Wow, only away from the Forums for a few weeks (under the knife, twice) and a helluva lot of activity on the thread. Great posts (John Lewus,

) and I guess a bit of the unavoidable

Not to resurrect a lot of what's already been posted and certainly not to re-open debates, but just to throw in my

on a couple things . . .
As one of the Ridiculous 17 Fanatics, just for the record the main reasons I went for that perc was the Lifetime Warranty, participation with the Beta Team, and because I felt VXL earned what support I could offer given all the satisfaction my OG continues to provide and how great the EVO portends to be. When I joined FC I was not a medical user; I am now. And my Cloud has made a
huge difference, given the sensitivities of my condition. I know there are other good maybe even great vapes out there, but way I figure it, all that I got for my $1K is a
much better deal than another what appears to be a very fine machine debuting for $750. For me the final design decision on the Swagger, and whatever they do with the opals, will be just fine. Also, like some others, VXL kindly applied my unexercised Plus upgrade against the $250 perc, so the upgrade only cost $100. Now
that's taking care of the customer: I end up with a custom green EVO, a standard black EVO, my still perfect OG (I think I'll frame it), and a custom Swagger. Forgive me for all the, er, gushing, but this is so great I'm in danger of wetting my knickers.
I've read a lot of posts by users frustrated about not being able to get their Cloud warranty serviced. IMO that's a very fair reaction. While it is true that VXL's contract manufacturer failed miserably in its obligations resulting in the quality and inventory issues, it is also true that the OEM (i.e.. VXL) has an obligation to ensure this kind of thing does not happen, proactively and reactively. The consequence can be fatal, as VXL came close to experiencing. Coming from an engineering & manufacturing background, I don't cut VXL the slack on this that many others do. All that being said, there remains a stark reality: There were simply not the financial and logistics resources available to provide timely warranty repair and also reset VXL on a sustainable forward business course. The decision VXL made ensures these warranties will be honored, with indications from VXL that the timing will soon follow general release of the EVO. Users will have been deprived of usage time but not of their investment; in fact, they will end up with a better quality unit. Still, not a happy solution, but in honesty much better than how these situations usually end up, i.e., with the consumer holding an empty bag with no practical recourse.
I posted the above because it's been suggested there is a VXL "cult". I take umbrage at that remark. Cults are mindless and rigid and oblivious. The unusually strong support VXL has received here is because SM and crew have delivered and are delivering. Yes, VXL has stubbed its toes more than once, has made a few grave errors, and has caused a number of us a lot of heartburn. We have no illusions about this. But they've also put it all on the line, personally, professionally, and financially. And they are on track. The support they receive IMO is what they've earned - the hard way - nothing more, nothing less.
It's good to be back with my FC friends.