Quick question, FC'ers . . . I've just acquired my first bottle of Grunge-Off for cleaning my HT, having always just used iso in the past. I notice though in SM's instructional video that, while GO is used for the GT, iso is used for the ELB's. Is there a particular reason for that? So . . . will GO do the job on the ELB's or is iso better? (And, now that a number of us have a Cloud, does anyone see the need to do the oven thing?)
I don't know about the rubber plugs but I have been using a clear glass plug from Aqua Labs for all of my pieces and it has been awesome!
Check them out!
I wouldn't use GO for cleaning the ELBs. GO is specifically formulated to get resin off glass. ISO has a very low evap point, which makes it nice for getting all the iso out of the ELB and cleans the ELB out very nicely. I don't do the oven thing. Just soak it in iso and run HOT water through it. There will be no iso left in the bowl, as long as your thorough, run hot water through it and aren't lazy.
Make sure you save your GO. One bottle will last you forever, if you're just cleaning glass used with a vape. I personally would recommend just using Simple Green to soak hydratubes in. It's much cheaper and works great. GO is very expensive and is overkill for cleaning vape tools, IMO. It's really meant for resin from combusting.
Quick question, FC'ers . . . I've just acquired my first bottle of Grunge-Off for cleaning my HT, having always just used iso in the past. I notice though in SM's instructional video that, while GO is used for the GT, iso is used for the ELB's. Is there a particular reason for that? So . . . will GO do the job on the ELB's or is iso better? (And, now that a number of us have a Cloud, does anyone see the need to do the oven thing?)
After you guys got the order has been received email, did you get another one with a your order has been shipped or a tracking number?
The email that i got had a link to a invoice with status on it. I got my cloud on Monday ( the day it was shipped) I received my tracking number from ups Tuesday morning. I live about 3hrs from the bay.After you guys got the order has been received email, did you get another one with a your order has been shipped or a tracking number?
vertigo and the in house hydracirc. i have the vertigo I will probably get the hydracirc.Soooo, without reading too far back into the thread, I gather that the Sovereignty Hydra trube (which I preordered when we tried this first time 'round) is no longer available. What hydra tubes are available?
Are the hounds howling...or just whimpering?
I await my turn with much anticipation.
This is kind of a general reply and not specific to your question but I discovered a while back that Dollar General, Family Dollar, etc sell a cleaner called LA's Totally Awesome. Its $3.00 for a HUGE bottle. You have to soak your pieces but they will get the glass unbelievably clean. You can put it back in the bottle and use it 7-10 more times before its too nasty to keep around.
Ive cleaned NASTY tubes with it that had resin from smoking in the percs, etc and it cleaned them like a champ.
nice I have been waiting to see what you think. 9 o'clock is my sweet spot also. I let my weed dry out on the tray. have a happy and cloudy easter.Oh my god, the day finally came! Just had my second session with this beaty, and im loving it. The first hit is easily worth the $400 alone. It is hotter than I imagined, started at 12 o'clock to see what the buzz was about and let it heat up like 10-15mins. The first hit was the best vape hit I'd had to date; I had to use the hydracirq first of course. The second hit...wowza super thick, white, tasted kinda roasted like the SSV but not nearly as "dusty"/raspy (best way i kind find to describe it). Realized that was a little too hot for me, so dialed it down to 9 o'clock like many have been doing and got a super nice blue cloud that was fully opaqe, couldn't see through the tube at all, pretty wild considering how narrow these hydratubes are. Still had a bit of the roasted taste though. They really are the perfect size: the tube and the cloud. Together they aren't too big and not too small, feels like a perfect sized rig. The tube is more wobbly on top of the cloud than I thought, but I like it this way surprisingly. I turned it down to about 7 o'clock, took a couple more hits and then i cashed the bowl.
Second bowl i kept at 7 still because the unit was still running pretty hot (good heat retention afterall). Only packed it about a little less than half full to see what that was like. It worked amazing still, the first hit this time was even tastier than before, and every hit after that tasted pretty solid too. Took about four hits to kill this bowl. I soon realized I needed to slow down and not jump into this too hastily because I was really high, like almost highschool baked. Like the first time I did an oil dab almost. Nice heady high, quite trippy.
So I waited about an hour and decided to man up and hop into the clouds again. This time started it at 9, and paired it to my Mobius Matrix nano. It was essentially perfect, only thing is I'm gunna need to get a 45 degree adaptor for it, a little too close for my liking. Also a different variety of weed this time, but the taste really stands out again-I'm a big taste kinda guy. First hit is perfect, second and third hits also super good and thick, 4th hit ia getting much whispier and done IMO. Very even vape, looks perfect to me. And now here I am, stoned out of my tree again.
Sorry for the rant, this thing has got me jacked right up on C99xCali O, but a few more first impressions. Bullet proof packaging like everyone says. Cost $45 for customs, which I figured. Same as the other cloud that crossed the border. Love the look of the Cloud itself, the outer shell looks cool. Lights are really bright inside, which is awesome too. My hydracirq isn't flawless by any means, slits are kinda uneven and thin, and causes an air lock which seals a bubble below the perk. This causes no functional problems what so ever, I'm just psychotic of minor details. Perfect diameter, really stable, works very nicely. I got a little bowl stand foot thingy to stablize it, but its almost as stable on its own. Zero drag, so fun!! Splash guard works very well, but I dont fill it super high either. Clicking is quite loud, like a bug hitting a window. Outer shell isn't too hot, but screws get hot. Kinda like a hot coffee cup, but still easily holdable. Think 9ish is my temperature, for my weed anyways, its fairly dry. Overall impression: really love this thing, its gunna be the Greatest Easter ever!
i prefer to cut up my bud , about .10 , with scissors and let it dry for about 4-5 min usually while I am finishing a previous bowl but experimentation is fun. So try different things. have funHow long do you let it dry out for? I get well cured med grade but keep it in mason jars. After I take the buds out, should I grind and then lay out, or let them chill and then grind? Just wanna make sure how long because isn't there negative oxidative effects if you leave it out too long?
Ok, first really annoying thing happened with my cloud. I noticed it wouldn't stand level, and its because the glass airpath got pushed down and is touching the floor between the legs. I just pushed it back up. This is only from normal use, It did't affect performance but thats gonna be a problem, I hope its only my cloud.