I tried that did not work. tube doesn't fit inside tp roll. what brand did you use and does the tube fit all the way in or just partially( to gong joint). I will lay it on its side on a think wool sock tilted up at one end. until the cloud-station comes out. thanks mongorian (i think)
Well that sucks, I was hoping they would be shipping these out In masses by may. I guess the custom glass is not only expensive, but time consuming to manf as well as keeping up with quality control.
Well that sucks, I was hoping they would be shipping these out In masses by may. I guess the custom glass is not only expensive, but time consuming to manf as well as keeping up with quality control.
regarding the heat up time...I didn't use the beta cloud all the time until recently, and the heat up time was why. I've always got a log vape ready to go. But after deciding to make it my daily driver I can say the heat up time is a non-factor for me, and it used to be. After I plug in and turn on the Cloud I go to work preparing the ELB. I have never waited more than a minute or two after that for the Cloud to go green. All vapes perform better when warmed up a little bit, but the Cloud seems to be the best at actually working when it says it is ready. I don't think that anyone who gets a Cloud will be complaining about the warmup time.
if you don't want to spend $$$ on a stand, i think it's fairly easy to make one out of stuff laying around. the concept is as easy as they come (base + holder). how it will look will depend on materials available and level of craftiness.
1) you will need the base/foot. this can be made of something solid.. a piece of wood for example.
2) you need a holder. something with a diameter large enough for the ht to slide in and out without problems. it can be a hard plastic glass/cup, a travel mug, some kind of plastic juice container, maybe a tennis ball can/tube, pvc tubing, kool aid container, hell, maybe even a block of wood with a tunnel bored into it. just make sure its not something that will scratch the ht (you may have to make some modifications).
3) attach holder part to base. depending on the material, you can drill a few screws in through the bottom of the holder into the base, or use strong glue/epoxy. you can also add a liner to the bottom of the holder part... cut up an old mouse pad or similar soft material.
Glass pieces like this are not produced by machine; they aren't light bulbs.While there are differences in production methods which can affect the amount of labor that goes into blowing the piece, and industrial glass can be parallelized to an extent, by definition production is labor constrained.
VHC's shipping was initially gated by needing to work out the assembly and fulfillment wrinkles, as Robot explained. My guess is that in the meantime, they've been building an inventory of glass. But with the large order backlog, I expect for that to be exhausted and fulfillment subsequently gated by the glass production capacity. That's probably a principal reason for the in-house HT's. And also a principal reason why none of us can forecast future shipments based on order dates.
ha! i remember that!
more stand ideas....
this is if you have access to scientific lab equipment or live by a science lab equipment surplus store, or have time to research/shop online. you can use a beaker/testtube ring stand. they have various types and sizes with the common being made of a metal base, rod, and screw-on ring. they also have a tripod style stand. if you get one with a metal base, make sure to put a liner on top of the base (mousepad material or rubber matting will do). if you get one with a metal ring, you can use some tubing, slice down the middle, and wrap around the metal.
6.5" x 2.25" diameterI've followed this thread and the old thread since the beginning, but have been having difficulty searching for what the dimensions are of the Cloud. If any of the current Cloud holders could let me know how tall and wide the unit it is I'd be very greatful.
agreed...the cloud does benefit from being on longer, as all vapes do. I was trying to say that of all the vapes I've used, this one works the best when it reaches the manufacturer's recommended warmup claims.
What is the difference between the Showerdomes and the HT???
And are the Pics of each?