High acetone usage is expensive and has a large environmental footprint, but it does work.
And pvc is used a lot in plumbing these days. Personally, I'd avoid acetone for cleaning glass.One word of warning - acetone will melt many plastics. so only use it with metals and glass and nothing with plastic or rubber.
It's just condensed vapor. If you think of smoking, when you scrape the bowl/downstem you get resin. With vaping, you get "reclaim." It's got none of the tar or combusted plant matter of smoking, and it's just the cannabinoids that are vaporized sticking together. Some people don't care to save their reclaim, some people keep it to vape by itself or to add to flower/kief to vape, some people use it to make edibles, and some people save it to season their nails before dabbing with them. It's all preference. I don't keep the the reclaim that collects in my tubes (that's what I call wet reclaim), but I do collect the reclaim that condenses on my glass stems (I call that dry reclaim). I've seen videos of people with huge reclaim patties in their oil rigs and they say they'll save it for edibles.Hi,
I have been smoking for over 4 decades, but only vaping since January ( April with the Cloud +) Every
night I use my finger to scrape out the brown (resin?) that accumulates at the bottom opening of my HT. Should I be saving that?
FYI I use acetone to clean my ELBs. it cleans them thoroughly in a matter of minutes. Acetone is also good for cleaning glassware. it is highly water soluble and doesn't leave residue. You can get it at many hardware stores. I wouldn't use nail polish remover as you don't know what it might be diluted with - its just best to go with acetone that you know is mostly pure. One word of warning - acetone will melt many plastics. so only use it with metals and glass and nothing with plastic or rubber.
So when do you guys think we'll get to see the custom Swagger glass for the $500 & $1k perk? We have 3 weeks until October. Maybe in 1 week or 2 we'll see something? Who knows.
There's probably some pretty cool updates coming soon.
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best!I've prepared myself for a January arrival. Any time before that would be a treat.
Keep in mind that most of these "crowd sourcing" campaigns go over the proposed timelines. I have backed a number of them and watched a number of them and have yet to see one meet the proposed deadline. If VXH does meet their deadline then that would be awesome. But be prepared for delays. It is very difficult to account for all the things that have to get done designing, prototyping, testing, sourcing, producing parts, manufacturing and fulfilling a product like this. VXH has prior experience and contacts so that should help but that is an assumption. I am sure the EVO and new glass will be amazing: VXH has a great track record for sure. But expect delays (its the best position to have so as not to be disappointed).
I'm scared of delivery day. The hits from my Solo and Fbomb are already huge-cloudy enoughOnce I get a desktop unit like the Evo, I have a feeling I might need to install memory foam floors in my house when I get knocked on my ass.
Unfortunately that isn't acceptable for me. As I have been without my cloud since the end of June and it was under warranty at the time. So If its January I'll be requesting a refund and my old original cloud to be fixed under warranty instead. I mean I can understand if it was like the original launch, but this is not. I have already paid my money towards the product I expect it to be here on time or at least reasonably late(not January that's 3 extra months?!!).I've prepared myself for a January arrival. Any time before that would be a treat.
If they haven't launched the EVO by then I highly doubt they will have everything together to fix the old Clouds as I'm sure that isn't the priority to them right now.Unfortunately that isn't acceptable for me. As I have been without my cloud since the end of June and it was under warranty at the time. So If its January I'll be requesting a refund and my old original cloud to be fixed under warranty instead.
Oh they will and can now. It's just a pain in the ass to do so and they would rather not. Maybe if they gave us a little more for our current clouds to be returned it would be more insentive to stay with it. But, I got my cloud as one of the first's and I paid the introductory price. So I about paid the same as I did for my original cloud anyways, so in reality I really didn't get any sort of discount. But if October came and they said they needed 3 more months then that is when I'll raise hell and get my original fixed.If they haven't launched the EVO by then I highly doubt they will have everything together to fix the old Clouds as I'm sure that isn't the priority to them right now.
They WILL and CAN? Source? I'm sure there's plenty of people out there that would love theirs fixed right about now but are waiting.Oh they will and can now. It's just a pain in the ass to do so and they would rather not. Maybe if they gave us a little more for our current clouds to be returned it would be more insentive to stay with it. But, I got my cloud as one of the first's and I paid the introductory price. So I about paid the same as I did for my original cloud anyways, so in reality I really didn't get any sort of discount. But if October came and they said they needed 3 more months then that is when I'll raise hell and get my original fixed.