Putin is a War Criminal
If I get visible vapor on the first hit I did something wrong.I don't miss using the torch AT ALL! I will if I have to, but I never got as vaporous hits as I do with the IH & rarely did I get vapor on the 1st hit with a torch. To get a wisp of vapor on the 1st hit, I would heat the vc till click & let it cool to click w/o taking a draw & reheat a 2nd x before draw. The IH is an absolute luxury for me. The vcs & IH have been the best purchases I made this year.

I have three other vapes (besides VCs) that i use regularly (Zi, Mi, and Lotus) so I am really not looking to have the same experience every time I vape. And I like using my VCs both with the Jarhead AND with the torch.