Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Well-Known Member
I'm not crazy about it either but at least we finally have a name for it. :clap:

It's pretty lame how they have to be so careful about picking the name. We all loved Nimbus but some whack ecig company which is in a different product niche (pretty much) gets to steal the fire. Damn. Oh well what's most important to us all is quality and performance. :D

I wonder, did they try contacting that company and seeing if they were okay with VXL naming their product the Nimbus? Never hurts to ask even if they say no. Might have already tried this though.


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
For those of us who live in a part of the US that allows us on regular basis to see these majestic birds soaring on thermals or making a low pass over a lake to grab some lunch , I have no problem with the name.

It's certainly better than the bird that was first suggested as the US national bird...

"Ladies & Gentlemen...may we introduce the VapeXhale Turkey"! ...not quite the same ring to it.:)


Well-Known Member
For those of us who live in a part of the US that allows us on regular basis to see these majestic birds soaring on thermals or making a low pass over a lake to grab some lunch , I have no problem with the name.

It's certainly better than the bird that was first suggested as the US national bird...

"Ladies & Gentlemen...may we introduce the VapeXhale Turkey"! ...not quite the same ring to it.:)

Yeah eagles are majestic creatures, I'll give ya that.

I don't know though.. VapeXhale Turkey is kind of catchy. "Prepare to get Roasted." :brow: (/s of course)

Aaaanyway back to topic -- anybody have screencaps or something from the video last night? Sounds interesting.


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
I'm not sure if it is still used (I'm getting older), but wasn't/isn't the word Turkey used to lambast a product that is a lemon/POS?


chillin on the couch, sippin off a 22 ounce.
How about just the VapeXhale VapeXhale? I feel this latest effort is make or break for the company. The new model, whatever it will be called, has to deliver in terms of performance and reliability.


chillin on the couch, sippin off a 22 ounce.
I ma not a big fan of the name either. The Eagle is a chain of gay leather bars in various towns around the country.

Funny I was thinking of that too. There is one of those bars in my city, The Eagle... and yes it is a gay bar.:p


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
I don't know what I think about the new name. Kind of a meh choice for those of us who weren't brought up to worship the golden 'Murican eagle of freedom in grade school. I know there are a lot of different connotations for the bald eagle, but I see it as a symbol of arrogance and chosenness as much as it is that of freedom and patriotism.

I liked the Nimbus name, but if that isn't an option I would have liked to continue along with the cloud related names. What about "VapeXHale Storm" as a name? Take the Clouds to the next level!


Well-Known Member
Wooooot. With the power of the Cloud knocking us off our feet I don't know how good of beta testers we'll be though... "Uhh.. yeah.. you could like.. put legs on it so it can follow you around and be with you everywhere. Def needs legs. Or wings! Wings yeah, that's it. Wings are better than legs if you think about it." :freak:

Yall laughed at me... but who's the smart beta tester guy now!?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I do, but at least Cloud represented the vaporizer and what it's capable of. It's got a much more heady quality to it than other vapes out there, so the name was a great representation of itself imo.

Then along comes 'Eagle'... I mean it made me scratch my head thinking wtf?! when I first saw that this morning. Are the Duck Dynasty boys the angel investors here?

It would be like the newest Ferrari supercar being named "The Situation" or "Rocky".

Well, I see your point.. But Steve Jobs made "Apple" work pretty dang well... And the story behind that is not anything to write home about... So, I wouldn't worry too much :)


Well-Known Member
It's certainly better than the bird that was first suggested as the US national bird...

"Ladies & Gentlemen...may we introduce the VapeXhale Turkey"! ...not quite the same ring to it.:)

I like turkey :)

But being from Maine, I would have voted Chickadee :)


Well-Known Member
I don't know what I think about the new name. Kind of a meh choice for those of us who weren't brought up to worship the golden 'Murican eagle of freedom in grade school. I know there are a lot of different connotations for the bald eagle, but I see it as a symbol of arrogance and chosenness as much as it is that of freedom and patriotism.

I liked the Nimbus name, but if that isn't an option I would have liked to continue along with the cloud related names. What about "VapeXHale Storm" as a name? Take the Clouds to the next level!

Storm is a good name for how strong the hits are, goes with clouds, and is a name that no other company can really "patent." Almost feels logical for an upgrade from a cloud; a storm is a mass of clouds with a lot of power.

This overall feedback about the eagle is interesting. Honestly there is already a monkey branded with the VXL.. but if they want to go with eagle too that's cool. I'm mostly interested in how badass the performance of the vaporizer will be.


Well-Known Member
Kind of a meh choice for those of us who weren't brought up to worship the golden 'Murican eagle of freedom in grade school. I know there are a lot of different connotations for the bald eagle, but I see it as a symbol of arrogance and chosenness as much as it is that of freedom and patriotism.

There are a lot of other types of eagles besides the bald eagle. For all we know, perhaps the new cloud is a harpy or a golden ;) BTW, holy shit eagles are some big birds, the white tailed eagle can have wings spans of 7' to 8'!


Well-Known Member
Honestly there is already a monkey branded with the VXL.. but if they want to go with eagle too that's cool.

Maybe it's one of THESE eagles! They eat monkeys, doncha know.

Suddenly the VXL Space Monkey doesn't sound all too bad, eh?... :lol:

Monkey Nimbus? As opposed to monkey business.

Eagle works just fine for me!


Well-Known Member
Oh wow. I didn't realize they chose that one hahaha.
By the way guys i'm Marcus!

They already told me i won about a few hours ago but i didn't know which one they chose.

Glad that updated entry actually ended up winning me the competition!

Thanks for the congratulations 11eleven11!

No one's really commented their thoughts on the picture itself? I'd be interested if people hate the design or not.

Personally now the competition is over i can be unbias about my own opinion on the winner. Excluding my entry i really really liked the one with the vapexhale nimbus (oops i mean eagle) shooting off into space. I was actually really concerned that would beat me along with 11eleven11's entry with his mass amount of detail about the campaign that's really well presented. I'm surprised they didn't put it up on the indigogo page. As it basically has all the info for their page just more nicely presented.

Anyways i just wanted to give a big official public THANK YOU to stonemonkey55 and the vapexhale team for choosing me. It's a shame we had to abandon the name 'Nimbus' but at the end of the day you can call it whatever you want and it'll still be a kick-ass vape! Whenever my friends get a new bong or whatever we just nickname it whatever we want ignoring the original name. So you guys can call it nimbus or whatever the heck you want ^__^.

At the end of the day changing the working-title of a product during pre-production stages isn't that uncommon.

Thanks again!
love and peace!
Sorry for rambling a bit.. almost 4:20am here.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry Marcus yours is the shit! I didn't even see your winning entry until it was posted. I recall the one with the lightning bolt and liked it. But honestly, it's hard to admire & build up other's submissions during the contest when you're working hard on your own and you want to win... I'm sure we were all thinking that.

ogcook's splash screen is super badass. I told SM55 that I really liked it.

The cool thing is they can just use whatever they want of our submissions because what else are we to do with them?

Personally now the competition i can be unbias about my own opinion on the winner. Excluding my entry i really really liked the one with the vapexhale nimbus (oops i mean eagle) shooting off into space. I was actually really concerned that would beat me along with 11eleven11's entry with his mass amount of detail about the campaign that's really well presented. I'm surprised they didn't put it up on the indigogo page. As it basically has all the info for their page just more nicely presented.

Yeah... I tried pretty hard but it's cool. :p VXL team-- please feel free to take from mine what you like. I still feel like this 1 2 punch would be great ad to use (w/ indiegogo details):


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