Upgrading from an Arizer Solo--need concentrates vape suitable for bedbound person


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

Three years ago when I was starting on MMJ I came here for advice on buying a vape. You steered me towards an Arizer Solo and it's served me really really well, even after I changed from dry herb to concentrates, which I'm pretty sure it wasn't made of. But now it's on its last legs (read: half the bottom broke off), and I need a new one.

1) It needs to be able to handle wax/shatter/honeycomb, all that good stuff. I don't use dry herb anymore.
2) it needs to be very easy to maintain. I'm bedbound from a chronic illness and unable to do any kind of complicated regular cleaning.
3) It needs to be fairly light and portable. Probably no bigger than the Arizer Solo.
4) Efficiency is a plus. I use an ungodly amount of weed each week and anything that can cut down on that is helpful.

Price isn't really a concern as long as I'm confident in the quality of what I'm getting. What would you suggest? I've started doing my own research too but I'm just not well enough for it right now.

Thank you all so much!


Calm Consistency
I already know a lot of people are going to recommend the Dynavap Vapcap. It apparently does oil pretty well. What about getting a concentrate pen or something?


I would suggest an e-Nail, like the D-nail SiC Halo. Nothing is going to handle concentrates as good as an e-nail.
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