Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Well-Known Member
Just did the $1k. I want VXH to succeed super badly.

Also, real quick guys -- to spread the word I made 2 posts on relevant subreddits, r/trees and r/vaporents. Here are the 2 posts:



If you want to show some support to VXH in a smaller way, do your best to spread the word and check out these submissions, upvote if you think it's a good post worth upvoting. :) A strong first week may get some momentum going.

Guys & Gals, if you're on the fence about possibly doing the $1k, here's a few key things that might influence you:
  • First and foremost, it feels really good to help those in need. We already discussed an FC donation fund for Vapexhale, but this is even better -- they are giving benefit back to us for helping them. I'm not having 2nd thoughts about spending $1k to support these guys, it's actually pretty exciting and I feel good about it.
  • If you do this, you will literally have a Vapexhale for the rest of your life as long as they are in business. Think about that. Think about all the vapes you'll go through in the future. You'll always have a Vapexhale to fall back on. You could literally not have to worry about buying another vaporizer for the rest of your life, because you'll always have this one. Would you rather pay $500 for a Vapexhale Nimbus or figuratively buy 2 for a backup unit, only it's not 2, it's ∞ Nimbus for life! I confirmed with Troi that lifetime means lifetime of the buyer, not proposed lifetime of the product.
  • Who knows what kind of cool shit they'll come out with in the future, and you'll be able to test it! That's super awesome. Just the element of surprise right there is really cool.
Also, since this post got to the top of the next page (for default post settings), I'm gonna quote SM55 here to keep the original message at the top:

Congratulations to EveryDayAmnesiac for guess the name of our next vaporizer. The VapeXhale Nimbus!

We are also in the process of raising some additional capital so that we can really push forward with our new designs. In order for VapeXhale to ramp up as quickly as possible, we'd like to put some additional infrastructure in place so that we can function (for lack of a better word) like a "big boy" company. We have two "Perk" levels currently:

$500 - Gets you a Nimbus + HydraTube + Limited Edition Nimbus T-shirt

$1000 - Gets you Limited Edition Nimbus, Limited Edition HydraTube, Limited Edition Nimbus T-Shirt, Lifetime warranty, and Beta Testing access.

We do not have a very large goal as we have taken out loans ourselves but this additional funding will be very, very helpful for us to function optimally. If you cannot contribute you can still help us by sharing the link below. Thanks so much for the support and we are looking forward to the next phase of this company where we can all work on this full time and execute the way we know we can.




I'm so jealous of people that have the money to "donate"... I wish I had some spare money and will support you for sure guys!

Edit: Now that I think about it, international users can "donate"? I ask this to know if there will be international betas too :huh:


Well-Known Member
I'm so jealous of people that have the money to "donate"... I wish I had some spare money and will support you for sure guys!

Edit: Now that I think about it, international users can "donate"? I ask this to know if there will be international betas too :huh:

International donations are welcome, we can deliver 110 and 220 and we will do betas for both for all our future products.


Well-Known Member
let me understand: who "donates" earlier will receive one of the products? when?

i'm willing to buy a VXL but i want to wait for the new version, of course.. so many information fractioned in so many topics and replies.. I couldn't really understand it... please explain me :uhoh:


Well-Known Member
I really want to join the $1k club, just trying to see what resources I currently have available.....just did some remodeling on the house wasn't expecting something as exciting as this to come up, I would have cut back on a few items :doh:...anyone have any idea if this will go the full 30 days or does it end once it gets to $75K? Sorry not sure how indiegogo works, just want to know how soon I need to come up with the $$.


Well-Known Member
edit - oops, same basic question that Smoke1ForMe has...would love to contribute but not sure if I can afford to within the 30 day limit (45 day limit would be no problem for me - maybe I can 'reserve' a spot, though I don't think that would be possible...)


Well-Known Member
let me understand: who "donates" earlier will receive one of the products? when?

i'm willing to buy a VXL but i want to wait for the new version, of course.. so many information fractioned in so many topics and replies.. I couldn't really understand it... please explain me :uhoh:

At the end of this campaign, we are going to initiate implementing our new manufacturing facility. We are estimating that by October this product will be in your hands. Everyone that contributes will receive the Nimbus before it is available to buy on our web-store (vapexhale.com) and our distributors. Hope this answers your questions.

I really want to join the $1k club, just trying to see what resources I currently have available.....just did some remodeling on the house wasn't expecting something as exciting as this to come up, I would have cut back on a few items :doh:...anyone have any idea if this will go the full 30 days or does it end once it gets to $75K? Sorry not sure how indiegogo works, just want to know how soon I need to come up with the $$.

The campaign will go the full 30 days, even if we hit are goal before that.


Well-Known Member
$500...1st dibs.

What does this mean?

The $1000 deal is pretty clear ( but maybe unaffordable for me ).
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That is even more confusing. The sublimator is metal, so I suppose there is lot of conduction there.

Yet I think I have an explanation for that.
Not only lack of conduction or low temps makes the ABV light (as with this experiment)
Also a time of heat exposure means a lot. Unles the temp is really high, with a powerful enough device, you can get most out without any browning. Browning needs some time.
I believe browning on any herb part starts after that part is vaped.
Because of that a browned load is considered vaped.

I have noticed this as well. This is why when I hit my da buddha I turn it all the way up and hit it really fast so it cools it to the right temp. Then when my load is done it is just slightly light brown like what you see out of the sublimator and I'm sure it is completely finished because I have then put it in my cloud or my solo(which both darken the load much easier) and I get nothing more out of it. I just think that is the sign of pure pure convection with no conduction.


Well-Known Member
You will get the vaporizor before anyone else, before vapexhale.com store inventory distributors ect. The lower tier is closer to a 200$ discount on an equivalent package retail.

Thanks for speedy reply.

Still confused ( and I'm totally three days sober, maybe that's the problem).
So...1st dibs, how much more $ will then have to be put on the table for me to
get properly Nimbulized?

( I totally understand if you cannot price the nimbus at this point)
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Thanks for speedy reply.

Still confused ( and I'm totally three days sober, maybe that's the problem).
So...1st dibs, how much more $ will then have to be put on the table for me to
get properly Nimbulized?

( I totally understand if you cannot price the nimbus at this point)

If you pay the 500$ you will have a Nimbus before anyone, that's the price.


Active Member
Additionally I'm really curious how the beta testing would work. There would of course be some kind of cost associated, I guess you provide feedback and ship back? The fact that it's confirmed to be full lifetime warranty is pretty amazing as well. Damn...why did I just have to book a vacation?
Edit:So lifetime warranty means as long as the Nimbus is in production youre covered?


Well-Known Member
My Cloud was purchased in Oct 2012, died April 2013 and sent to VXL. Repaired and returned in May for the additional $150 upgrade and extended warranty......Do I now need to make a third purchase in less than a year on the same product?

I understand things go through revisions all the time, but what can VXL do for those of us that have supported you up to this point in regards to acquiring the Nimbus?

Glad you are making progress and I support the cause, but not thrilled about another upgrade fee after 8 months of ownership.

I mean...it's worth it, I know...but....hard to swallow.


Active Member
My Cloud was purchased in Oct 2012, died April 2013 and sent to VXL. Repaired and returned in May for the additional $150 upgrade and extended warranty......Do I now need to make a third purchase in less than a year on the same product?

I understand things go through revisions all the time, but what can VXL do for those of us that have supported you up to this point in regards to acquiring the Nimbus?

Glad you are making progress and I support the cause, but not thrilled about another upgrade fee after 8 months of ownership.

I mean...it's worth it, I know...but....hard to swallow.
I'm in the same exact boat and I would imagine 2 yr warranty means 2 yr warranty. Unlike the +150 which did extend the warranty, I can't fathom a cost being associated if there was an issue with my Cloud+ unit within that timeframe.


Well-Known Member
If you pay the 500$ you will have a Nimbus before anyone, that's the price.

That's it? R u sure?

Essentially prepaying? I'm def down for that.
It could actually be more like $350 if I avoided the $150 upgrade on my current cloud.


Active Member
My Cloud was purchased in Oct 2012, died April 2013 and sent to VXL. Repaired and returned in May for the additional $150 upgrade and extended warranty......Do I now need to make a third purchase in less than a year on the same product?

I understand things go through revisions all the time, but what can VXL do for those of us that have supported you up to this point in regards to acquiring the Nimbus?

Glad you are making progress and I support the cause, but not thrilled about another upgrade fee after 8 months of ownership.

I mean...it's worth it, I know...but....hard to swallow.
This is why I asked questions a couple pages back as to what is actually different with the Nimbus vs the Cloud. They have only answered questions so far that involve sending them money.

I mean if this is just the same internals stuffed in a new shell then I don't see the rush in grabbing a new model of a new model vaporizer.

And lets not forget the "Pre-Order Fiasco" which occurred on the Cloud's release, they had Pre Order Customers waiting months to receive even as they were filling orders online.

Also, what about the people waiting for their Broken Clouds to be fixed? I have seen the inside of these units, and they are built with off the shelf parts, besides the Bamboo & Housing, so why again can't these be fixed before 3 months time, some after paying $150 for extending warranty.

I know you guys want to believe in this company and get them back on their feet, but everyone should think rationally before just throwing money at the situation again and again.
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