Hey s420s, that Cloud all burnt off yet? Just curious what the warmup time/light behaviour is like?
1 hour long session seemed to do the trick, had it turned all the way up.
So far the noon setting seems to be about spot on with the one that just died on me. I 1st received it that one around 1st week of May. It worked very well until one day just wouldnt heat up. So far the new one is picking up where old left off, I'm loving it. I think that "hotter" firmware" was implemented prior to my getting the one in May.So it's good they seem to both "heat" almost identical. Tiny bit louder than old one, doesnt affect performance or bug me.
Just turned it on from cold start to noon position, until green it took approximately 10 minutes maybe a shad less. 2 big rips right off, whoo!!

After having 4 diff Clouds, the last 2 seem to work (GREAT) identical, I dare say it seems like the heating kinks have been worked out. There were some in the initial release(based on user reviews here), that seemed to work just like my wonky ones.