On a Permanent Vakation
As you used to be able to read at the top of the page, "There is no best vaporizer" (AFAIK that's how it was worded...same idea though) and that statement will probably always be true...but if any vape were to push the limits of that IMO it would be the Cloud, and though I can't say from experience, the Sublimator probably pushes the truth of that statement as well. Respectively, they are great vapes for what they do, and for the right user, they could very well be the best vapes no the market.
And even though I know how I feel about the Cloud (in love, in every way) I still love reading posts around the forum and hearing people say in person something along the lines of "Well the Cloud is the best, but otherwise...." etc. like the 'Cano used to be talked about. Even in threads other than this, the Cloud seems to dominate
like these posts from the "fattest hitting vape rating thread."
Just knowing about the Cloud took the number ten out of the equation for TerrorTurkey!
Sorry if this is too random for this thread, but I've been vaping some SSH in the Cloud, and browsing some new (to me) threads for fun...To keep things a little bit on topic, here's a picture...
Went out to a friends for a special dinner, and brought the Cloud along again. Clouds and smiles all around...nothing new
And even though I know how I feel about the Cloud (in love, in every way) I still love reading posts around the forum and hearing people say in person something along the lines of "Well the Cloud is the best, but otherwise...." etc. like the 'Cano used to be talked about. Even in threads other than this, the Cloud seems to dominate

Well the idea was to rate the fattest hitting one a personal 10, and then rate the others accordingly. But no matter, rating them on a 1-9 scale works fine too.solo-9
obviously none of them can be a perfect 10 because ive never used the cloud, and thats the only perfect vape.

Sorry if this is too random for this thread, but I've been vaping some SSH in the Cloud, and browsing some new (to me) threads for fun...To keep things a little bit on topic, here's a picture...

Went out to a friends for a special dinner, and brought the Cloud along again. Clouds and smiles all around...nothing new

Every time I see an update like this (think back to when you guys posted the link to the live stream of the shells being made...) I feel like "Ohhhhhh, maybe it will be here sooner than October!" But I stay quiet, rather than posting here "Look look look! They're getting closer! september release?!?!?!" hahaha But I cannot resist! I know that October will come soon enough, but hearing about the progress makes me get too hopeful at times!Just wanted to give everyone a teaser update from the Operations side of VapeXhale. Today our supply chain manager just ordered the first set of raw materials for the Eagle.
Things are getting real we should have some exciting updates to come!.