Active Member
I can definitely see where you're coming from on the heat thing, mine gets a little bit toasty as well. Nothing that isn't manageable, but like you said perhaps a little warmer than I was expecting. Still completely floored by the unit though and am consistently impressed by how effective it is.Add me to the list as well. I got mine on Friday.
Mrs PoopMachine couldnt wait to test drive it so I loaded it up with some high grade and off she went. 10 minutes later she was downstairs staring at fractals on her laptop so I would say her test drive was a success. Later that night, we both got to test it out with some Chocolope and I have to say, the unit lives up to the hype.
Willie, you want something negative, Ill give it to you. The unit gets a little hotter than I expected to the touch. Its not overbearingly hot but its hotter than I thought it would be.
Other than that, Ive already relegated my SSV to backup status. Its packed up and put away.
Ive got a couple of reviews coming up that I really should have posted before now, just had to take a break from FC for a bit. Look for my Oracle and Magik Wand reviews in the next week or so and Ill probably do a full followup on the Cloud.
I do have to say tho, this unit does live up to the hype. Its very well made, works like gangbusters and is everything StoneMonkey has been touting for the last couple of years.
For those waiting for your unit, I dont know when I ordered but it was sometime in 2010.