Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

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Chief Vapor Officer
@ carbon - The VXC works like any analog based vape where you will use the knob to dial in the temperature that suits your vaporization needs. Once you have it dialed in, you just need to flick the on/off switch and you will be ready to go.

@ 2clicker - This is why I love this forum, so many creative folks and so many great ideas. Kudos on making a 49ers one -- how about one for the World Series champs? The SF Giants?


stonemonkey55 said:
@ 2clicker - This is why I love this forum, so many creative folks and so many great ideas. Kudos on making a 49ers one -- how about one for the World Series champs? The SF Giants?

the Giants? YUK!!! ;)

congrats on the WS win btw. we here in STL know a thing or two about WS rings :brow:

how many rings do the Giants have now?


2clicker said:
stonemonkey55 said:
@ 2clicker - This is why I love this forum, so many creative folks and so many great ideas. Kudos on making a 49ers one -- how about one for the World Series champs? The SF Giants?

the Giants? YUK!!! ;)

congrats on the WS win btw. we here in STL know a thing or two about WS rings :brow:

how many rings do the Giants have now?
Neither has as many as the NY Yankees! :D 27 and counting


OC513 said:
2clicker said:
stonemonkey55 said:
@ 2clicker - This is why I love this forum, so many creative folks and so many great ideas. Kudos on making a 49ers one -- how about one for the World Series champs? The SF Giants?

the Giants? YUK!!! ;)

congrats on the WS win btw. we here in STL know a thing or two about WS rings :brow:

how many rings do the Giants have now?
Neither has as many as the NY Yankees! :D 27 and counting

yankees are the only team with more than the cardinals

but with that payroll they should win EVERY YEAR!

the fact that they dont means they suck! :cool:

i can fill both hands full of Cardinal rings.. thumbs included


and purely because the Giants won is the reason i went ahead and did this



2clicker said:
OC513 said:
2clicker said:
the Giants? YUK!!! ;)

congrats on the WS win btw. we here in STL know a thing or two about WS rings :brow:

how many rings do the Giants have now?
Neither has as many as the NY Yankees! :D 27 and counting

yankees are the only team with more than the cardinals

but with that payroll they should win EVERY YEAR!

the fact that they dont means they suck! :cool:

i can fill both hands full of Cardinal rings

lol....win every year? Are you a baseball fan? If so then you know how ridiculous that statement is.
I can fill both of my hands, both my feet, another hand and start on one more hand with Yanks rings!!!
Our infield also just won 3 Gold Gloves....Jeter, Cano and Tex.
Cards are a good team.....Yanks are a GREAT team :p
I have been to every Yanks home WS game since 1996 so I may be a little biased :ninja:
Ok so now how about a Cloud in Yanks pinstripes? :brow:


OC513 said:
lol....win every year? Are you a baseball fan? If so then you know how ridiculous that statement is.
I can fill both of my hands, both my feet, another hand and start on one more hand with Yanks rings!!!
Our infield also just won 3 Gold Gloves....Jeter, Cano and Tex.
Cards are a good team.....Yanks are a GREAT team :p
I have been to every Yanks home WS game since 1996 so I may be a little biased :ninja:
Ok so now how about a Cloud in Yanks pinstripes? :brow:

i also know that a team with TWICE as much payroll as the next highest team should have twice the talent of the next highest talent team. of which should carry over to more WS for the Yanks.

considering their payroll and how high it has been for so long its not ridiculous at all to say that they should have quite a few more WS rings than they do. that is all i was saying. the Yanks are underachievers most of the time IMO.

i didnt literally mean to say they should win every year, but they sure as hell should win more than they do.

Jeter is the man! Arod is a buster! :D

and Pujols is the best player to EVER play the game

as for a Yankees cloud... gonna be really hard to get that one outta me. :lol:

almost as hard as if a Cubs fan wanted a cloud done up in Cubs colors... cubs... bwaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha


well I agree with alot of what you say but the Yanks are certainly not underachievers.....27 rings is hard to argue with.....they have won 40 AL championships.....making them 27-13 in the World Series.....a .675 winning %....not too shabby.
Jeter is the man 100% and ARod can go fly a kite (maybe in St. Louis! :p).....guy just disappears in October & November.
Pujols is one hell of a player.....best ever??? Hes got a LONG way to go before anyone can say that but I will say hes on track to be considered one day.


OC513 said:
well I agree with alot of what you say but the Yanks are certainly not underachievers.....27 rings is hard to argue with.....they have won 40 AL championships.....making them 27-13 in the World Series.....a .675 winning %....not too shabby.
Jeter is the man 100% and ARod can go fly a kite (maybe in St. Louis! :p).....guy just disappears in October & November.
Pujols is one hell of a player.....best ever??? Hes got a LONG way to go before anyone can say that but I will say hes on track to be considered one day.

agreed with just about everything you said here

i did not realize that winning % was that good... i take some of that back :D

regarding Arod... no thank you

regarding Sir Albert Pujols... the reason i say best ever is because he is putting up the BEST numbers FASTER than anyone has EVER done

fastest to most home runs, rbis, etc etc etc...

simply put nobody has EVER done what Albert has done and he isnt even close to being finished... not to mention that he is one of the smartest players ever as well. the guy knows the game like few do. he is not very fast at all, but is one of the best base runners in the league. his all around game is incredible.

so i think its a safe argument that he, already in his career, is the best ever... to date


^ Didn't you guys see "Damn Yankees"? Tab Hunter made a deal with the devil. That's why the Yanks are so good! ;)


Out to lunch
We're getting totally off topic here. Take the baseball discussion to the Lounge please.


Since I don''t have a clear picture of what the Cloud will look like, based on the variety of responses, I can envision a skin or stand the actual unit rests in made of interchangeable materials -- glass, stainless steel, wood, graphics, whatever suits your fancy.

Of course this idea is really vaporware!


Well-Known Member
I think this whole thread is a gas. All for a fantasy object that doesn't even exist yet. Yet it's the best vape out there...hehe.

Gotta love da force of da Monkey. The Cloud is the best vape that doesn't exist and you can take that to the bank.


Well-Known Member
Orange and black Halloween colors are my favorite but for the Cloud I like a "cloud" look. White underneath with blue on top. Water...clouds....blue milky vapor. It all fits. I want mine signed by Stone Monkey with a sharpie. I like Stonemonekys taste in music. I think he used to be a dancer for Janet Jackson or something...can't remember where I read that.


Darth Vapor
SM, does the cloud bowl need to be stirred like the VHW to break down and increase surface area?? Or is the vapor path narrow enough for even cooking no stirring ala the Supreme? Thanks for the answer.


Well-Known Member
2clicker said:
as for the heat retention... this is needed so there is no "down time" between hits. when someone takes a pull on a vape like this the air you draw will cool the heater. heat retention will help this from happening as much. the better the heat retention the better the functionality all together.
I understand the importance of heat retention I was just commenting that this was not really relevant to my questions about initial temperature settings.

So basically a little bit of trial and error with the knob to find your sweet spot as far as flavor, effect, etc. Got it.


Carbon said:
2clicker said:
as for the heat retention... this is needed so there is no "down time" between hits. when someone takes a pull on a vape like this the air you draw will cool the heater. heat retention will help this from happening as much. the better the heat retention the better the functionality all together.
I understand the importance of heat retention I was just commenting that this was not really relevant to my questions about initial temperature settings.

So basically a little bit of trial and error with the knob to find your sweet spot as far as flavor, effect, etc. Got it.


sorry i misunderstood


Well-Known Member
vapormonkey said:
I think this whole thread is a gas. All for a fantasy object that doesn't even exist yet. Yet it's the best vape out there...hehe.

Gotta love da force of da Monkey. The Cloud is the best vape that doesn't exist and you can take that to the bank.

Fantasy object ? I was waiting on this thing to come out for my big hitter. All i have now is a mflb and a pd on the way. But i have a nice glass bong that i would love to use too. I wanted an all glass path for the taste, so the cloud looked good.

The LSV looks like it would fit my needs too ( and it's out now ) , but getting one of those tubes with the cloud sounded great. Plus, the continual heating system interested me. But i def want to get somthing, sooner rather than too much later.


Chief Vapor Officer
@Iamkrazy2 - It will be more like the VHW where you stir/crush -- I find you get more of the actives this way. Even with my Supreme, if I am getting low on my meds, I will stick a small paper clip in there and crush and stir to expose more surface area to vape.

@vapormonkey - glad you enjoy the tunes, most of my music is from pre 2000 so I was afraid some of it might sound dated but definitely happy that someone else is enjoying the music.

@2clicker - thank you! I <3
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