Anyone know where I can find the lg hg2 batteries in Canada? With cheaper shipping? Some places have shipping prices double the coat of the batteries shipping from the US unfortunately.
I tighten the coil up to fit snug up against the glass tube. To do this I use a piece of dowelling sanded down to just under that of the glass tube. This process adds about 1 1/2 turns or so. I then do unwrap it back to the 10 turn which is the original number. So I end up cutting about 3 inches off the length.I plugged in my failed experiment again and found the corage to test it. No more sparking, but no output either.
@Pipes do you cut down the heater coil that comes with the induction heater? Any tips on the length you cut it to/how many turns/diameter it should be?
@Pipes, dear Sir, any news about the new mini IH?
A short review on the state of developement would be nice - I love small teasers![]()
Hi how do I get on the list for a port sideA few pics of the progress.
Here is a group shot of the Skeletors and a couple custom requested builds.
Here is the inside of the Portside.
And completed Portside from different angles. Note the gauge lights are on but they turn off after 5 seconds.
I have reached out to all those on the first batch Skeletor list. Will be moving into second batch list shortly as well as the Portsides will be receiving PMs shortly.
I have reached out to all on my 1st run batch list of both Skeletors and Portsides. If I missed anyone, please let me know.
2nd run Skeletors coming up shortly.
Hi how do I get on the list for a port side
That makes sense and also what I though. But here are the ones that I've looked at and think the ratings are mostly bullshit for the specs from China and the weight is likely a better guide.@Pipes: if you are using a Li-Po pouch this time, usually bigger cells with comparable capacity means higher C rate. So I'm not that surprised if the slightly lower one is bigger, it might just support higher discharges.
Hi how do I get on the list for a port side
Anyway, here's a couple PSM teasers. Now, please do not ask to be on a list yet as everything is not 100% worked out, and do not want to get ahead of myself in commitments. Thanks for understanding. I will announce when ready to take down names.
Actually I'm pretty sure Pipes is asking folks not to ask him about the MINI yet. I think he still has active lists for the Portside, Skelly and JarHead.16 minutes prior to your post....Pipes had answered your
Actually I'm pretty sure Pipes is asking folks not to ask him about the MINI yet. I think he still has active lists for the Portside, Skelly and JarHead.
The Mini looks really cool. It does! It's somehow 80s, but in a good way.I tighten the coil up to fit snug up against the glass tube. To do this I use a piece of dowelling sanded down to just under that of the glass tube. This process adds about 1 1/2 turns or so. I then do unwrap it back to the 10 turn which is the original number. So I end up cutting about 3 inches off the length.
Hmmm, have to admit, I've been holding my foot up against that flood gate. However, the process is moving along and have the beta unit heading to a fellow member to do some battery comparisons against the PS/Skelly units.
My biggest issue currently, is battery availability or more a battery shipping thing. I have enough to cover the first batch before the China suppliers figured out the regulations and stopped shipping. I did manage to find a US supplier but the dimensions are a couple millimeters different. Have to figure this out still.
What's odd is the rating is less (800mAh) than the China batteries (900mAh) but physically bigger.
Anyway, here's a couple PSM teasers. Now, please do not ask to be on a list yet as everything is not 100% worked out, and do not want to get ahead of myself in commitments. Thanks for understanding. I will announce when ready to take down names.
"Drop in" heater modular:
Supported by rubber side protrusions which are installed easily by this placement jig I made:
Here is the wiring harness to bring the stuff together. The open ends go to the BMS along with gauge wiring.
And the bottom with plate removed:
The family: