Hi all. Lurker and new here now. I have a similar issue like as posted here
VapeXhale Cloud . I bought a cloud after the clickers were upgraded. call it just "Cloud". Then VXH upgraded to the Cloud+. my understanding that the main upgrade is a new heater that heats up faster, the case is warmer to the touch. this is the Cloud+. My Cloud stopped heating. I sent it in and paid $150 for the Cloud+ upgrade. What I got back was different than the Cloud in these ways: heats faster (goes green), case is warmer to the touch, GonG is longer, silver knob, the unit feels lighter, when it goes off it just shuts the LEDs off (as opposed to flashing red/green).
I decided I wanted to get a spare. I feel the Cloud is worth it. So I ordered one from a distributor after asking if it was the "latest version". they said yes "latest version". When I opened the box, I saw a silicone sleeve (warning 1), the warranty said 1 year (warning 2) and the knob was black (warning 3). At this point I expected it to be just a Cloud. I set it and my Cloud+ to 3 o'clock. Turned them on at the same time. The distributor one took 12 minutes longer to turn green. After both were on for 30 mins, the distributor one is too hot to the touch and the Cloud+ is very warm but you can hold it.
So this would indicate that the distributor one is a Cloud (not a Cloud+). So I email the distributor that I think I did not get the "latest version". They tell me that VHX told them it was the latest version, there is no such thing as a Cloud+, they want to talk to VXH about what it is exactly and have me wait, they are a small family run business. No offer to fess up and take responsibility and offer a full refund postage paid back. They seem to want to talk me into it being the latest version when I have the latest version right here and its not it!
They communicate with VXH and are told they only shipped Cloud+'s to distributors (remember the distributor said there was no such thing as a Cloud+ (???). I emailed SM55 directly and asked "whats going on?" and "what do I have?" (paraphrasing), he said this: all distributors only got Cloud+'s. that there was a time when they were putting Clouds together with whatever they had. so if a black knob when on a Cloud+ then oh well. that the bamboo comes from the same source and because its handmade (my presumption) there are variations in specs such as wall thickness and GonG height. That it is definitely a Cloud+. oh and that there could have been firmware differences, presumably affecting the nature of the LEDs. From the distributor they said that another VXH person said that there were Cloud+'s that were made unauthorized by the VXH guys. And those units should be considered unoffical. Also SM suggested they put a silicone sleeve in there because they had some left, and even if the warranty says 1 year, you actually will get 2 years.
Thing is... two things: 1) the unit VXH sent me as my paid upgrade is the one they are saying is unauthorized and unofficial and 2) the distributor one runs too hot to touch and takes longer to go green and flashes on auto-off.
I'm not actually complaining. You will notice that I bought a Cloud as a spare. That's almost $500 sitting around. Why? Because I think the Cloud is the best vaporizer out there. I think its worth having another as a spare. I have a Solo and it works pretty good with the hydratubes but its not a Cloud.
I'm just letting you know what I know. I am not sure what to do with the one from the distributor. Should I return it? Should I keep it? I am pretty sure its all you're going to get at this point as there appears to be no new stock. Even if it is just a Cloud, should I still keep it? Help me out here.