We're here to fuck shit up.
The vaporizer is the called the CloudEVO but which t-shirt do you guys prefer. Eyes or no eyes? EVO or EVOLVE?
EVOLVE, and no eyes just like you have it on the first two and eyes on the third once he evolves.
I don't recall hearing any complaints about flimsy elb's. Why are they not holding up for you?
I'm going to be traveling from (i think) Australia > Los Angeles (for custom check into america i think?) > Then New York > London
I was just wondering if i could bring my Vapexhale Cloud without any hydratubes
What do you guys think honestly?
Where can we get these ones?VapeXhale t-shirt pic from Instagram . . .
Personally, I wouldn't risk it, especially if you are going back to Australia. You don't want it to get broken, and those airport people if they check your stuff are not the most delicate. Two, there is no acceptable method for cleaning between the bamboo restrictions. Right now I have a bunch of black dust/ABV in between my restrictions and I have no idea how I am going to clean it.
I don't think I will. You'd need something to plug the bottom and funnel it threw the top very slowly. I'd be way too worried.
But if it is completely clean, then there is nothing illegal about it. For tobacco and botanical uses only. Bring a bag of tobacco or spearmint or something with you.
My suggestion is to get something portable like the PAX or Solo or something stealthy and easy to transport. I took my PAX to Aruba no problems back and forth. I had a bag of tobacco in my suitcase too. (I don't use tobacco)