my bidness I'd sell direct online and give a general discount for say 5 or more units at one time. This way anyone can be a distributor at any time and also the playing field is leveled, meaning every distributor is paying the same price.


Vulgar display of insouciance
I don't post that often but I do keep current on this thread. Great discussion fellas.

Those pseudo paint schemes were the shit! Especially the one someone did with SF Giants logo - you boys could have sold the first 1000 units at the victory parade through San Francisco, let me tell you.

I can sum up my thoughts on the VXC in one word: GIMME!!!

Keep it up Monkey (and Robot and PN3K too)!


Well-Known Member
What if it turned out the cloud was all make believe? :p I love this thread. 100,000 views and one of the most popular threads for a vaporizer that doesn't exist and no ones using.


Perfectly Toasted
i wouldn't say that "no ones using" the cloud. unless we've all been _very_ duped by the monk-man, i think it's pretty safe to say this device is going to be out before we know it and is going to drastically change the playing field going forward.


Well-Known Member
vapormonkey said:
What if it turned out the cloud was all make believe? :p I love this thread. 100,000 views and one of the most popular threads for a vaporizer that doesn't exist and no ones using.

I love this thread too. Funny how hyped it has gotten everyone.

It does exist though! :D

Just not available to the public yet...

Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!
NO FC bans douchebags like you. Fuck off

Modnote: Please take the higher ground. I have some choice words of my own for these characters but flaming is against the rules and if we are to enforce them they must apply to everyone without prejudice. Please ignore or report troublemakers. Thank you for your support. :)
Mr. Smoke No More,


Well-Known Member
OK, now listen too me...

Perhaps what we need here is a hybrid of sorts. Perhaps we need the Aromed bulb deal turned upside down and have something like it power the Cloud. I like lighted heat sources because light is cool and gets the job done efficiently.


Well-Known Member
you got banned because you don't play by the rules and you got irritated for nothing, that's it.

Isn't it like that at your highschool ??

Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!
Sorry back on topic....SM ive never used a U perk before, but u say there is little splash back. By looking at them it seems the opposite since the last phase of the perc has the air coming straight upu to your mouth. What prevents you from taking a drink with these types of percs, is it just a matter of the turbulance not allowing for a big splash?
Mr. Smoke No More,


Chief Vapor Officer
@vapormonkey - When we started our journey we looked at every heat source that current vaporizers use as well as some that aren't being used today, light powered heaters included. In the end, we ended up choosing a heating element that isn't currently used in any existing vaporizer. We wanted fast heat up time and more importantly, heat retention. We ended up getting custom heaters for our application which allows the Cloud to retain its heat regardless of how you like to inhale. One of the tests we did was to have first time vape users try out several vapes to see if they could figure them out. Most of the people were smart enough to grind their herbs, load up the bowl, then begin inhaling. In some applications, the user would be doing everything right but would be inhaling too hard and not getting thick vapor. We noticed how frustrating this would be and made it a priority to ensure that you would get thick vapor no matter what your inhalation style, unfortunately, the light based heat sources were not adequate for this application.

@Mr. Smoke No More Sorry, I may have spoken too soon. I thought the InvertaDome (uperc) would shield you from any splash but after using it over the weekend, it definitely needs a splash guard. You do get less splash, but it doesn't eliminate the splash altogetherl. Back to the VapeXhale Labs to make another, I love my job!

Lastly, I'm a little behind getting this video together, give me til end of week and I'll have it ready to go!


Loves Me Some MMJ
I notice in the demos that hits are being taken quickly back to back. There's also a bit of vapor rising up from the bowl after the hydratube is lifted.

Question: Can the herb be left sitting in the bowl for some amount time w/out hitting it? If so, how long is it safe to leave it stationary between hits?


Well-Known Member
^Good questions, thanks for asking them. Well, that is nice to hear Stonemonkey. It sounds like you've really covered every detail right down to metal thickness at certain points by pouring into molds instead of stamping the metal shells. I agree that heat retention is key to getting big Vrips. How many watts is it gonna pull to get good heat mass?

*Still no VHW in the mail. Should be soon though. Can't wait to try it out. Should a fella keep the VHW plugged in at low temp if he uses say once a day.


Darth Vapor
Vapormonkey, probally the wrong place for this question but; Keep it on a power strip and unplug after sessions. you should be fine, if planning on using again within an hour or two i just turn it down all the way. But overnight, i would unplug for sure. Powerstrip always.


Chief Vapor Officer
ThouShaltVape said:
I notice in the demos that hits are being taken quickly back to back. There's also a bit of vapor rising up from the bowl after the hydratube is lifted.

Question: Can the herb be left sitting in the bowl for some amount time w/out hitting it? If so, how long is it safe to leave it stationary between hits?

That video was actually taken when we had not figured out how to contain the heat in our unit, thus making it too hot to hold. We had been placing it on a horizontal mini fan to keep it from over heating which is why you can see some vapor being pushed through.

I usually take the bowl off the top in between uses. While you could leave it there for a couple of hours, the heat does rise and slowly but surely, will begin cooking your herbs. If you own an Extreme or any other vertical vape, it would be similar to those in this aspect.

@vapormonkey - 80 watts - we use a few different techniques to improve the heat retention in addition to our heater so we don't need to pulling huge amounts of wattage to retain heat.


Chief Vapor Officer
AGBear - Where did you get that file?! That was in the super secret Cloud 2.0 files, we even came up with something that requires you to shut the unit off after 15 minutes of use! Damn, our cover is blown! Back to the drawing board....seriously though, thanks for the chuckle.

Looks like my modular, VertigoGlass Build a Bub is almost complete! For those that order the Vertigo HydraTree, you guys are in for a treat! Look at the beautiful tree on the bottom of this thing!



thanks for sharing SM.....I am drooling over here.....I look like a starving man staring at a steak.


Well-Known Member
Looks like real soft diffusion. Does the tree make it harder to draw from at all? How would one clean these? They look very schveeet.


Well-Known Member
Vertigo's trees look awesome. Someone (on one of those glass specific sites) told me that Vert. used to prep for Luke Wilson before putting his own stuff out, I could imagine he honed in on his tree technique pretty well if thats the case.

vapormonkey, I can't speak on VG's trees in particular but from my experience using a Luke Wilson downstem, the trees don't add much drag at all. I find I can pull very easily and the bubbles stack beautifully. A simple soak does wonders for cleaning, also, knowing VG's level of quality I'm sure there pretty sturdy (not sure if they'rereinforced?).
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