Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

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Soul Rebel
Mr. Smoke No More said:
Nice flo and eonblue have got emails. I have to be getting mine tomorrow. I'm going crazy knowing my email is so close. What tubes did errybody get?

I chose the Vertigo tube, but what I am really looking forward to using the VXC with my everyday glass pieces to really see how it stacks up!

I hope you get your email soon Mr. SNM!


Well-Known Member
I preordered the SGW as well. That Sovereignty looks sick! Can't wait for my email to come.


Active Member
yikes im starting to think preordering in november 2010 makes me still awhile away from owning one of these beauties...and so the wait continues... Vertigo tube though can't wait!


Staff member
I have no idea when I pre-ordered. :uhoh:
Hey, I'm a pothead and I can't remember what I had for breakfast.


Darth Vapor
Once I get back in business ill make a few videos right away with my new HiSi Triple U Perc and SGW Waffle V2. Its a tease I know, but the people seem to want more huh?

Oh, a little tid bit I never released. A little birdy confirmed without a doubt, one can take fresh herb, directly off a plant, and vaporize it in the vxc without drying it. A few empty hits, depending on how dry, will then take enough moisure out of the plant to see some good vapor and a decent extraction of actives. This won't be perfect, and obviously is not the ideal method, but in a pinch.... one of the best if not the best ways to quick dry and consume herb. Out.

*edit. Many budding plants are around 50% to 60% water when cut.
Properly hanging and slow drying a plant in a dark and well ventilated area of proper temp will increase flavors and actives alike. A cure is then used to finish process. This would be true of oregano, sage, and many other plants.


Downward spiral
Don't know if this will help someone figure out where they are in order, but I still have email from my original pre-order.

Form : Pre-Order the Cloud
registered at 2011-04-29 20:05:44

Your Name : Norrin Radd
Your E-Mail : xxxxxx@xxxx.com
Street Address : xxxxx Road
City : Big
State : xxx
Zipcode : xxxxx
Phone : xxx.867.5309
Hydratube Preference : Gridded HydraTree
What are your most important factor(s) when purchasing a vaporizer? : xxxx
IP Address : xx.xxx.x.x

Also I was #79th in line for Novembers order/ cancel order process.
Patiently waiting, actually a little worried by such little owner feedback. If this is to be the "game changer" alot of beta testers and others claimed it to be, I thought there would be more of a "Holy $hit this thing is freaking awesome" kind of vibe once people started receiving them. As much hype surrounding this vape prior, I myself expected as much or more upon release.

EDIT:cloud pre-order number


Staff member
I just went and searched.... I actually found my email. :(

I waited until May 6, 2011 before preordering. I remember proscrastinating for no good reason, but I didn't realize it was that long. :mad:

Giant Robot

Well-Known Member
While I have't heard anything as yet, here's a bit of history in case it helps others figure out where they might be in the preorder line.

I remember getting this update at the beginning of August 2010 but I never received a Pre-Order Form Confirmation email like Silver Surfer did a few posts back so I can't be certain if I truly registered days, weeks, or months prior. I had the feeling that this e-mail was a global update/broadcast and not my personal confirmation, but I can't be sure?

"We have received your VapeXhale Cloud Pre-Order Registration

We are getting very close to completing the long awaited VapeXhale Cloud! At the time we are sending this email, we are about 3-4 weeks away from receiving our final enclosures. After we receive the enclosure, our engineering team can begin torture testing the unit.

After we are convinced the Cloud is ready for prime time, we will send a follow up email to let you know that you can order your unit!

In addition to the new enclosure, we are finalizing the design for our CloudStation. The CloudStation will hold up to 4 HydraTubes and will also more stability for to Cloud.

Thank you very much for all of your interest and support and we are working hard so that we can all be blowing huge clouds shortly ;)

Above the Cloud,

VapeXhale Suppor Squad

StoneMonkey55, Robot, and PowerNerd3000"

Quite the journey...and 189 pages later, I'm beyond elated for SM and his crew for finally digging their way through what must have been an unbelievably complex labyrinth of corporate bureaucracy and politics to see their vision realized. I'm hoping we'll be getting our notices soon, of course, but let's face it...the anticipation at this point is almost as much fun!

I'm sure I'm not the only one hitting refresh on this board and in my e-mail about 50 times a day! ;)

Also, for those of you looking for heaps o' praise, just listen to the Dopecast, as Dopefiend still seems to think the Cloud is the next gen of vape technology realized. I got my first vape (Iolite) after listening to his sage advice, and all these years later, I have no reason to temper my excitement when I hear him speak so fondly of his much beloved Cloud.

By the way, for those that have been able to order, can you still purchase additional ezbowls and/orbany additional accessories?


Giant Robot
Giant Robot,


Vapor Viking
Is there plans for a new VXC thread now that it is released or is this it?
I think a new thread with less banter about when it's going to be available is fitting.
Maybe wait until the units are flowing out freely without delay. Just a thought :peace:


Low temp deadhead vaporist
I think it was on the june 6 2010 but i don't know for sure. I did not get an verification email when I pre-ordered. I received an email VapeXhale Cloud Update Saturday, June 19, 2010 5:38 PM that mentioned price structure and a few other details. I was kind of worried and sent stonemonkey55 an email. he said i was on the pre-order list but not what number. That all being said I am going nuts waiting for this. Still waiting impatiently and going nuts. :)


I've backtraced some of my emails and posts. (so ill just leave this here before I forget it)
First order - June 17. 2010. - Got error - Sorry, you can send the form only once (even tho it was first time)
Second try - July 29. 2010 - (to check if I would get error again, and I got it, again)
September 23. 2010 - not sure why I waited this long, but i've sent email to SM, asking about error
and giving my order info in email.
He said they've got my info and not to worry, and he would inform me when US or EU version are
ready to launch. (never got any emails when November 2011 "orders" were starting)

Silver420Surfer placed order @ 2011-04-29 and he's #79th in line, following logic I should be before that.
:hmm: :suspicious:

Mr. Smoke No More

Can't stop the head rush!
Silver420surfer is saying he was 79th to purchase it when it was prematurely launched previously. Unfortunately for him they are releasing them based on the initial preorder position and he didn't preorder until 2011 so he is no where near the front of the line. Sorry to break it to u silver420surfer but u might as well wait patiently bc urea isn't likely gunna be shipped until they are being mass released
Mr. Smoke No More,


Banned for life
My preorder is from spring/11 so i'm assuming i'll be waiting for the "mass release".

Stonemonkey, do you have any rough projection for when the mass release will occur should your present plan to increase production go as planned? 2 months? 6 months? longer?



Will this "CloudStation" incorporate some pump connectivity such as that on the HerbalAire, in case the owner might wish to fill a bag?...



Darth Vapor
Egzoset said:

Will this "CloudStation" incorporate some pump connectivity such as that on the HerbalAire, in case the owner might wish to fill a bag?...


No it will not. A pump could probally be added to most vapes to fill bags, and the vx is no diffrent. That said, don't expect to buy said pump from vx. This is not the design purpose of the vape, and I think vx is not all about gimics. Best water tool vape. Nothing more, nothing less, unless you want to add your own whip or bag setup.


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
CloudStation was I believe an idea for a stand to hold multiple hydrotubes upright. A sort of a rack for them. I think this idea has been put on the back burner for now.

The way I display my glass pieces is on individual shelves that hang right over my vapor bar :brow: I can then "hot swap" the tubes into a rotation. I am thinking of constructing a shelf with an 18mm adapter counter sunk into a hole in it. :D I will stabilize this adapter with glue and then the hydrotube will be able to sit on it's own shelf. :brow:

It has once again become apparent that I need to join a photo sharing site. I have always wanted to post some pics, but I guess I am too lazy or medicated to actually do it! I wanna post up some pics of my set up (in the custom vapes set up thread) but I also would like to show off my shelf idea once I finally get it all set up! :ninja:



IAmKrazy2 said:
Egzoset said:

Will this "CloudStation" incorporate some pump connectivity such as that on the HerbalAire, in case the owner might wish to fill a bag?...


A pump could probally be added to most vapes to fill bags, and the vx is no diffrent.

Indeed, negative-pressure systems are universal as long as there's a standard way to attach one. I'm not really asking for my own, actually.



Well-Known Member
i got a question about pre ordering. i want to pre order the cloud ill have money on march 15th. so i could pre order now cause i won't get confirmation email for awhile. when does money come out i do have overdrafting so im good.


Chief Vapor Officer
Hey guys, just to quickly clear things up, when we did the original launch back in November, we sent emails to all the people that pre-ordered at the $350 price and was basically a free for all. This time, we are sending them out in the actual order of people signing up for the pre-order. Hope that makes sense.

@mmatfighter25 - you don't need to put any money down, you are simply putting your name down to hold your spot in the queue.


Out to lunch
Mr. Smoke No More said:
Get over the bag :brow:
Wanting to use this vape to fill bags is a sure sign of either complete ignorance about the design intent, or insanity. ;)


Well-Known Member
oh alright then im pre ordering now. so what happens your on list then u get email with link that sends u to pay for it.
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