Vape Carts Health Crisis Megathread


Well-Known Member
The simple fact that those numbers didn't drop to ZERO just shows how many people just won't listen.
I 'member when our betters determined paraquat was good to spray on marijuana crops. It was an odorless and colorless poison used as a herbicide. The problem was, the growers would see the crop get sprayed and, rather than let it die in the fields, would immediately harvest for sale--since, without testing, you could not tell.

Users had NO idea if the particular baggie they had was tainted, only that there was some percentage problem for some percentage weed. Government tried to put out warnings and I remember my radio station's most popular DJ was a guy who named himself Paraquat Kelly.

There were few users who did not know there was a percentage of weed out there that had paraquat in it.

Didn't seem to put a crimp in the market.

What is it that people are supposed to listen to here? Don't do drugs, mkay? Don't do cartridges? Don't do illegal cartridges? For how long? There is no vaping that is "safe". This is going to go away pretty quickly. If someone were to die tomorrow from a cartridge with Vitamin E in it that was intentionally manufactured with it today, knowing all we know, I would not be surprised if there isn't some murder or other illegal homicide charge at the other end.

What of tomorrow? 22 people (Or, their estates.) just won $4.7 billion dollars because they used baby powder. Baby powder. You still see it on the shelves and you know people still buy and use it. McDonald's is going to kill you long-term as will your cell phone.

As in all things, balancing the risk to the reward is what we need to to for ourselves. I listen pretty well. I still have a couple cartridges in my nightstand. I will survive.


Well-Known Member
At #201. Kinda existential questions. More pragmatically, maybe just a little more time will give us data on some of the specifics about whether vaping liquids was bad for temporary reasons, or is just a product that is too easy to screw up, either intentionally or unintentionally, to use period. This is still really early days to come a conclusion. In the interim, it is probably prudent to hold off on using carts until we know a bit more.


I go where the thrills are
There were few users who did not know there was a percentage of weed out there that had paraquat in it.

Didn't seem to put a crimp in the market.
Right, and those of us who were stoners in the 70's literally never knew anyone affected by paraquat. I was in college in 1978, the height of that hysteria, where every hall in every dorm was a cloud of pot smoke....never knew anyone who had a problem with that chemical.

Did it exist? Was it a problem? Maybe. Did it reach into most corners of the user base? No fucking way.

What is it that people are supposed to listen to here? Don't do drugs, mkay? Don't do cartridges? Don't do illegal cartridges? For how long? There is no vaping that is "safe". This is going to go away pretty quickly. If someone were to die tomorrow from a cartridge with Vitamin E in it that was intentionally manufactured with it today, knowing all we know, I would not be surprised if there isn't some murder or other illegal homicide charge at the other end.

What of tomorrow? 22 people (Or, their estates.) just won $4.7 billion dollars because they used baby powder. Baby powder. You still see it on the shelves and you know people still buy and use it. McDonald's is going to kill you long-term as will your cell phone.

As in all things, balancing the risk to the reward is what we need to to for ourselves. I listen pretty well. I still have a couple cartridges in my nightstand. I will survive.
Have to agree here. Hysteria seems to have (briefly) gripped the community. Again, as has been said ad nauseum....know your supplier. Know your grower. Know the process he/she uses for extracts. Don't buy from sketchy sources. Use your head.


Well-Known Member
It's really a shame that this gives the "real vaping" of flowers a bad name.
Those bastards :)

Even worse, this will give the "anti-cannabis" crowd a foothold to say cannabis kills. It has not
killed anyone in 6000 years but suddenly they will say it's the cannabis. When in reality, it is the nasty ass
crap added to make cannabis or nicotine cartridges.

Yes, there have been a few deaths, sadly, but no one gets this excited about alcohol deaths:
"Worldwide, harmful use of alcohol kills up to 3 million people annually, accounting for 5% of the global disease burden".
Maybe that deserves more attention????

Mob mentality abounds


Well-Known Member
Suit up boys, we're gonna dial this one up to 11.

Second-hand vape dangers.

The hits continue:
Cancer-care expert Dr. Diana Martins-Welch finds herself in an unusual position: Last week she started telling her medical marijuana patients to quit vaping cannabis and pick up a joint instead.

“I would never have thought I’d be in a position to tell someone to smoke marijuana. But if the choice is between smoking and vaping, smoke marijuana.”...​


I go where the thrills are

The risk is so great, she said, she's even telling Stage 4 cancer patients — people who may only have a few months to live — to steer clear of vaping and find another way to consume marijuana. “All of this is buyer beware because it doesn’t have FDA approval.”

Wow. Great doctor. I guess smoking weed does have FDA approval, right?

That has to be some of the horseshittiest pile of horseshit I've read in some time. At least even USA Today steered most of the piece in the direction of illicit cartridges and not vaping devices. The faster they figure this out, the faster we can bury all the misinformed panic and move on.


Well-Known Member
?? In a 1000 mg THC/CBD cartridge, about how much "carrier oil" is used?
It looks like more carrier oil than the actual cannabis product.


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Now Trump and the CDC are telling people it could be the THC in these vapes that are making people sick.

You get that feeling that Juul and Big Tobacco is going to come out of this clean and the cannabis world is going to be slapped down again.

chris 71

Well-Known Member
You guys dont think this could actully help the legalization of cannabis ? The only way to really stop all this is to make it legal all the way accross the country and get it regulated .

Up here in the great whate north ( canada ) we are getting ready for phase 2 of legal products . Right now its just flower but come december concentrates are set to hit the stores .

The big producers up here are already and have been for some time getting ready .

Some have already made big deals with juul to produce vap pens .

Which should be especialy now done right and safe .

Gonna look pretty stupid for you guys down in the states when canada is selling millions of safe vape pens if your goverment is still trying to blame the bad weed lol or even the scary vape clouds

Maybe you guys will see the light and relize that a whitch hunt is never good and see that it needs to be regulated and legal ?


Well-Known Member
Now Trump and the CDC are telling people it could be the THC in these vapes that are making people sick.

You get that feeling that Juul and Big Tobacco is going to come out of this clean and the cannabis world is going to be slapped down again.
Oh so it doesn't matter if weed vapers protect nic juice poison? Kind of what I thought.


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
You guys dont think this could actully help the legalization of cannabis ? The only way to really stop all this is to make it legal all the way accross the country and get it regulated .
Gonna look pretty stupid for you guys down in the states when canada is selling millions of safe vape pens if your goverment is still trying to blame the bad weed lol or even the scary vape clouds

As an American I agree with you. And we will look stupid, in fact we already look stupid to the world for lots of things related to our government. It is an embarassment.

At least I'm in a legal state, so the feds can go fuck themselves.
Agreed. All Bull. e-cigs are, unjustly getting the blame on this. Flavored nicotine has nothing to do with what recently happened.

Classic example of 99% of the mainstream news.

They did arrest a small time guy for THC carts but they need to climb up the ladder a little higher. There are about to be a small number of arrests of THC cart makers across the states. The big guys, True Terps and Drew Jones.... are probably going to walk.

A bunch of small timers like this will take the brunt of the blame...


Well-Known Member
Cancer-care expert Dr. Diana Martins-Welch finds herself in an unusual position: Last week she started telling her medical marijuana patients to quit vaping cannabis and pick up a joint instead.

“I would never have thought I’d be in a position to tell someone to smoke marijuana. But if the choice is between smoking and vaping, smoke marijuana.”...​
Why do I have a feeling this woman has never heard of dry herb vaporizing, despite the fac that when you type "vaporizing cannabis" into Google, it is mentioning in the captions for the top two links:

" › ... › Substance Abuse and Addiction › News
Nov 30, 2018 - FRIDAY, Nov. 30, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- A smokeless method of vaporizing and then inhaling pot packs a much more powerful punch than simply smoking weed, researchers say. ... Marijuana vaporizers heat pot to a temperature just below combustion, allowing people to inhale the ..."

" › cannabis-classroom › consuming-cannabis
Vaporizing, as it applies to medical marijuana, is the process of heating dried cannabis to a temperature just below its combustion point of 392°F. Although ..."


well-worn member
Let's see if our legal state systems handle this right. This issue should be a prime example of why we need a legal cannabis market, with its associated regulations to prevent this sort of thing, and enforcement actions against black market products. Blaming these deaths on flavored nicotine or thc/cbd is counterproductive to say the least, and anybody puking up this kind of yellow journalism should be ashamed of themselves.



Well-Known Member
To lighten things up, I was driving back from a CBD info session today and thought, what kind of song would get our message across—-this cartridge vape bs ain’t real vaping.
You Give Love A Bad Name by Bon Jovi.
You Give Vape A Bad Name by, @beyond6strings and air guitar by MinnBobber

Video production too , of course.

It is sad though, cuz folks without the knowledge think our vaping is now very dangerous ☹️


The risk is so great, she said, she's even telling Stage 4 cancer patients — people who may only have a few months to live — to steer clear of vaping and find another way to consume marijuana. “All of this is buyer beware because it doesn’t have FDA approval.”

OMG! :rolleyes:
As if the same sticky green you would roll in a joint actually works in one of those e-cig vape tanks... so ridiculous.

This article is so fucking shitty, I am so sick and tired of "journalists" writing articles on topics they have zero experience with. Unfortunately that seems to be about 99% of topics spoken on...

So many cringe worthy lines, here's a few of my favorites that I cannot help but point out.

“I would never have thought I’d be in a position to tell someone to smoke marijuana. But if the choice is between smoking and vaping, smoke marijuana.”

I'm sure she is well qualified in her cancer care experiences, but I highly doubt this doctor know anything about cannabis. I understand why she's concerned though, cause lame ass NYC medical program does dilute their cartridges with coconut fucking oil.

"former FDA head Dr. Scott Gottlieb said he believes federal intervention is necessary."

Great idea Scott, I'm sure that will help the black market ensure the same type of strict quality standards it has always adhered to. Ya fucking idiot.

"There's no federal regulation of marijuana products because the federal government bans its sale, use and possession, and considers it a substance on par with heroin and LSD."

The government allows the sale of plenty of legal heroin analogues and synthetic substitutes. For more FDA regulatory failure, see the "opioid epidemic."

"because the FDA doesn’t regulate cannabis products, THC cartridges used in vaping get less federal scrutiny than Advil or the coloring in cosmetics."

Super scrutinous right, just like all those cancer causing chemicals in 99% of FDA approved products lining grocery store shelves. This one is extra ironic because prescription Advil kills a lot more people yearly than any of these black market pens have.

"For cannabis vape juice, manufacturers must extract THC from marijuana, sometimes using liquid butane or carbon dioxide, then dissolve it into a liquid with additives like vitamin E acetate or propylene glycol, a substance also used as aircraft de-icer or in eye drops."

Nope. And it's comments like this that really show the inexperience of the author.
You can make undiluted vape oil, ready for cartridges from butane, propane, ethanol, co2, and even hash rosin. Come to California and experience these products for yourself instead of writing a bunch of fluff.

"Legal cannabis vape manufacturers are required by their state's regulators to submit either the raw plants or the extract itself for quality and contamination testing, which raises the price. In some cases, black-market cannabis vape juice can cost 5-7 times less than what legal, tested products cost, experts said."

Right... BUT, if your cartridge is only 20% of what you think it is, who cares if it was 5x cheaper. It was 5x diluted. That's called a facade, not a bargain.

Saw a post on Instagram that bluntly said "What the fuck did you think was in your $10 gram cartridge?"
I have to agree. I know this isn't the case with all these issues, but there is definitely some "too good to be true" stuff going on in these cases.

"Vaping marijuana also has grown in popularity because the cartridges are made from what ordinarily would be considered lesser-quality parts of the plant — the leaves to the stems"


If you were wondering if this author was credible enough to be speaking on this issue, this line really sealed the deal for me. That stem oil is some potent shit! :lmao:


"Instead of pointing fingers, we need to find a constructive approach: how to stop consumers from turning to the black market for cannabis vaping products."

I mean, how big of an issue is black market alcohol these days? Federal legalization would go an awfully long way there I reckon. And I totally get it, people in gray states face the largest consequences, when you can score a felony for a roach it's no wonder people want discrete vape pens. It's unfortunate they are bottle necked by what they have access to.

"Because the federal government still lists marijuana as a Scheduled 1 controlled substance, scientists from the FDA have refused to assist states in developing their piecemeal marijuana-testing requirements."

According to the DEA, Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use.

33 states with a medical rollout, yet no accepted medical use from this plant. K.

"Martins-Welch, the cancer doctor, said she this is precisely situation where the federal government's expertise in regulating health products would be useful. She said permitting more research on cannabis — including vape products — would help doctors like her make better recommendations to their patients and offer more standardized doses."

I'm vomiting inside.

Also nobody is really getting a standardized dose with a vaporizer. How would you? Even if the amount inhaled was regulated how will you standardize the absorption? Try contacting Dr. Markus Roggen Ph.D about formulating tinctures if standard dosing is truly a concern of yours. He's created tinctures at 1mg per drop for ultra easy dosing.

That's all from me... sorry for venting. Hate seeing such blatant misinformation.

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
I think I'm the only person here that thinks it's a good thing to be cautious and take a step back from vape carts? It's totally new, unproven tech and God only knows what long term effects on the human body it poses There's too many manufacture's in legal states, dispensaries are making their own and it's just a wild west out here with the whole "cart phenomenon". Then there's the black market on top of it!

Sad but true that this is now tied into Juul carts and every yahoo e-juice shop on the corner of anytown USA but these carts are so damn new that it really is a buyer beware market and the advice to stay away from carts completely and twist a fatty until it gets worked out isn't really reckless advice from a med Doc.

There's probably more ER visits that are cart related, dab related, over use of combustion related, CHS symptoms etc. that being prudent on the cart thing seems like a very smart thing to do.

This was one of the cons of the legalization debate as bad as that sounds! I know that the NORML crowd and cannabis cures anything crowd won't open their minds to this but there's pros and cons to everything in life and even legalization has it's own set of cons.
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