Hey NYC! I too am waiting for the FC discount... you know it's gonna be better than 4 elb's, but I doubt it will be like a 10% discount like some "retailers" offer here. Anything is better than nothing in my eyes and i'm just appreciative that they will hook us up. With respect to the glass, there are the obvious differences between the tree perks and showerdomes, but i'd like to know what the difference is between the Evolver hydracirc and the VXL hydracirc.
Your other topic is a little off topicBut i'd go with what you were saying about smoking all day. Even if I vaped all day, the night time vaping wouldn't feel like I was getting "more medicated". Then again, some people just like the feeling of carbon monoxide, o2 deprivation, etc. and get accustumed to that feeling. Solution, dump Cano and get them to get the Cloud!
How often do ou guys clean your elb? I clean mine once a day. I soaks them both in a cup of 91% ISO overnight.
Do you ever switch out the iso, or filter particulates out?After a session I give the ELB a couple short shots of air. I can then re-use the ELB for several sessions. A couple hours in the ISO beaker is enough for cleaning. To economize, I cork the beaker to prevent evaporation and I re-use the ISO.
After a session I give the ELB a couple short shots of air. I can then re-use the ELB for several sessions. A couple hours in the ISO beaker is enough for cleaning. To economize, I cork the beaker to prevent evaporation and I re-use the ISO.
Do you ever switch out the iso, or filter particulates out?
When I'm lazy I use compressed air, no problem whatsoever. A small mason jar works, although I like a small beaker with a cork even better.I used to use compressed air for my Solo stems until I was blasted for using it due to bittering agents, etc. Does this concern you for the elbs?
I think a small mason jar or any type of jar would suffice for cleaning...and you could shake it up. That's what I did for my EQ elbs.
I only have one ELB and I clean it every couple of days by soaking in ISO for a couple of hours. It's amazing how much better a clean ELB performs. I need to buy more, but I'm waiting for the special, or at least an announcement that the ELBs are now the right size!
Thanks SM55!!! ok so TAFKAGM now works for SGW? OR, he's just making "replica" SGW showerdome type HT's? Will they have ice pinches like thw SGW?
I think i'll be going with the Evolver Hydracirc, that is unless something else is around the corner? lol
It says in the tutorial to soak the ELB's in ISO and then put it in the oven for a little while. Does anyone do this?
It says in the tutorial to soak the ELB's in ISO and then put it in the oven for a little while. Does anyone do this?
It says in the tutorial to soak the ELB's in ISO and then put it in the oven for a little while. Does anyone do this?
I had the SGW showerdome i loved it! The evolver is thicker and I am looking forward to a tree perc. I kept the HT in the freezer. It was so qwick and easy to warm up the Cloud grab the HT out of the freezer 3 hits and I'm good to go. I would rather go HT. The Zob is a nice change but the HT is the shit! We'll see what i say when the Mobius gets here.ahhhhhhhhhhhh faaaaack! Sorry to hear that bro, that's such a shitty feeling. Which HT was it? I'm leaning toward getting the evolver simply because of the bigger thicker base, but you gotta be super duper careful with these things. At least you have the Zob to keep you busy and Mobius down the road will make the memory disappear...hopefully
I've been reading mixed reports about the HT's....some say they are perfect and will never need any other glass...others have pointed to Mobius, Sovereingty, and other nice glass as making a big difference. Just trying to plan if I need to save for other glass, or is vapour just vapour since it's coming from the Cloud?
There is still stock so get them while they're hot!