Abysmal Vapor
Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
This charger is also linked from the manufcaturers official page. No need to explain anything if you dont likeIt's quoted on the official manufacturing webpage
"This allows the MIGHTY+ to be charged with 45 watts."
Plus for it to recharge that fast it has to charge at 45w
It's just annoying having to explain something that is EZ
Edit: that charger you linked is variable wattage BTW
The math just doesnt add up , this charger supplies 3 amps. How doest it charges them at 5 each ?\

USB-C Supercharger (for MIGHTY+ & VENTY)
Quick charger with 4 plugs. The quick charger enables fast charging of the battery. Perfect for exploring the world: Thanks to the four interchangeable plugs, the MIGHTY+ and the VENTY can be used almost anywhere in the world. Suitable for: MIGHTY+ VENTY

For pass-through, a Supercharger (+15V @ 3A) is required, which can be purchased in our online shop.
Also It does not matter how it's wired, it does not take less time to charge if I wire it different.
When wired in series the voltage stacks but amps stays the same,when wired in paralel the voltage stays the same and amps stack.
Doesnt that make a difference in the charger requirements ? In one case you need double the voltage in other double the amps.
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