Tyler Durden
I Am Jack's Avatar
That's awesome, I can't even believe I never thought about an 18mm downstem. I wonder if the resin/honey oil would be an issue running down on to the joint.
I also quite like the one MacRadish has linked above. That seems like it would be more comfortable to use than the one offered by ALT.
As far as cleaning goes, I am having a lot of luck with pool/spa chemicals right now. MPS dissolves everything, yes its dangerous, I'm using a super concentrated solution with short dwell time, use at own risk, knowledge of handling acids, bases and oxidizers required . . . but it works and shouldn't fatigue the glass appreciably in my remaining lifetime.
I've been using a bubbler replacement mouthpiece lately....works great for my needs.
There was a really cool looking one that a member took from their glass piece in this thread, but I can't find it for the life of me. But macradish's is pretty close.
I posted this in this thread not to long ago. If you look closely I utilized the j-hook just used it upside down. And you can use it with or without the water attachmentFound this on a site someone linked in here the other day. It doesn't come with a bowl/slide, just the glass piece. the site advertises it as a "Sherlock style accessories. Make your bowl or ash catcher into a pipe or bubbler with this attachment. Bowls sold separately." I see it as a cloud mouthpieceIt can be found at the bottom of this page.
Alternatively, I have been using a broken downstem, per someones suggestion in this thread. I don't use it as much as my HydraCirc, but I like the occasional dry hit. I have a broken 18mm downstem, that I just stick on the Clouds GONG joint, and get some really concentrated tasty vapor!
The site I linked above also has a "free downstem" link where for the cost of shipping, you can get a free downstem, any size, etc. http://glassblowersdirect.com/free-downstem/
Just picked one up with a 20% off code that ends today. "GLASSOF2012"I've been using a bubbler replacement mouthpiece lately....works great for my needs.
There's a coupon code out there (web) too.
You can easily test if the cloud is making a 100% seal by closing up the bottom intake hole with your hand, and then trying to breathe through the piece. If its making a seal, you won't be able to get 1 bubble through.ran into a small problem today, I was hitting my GC 10 arm bub with the cloud with some girls over. The girls had a very hard time getting a hit off of the bubbler and we had to switch back to the HT. The reason this might be is because the connection isn't 100% air tight so I was thinking of buying an adapter. Does anyone know where I can buy a straight up adapter for the piece? Would a carbon adapter seal the connection more?