The risk is so great, she said, she's even telling Stage 4 cancer patients — people who may only have a few months to live — to steer clear of vaping and find another way to consume marijuana. “All of this is buyer beware because it doesn’t have FDA approval.”

As if the same sticky green you would roll in a joint actually works in one of those e-cig vape tanks... so ridiculous.
This article is so fucking shitty, I am so sick and tired of "journalists" writing articles on topics they have zero experience with. Unfortunately that seems to be about 99% of topics spoken on...
So many cringe worthy lines, here's a few of my favorites that I cannot help but point out.
“I would never have thought I’d be in a position to tell someone to smoke marijuana. But if the choice is between smoking and vaping, smoke marijuana.”
I'm sure she is well qualified in her cancer care experiences, but I highly doubt this doctor know anything about cannabis. I understand why she's concerned though, cause lame ass NYC medical program does dilute their cartridges with coconut fucking oil.
"former FDA head Dr. Scott Gottlieb said he believes federal intervention is necessary."
Great idea Scott, I'm sure that will help the black market ensure the same type of strict quality standards it has always adhered to. Ya fucking idiot.
"There's no federal regulation of marijuana products because the federal government bans its sale, use and possession, and considers it a substance on par with heroin and LSD."
The government allows the sale of plenty of legal heroin analogues and synthetic substitutes. For more FDA regulatory failure, see the "opioid epidemic."
"because the FDA doesn’t regulate cannabis products, THC cartridges used in vaping get less federal scrutiny than Advil or the coloring in cosmetics."
Super scrutinous right, just like all those cancer causing chemicals in 99% of FDA approved products lining grocery store shelves. This one is extra ironic because prescription Advil kills a lot more people yearly than any of these black market pens have.
"For cannabis vape juice, manufacturers must extract THC from marijuana, sometimes using liquid butane or carbon dioxide, then dissolve it into a liquid with additives like vitamin E acetate or propylene glycol, a substance also used as aircraft de-icer or in eye drops."
Nope. And it's comments like this that really show the inexperience of the author.
You can make undiluted vape oil, ready for cartridges from butane, propane, ethanol, co2, and even hash rosin. Come to California and experience these products for yourself instead of writing a bunch of fluff.
"Legal cannabis vape manufacturers are required by their state's regulators to submit either the raw plants or the extract itself for quality and contamination testing, which raises the price. In some cases, black-market cannabis vape juice can cost 5-7 times less than what legal, tested products cost, experts said."
Right... BUT, if your cartridge is only 20% of what you think it is, who cares if it was 5x cheaper. It was 5x diluted. That's called a facade, not a bargain.
Saw a post on Instagram that bluntly said "What the fuck did you think was in your $10 gram cartridge?"
I have to agree. I know this isn't the case with all these issues, but there is definitely some "too good to be true" stuff going on in these cases.
"Vaping marijuana also has grown in popularity because the cartridges are made from what ordinarily would be considered lesser-quality parts of the plant — the leaves to the stems"
If you were wondering if this author was credible enough to be speaking on this issue, this line really sealed the deal for me. That stem oil is some potent shit!
"Instead of pointing fingers, we need to find a constructive approach: how to stop consumers from turning to the black market for cannabis vaping products."
I mean, how big of an issue is black market alcohol these days? Federal legalization would go an awfully long way there I reckon. And I totally get it, people in gray states face the largest consequences, when you can score a felony for a roach it's no wonder people want discrete vape pens. It's unfortunate they are bottle necked by what they have access to.
"Because the federal government still lists marijuana as a Scheduled 1 controlled substance, scientists from the FDA have refused to assist states in developing their piecemeal marijuana-testing requirements."
According to the DEA, Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use.
33 states with a medical rollout, yet no accepted medical use from this plant. K.
"Martins-Welch, the cancer doctor, said she this is precisely situation where the federal government's expertise in regulating health products would be useful. She said permitting more research on cannabis — including vape products — would help doctors like her make better recommendations to their patients and offer more standardized doses."
I'm vomiting inside.
Also nobody is really getting a standardized dose with a vaporizer. How would you? Even if the amount inhaled was regulated how will you standardize the absorption? Try contacting Dr. Markus Roggen Ph.D about formulating tinctures if standard dosing is truly a concern of yours. He's created tinctures at 1mg per drop for ultra easy dosing.
That's all from me... sorry for venting. Hate seeing such blatant misinformation.