Silver420Surfer said:
IAmKrazy2 said:
So, not fair to complain about not making an offical announcment, if they haven't officially signed a contract and have nothing to announce IMO
IMO, they should of just waited with the official announcement then, given the original date of may /june 2010. They seem to keep feeding the hype machine, so I doubt SM would feel my comments were "not fair". And they certainly were not meant to be insulting, or malicious, just a possible future customers thoughts out loud. Don't think I need to chill out over that though, but I will toast a bowl to you in agreeing to disagree on this matter.
Sorry for the lack of an update, I thought I shared one last Friday but as I checked this thread and could not find that update, I realized I mustve forgot to hit the send button.
With that said, Im going to deviate from my normal routine and address Silver420Surfers comments directly. VapeXhale has been very transparent since the beginning of this journey about what we have been doing from concept, to prototype, to production. While the outcome of this has led to more buzz and anticipation, that was not the original intent. The intent was to do something positive for a forum that has given me so much in terms of vapor knowledge and life long friendships. I learned so much on this forum and always thought it would be great to see how a vaporizer goes from concept to production and now I have that chance to share that with others.
I am happy to continue to give updates on what we are doing and give everyone a peek into how the sausage is made but to be truthful, it is a bit disheartening when people are demanding updates or upset about the lack of timeliness for a reply. Were a 3 person company with lots of things to do before our launch and were doing our best to keep everyone up to date on whats going and what is to be expected. It's not like we have a social media marketer, a business development manager, web guy, IT, accounting, or anything like that.... it's just us three embarking on a journey to produce the best vaporizer we can.
We can easily take Apples approach and be tight lipped but I prefer our approach where we are interacting with the forum members. If our main intent was to build up hope and buzz as you so kindly suggested trust me, we would be doing a much better job than having 299 Likes on our FB Page and 126 followers on Twitter.
Im not so nave to think that we will always have positive responses in this thread but for an organization like ours to give the consumer so much insight into what is happening, that really is a blessing and not something typical organizations would do. Please keep that in mind when demanding updates or questioning our motives and intentions. If more people feel like Silver420Surfer, I will happily oblige and keep all announcements private until we are ready to launch. Its not often that I feel I have to defend any of our actions but if my communications are turning more people off, then I would be happy to stop.
One thing to keep in mind is that my behavior today is the same as my behavior when I first joined this forum. Ive always shared my vapor experiences, videos of my newest vaporizer/glass, and have always evangelized what I thought were great products. To say that I am intentionally feeding the hype machine is completely untrue. I am just doing what I do as a vapor enthusiast and if people want to come along on the ride with me, I am happy to have them as passengers. Silver420Surfer, Im not singling you out here, just trying to relay a message to anyone reading this thread who might feel discontent with how we have been handling our communications.
Anyhow, Ill get off my soapbox right now and jump into the nitty gritty. We are in the final stages of our contract negotiation with our manufacturer. How this negotiation goes down will directly impact the final price of the Cloud. If the community wants me to sign today and get manufacturing going, everyone is gonna have to pony up an extra 100 bucks per unit for our company to be financially stable or we just drown and try and stay above water. I dont even have to get a show of hands to know that everyone wants this thing to stay at the price it is today and not go up.
For those that understand negotiating, the larger entity with less to lose often has a lot more leverage, especially compared to a tiny start up like VapeXhale. If I let them bend me over (and pardon my French here) and fuck us with no Vaseline, then we will in turn, have to do that to the end consumer. There is a lot of posturing and psychological games that happen during these times and you have to walk the fine line of saying, Thats too expensive for us, but lets keep the door open so we can keep talking.
Im pushing for a go/no go decision with them by end of week but if they are unwilling to budge, then negotiations will continue until we get the price point we need. There have been a few things that Ive picked up on in our negotiations that lead me to believe that they will ultimately give us our terms so I am confident that when the rubber meets the road, we will get the terms we/you want.
To conclude this long winded message, I'd like to vape a virtual bowl with both IamKrazy and Silver420Surfer. There are things for us to learn, how we communicate, how we set expectations, and how we interact with our fans and customers. While it may seem that we are the "hot company" doing "big things," in reality, we're just three guys that love vapor, doing our best to produce the best product that we can. More to come shortly
