Yesterday (Wednesday) was my first cannabis-free day in probably at least a year. Thankfully I haven't experienced much MS spasticity since I've been off weed. Must be the morphine, dilaudid, and Percocet.
@Aimless Ryan So, If things go well perhaps 2 weeks? I had a much smaller injury that required a physical therapist. Dislocated shoulder that popped out backpacking. Fell on some hard rock. Drove home for 4 hours cursing out the pain. Finally went to the emergency room a day later where 3 female doctors had to help me pop it into place. Good times.
Then the weeks of physical therapy. I had to remember not to get too confident and do the exercises slow and steady when I first started to get better. So not to relapse and go backwards. It did teach me how to strengthen my undamaged muscles and nerves, So any injured portion would do less work initially in just getting through my day. Then give it the balance of work and rest to bring things back to health.
Probably harder to gauge with the meds you are on for the pain and the breaks. Was unaware of your MS condition. So the MJ normally helps with the spasms? Makes sense, but I'm no doctor. Well thanks for telling us how things are coming along. We will keep things up and positive here.

Laughter also being a good medicine.
It depends a bit on the species but generally speaking we like to start with something a bit larger but 2" x 2" by 4" is about our 'real' minimum for best results.
Terrific! I did see the video of the lathe in action and the more recent pics. Did think about getting a log of locally grown foodsafe wood. Local art pride piece or something.
US state trees as one example.
The tiny 5 pack of screens and the tube and dowel are getting some use. Improved my screen change out technique and have the used ones soaking in my ISO jar.
My Pyrex claisen with the carb plug and the Glass Warhammer have been making champagne quality vapor with the 'chew-toy' wand I made.
Last day of the sale at UD aroma for the end of the month.

Good time to re-up, if anything.
