Purpl3 Haz3, you can add me to your running list of wildly ecstatic Cloud users. It's been a month now with the "collector's item" Vertigo tube and there isn't a day that goes by where I haven't felt anything but extreme satisfaction with my unit (well, and my VXC

In fact, had some great Veganics grown flowers the other day and the purity of the flavor coupled with the clarity of the high (at 9:00pm setting) was beyond astonishing. Compared to my previous Iolite which did the job, but always had a bit of a plastic(?) flavor, or my beloved MFLB w/ PA which was great, but quite a bit harsh at times, this is just a different world altogether.
For those still waiting, I have no incentive to overembellish here. Admittedly, I don't have a lot of posts over the years as I've been mostly a lurker, but I'm still an enthusiast like the rest of you. When you consider that we now have a true GoG solution that moisturizes the vapor with efficiency and creates these great tasting, power packed clouds unlike anything I have yet experienced, I really don't know what there would be to criticize?
I think we all tend to get cynical during a product release as it so rarely meets the PR spin and we get so used to being disappointed by the reality, right? It's just a testament to SM55 and his team that after two years of waiting, and all of the hype generated while we waited, that they were ultimately able to deliver on all counts which is certainly the story behind all of the rabid praise!
Cheers, (and grats SM!)
Giant Robot