Hello Vape Dr.,
In my opinion a VVPS is a must for the Underdog.....that way you can tune your hits to the perfect level. I have a VVPS that is extreme overkill.....lab grade capable of 60v at 5A max.....Gophert CPS-6005 - originally got it to be used with a Sublimator since the Sub's power supply is crappy, runs on a timer and is way over-priced - however I never got around to buying one and probably won't now.
However, I set a cap of 1A for the amperage and tune between 12.5v for SS tips and 13v for glass stems (13.3v max - borderline combustion - potential combustion with fine dry herb and slow draw) and ALWAYS use it through water. But it is funny......the UD only draws anywhere from 0.570 amps (@12.3v) to 0.623 amps (@13.5v) so don't worry about the amperage current draw......it won't be a factor.
My advice is to get a VVPS - I am thinking of purchasing another smaller one myself such as this
.......and hopefully get one without the flames

for use in the living room and then keep the larger one in the bedroom
I would suggest getting the long 14mm gong's (3 of them at least since they can double as a direct draw glass stem as well if that is "your thing") and maybe an over-sized Nong, as well as a core o-ring to help minimize airflow around the glass stem's base where it meets the steel heater core.
The basket part of the screen holds the herb pretty well (even while upside down - just use the end of your Might brush to tamp it in place a little).....but also when using water tools - I have a Chinese knockoff dual matrix Mobius that I use with it. With a water tool the gong faces upwards and therefore gravity and the direction of airflow keeps the herb fixed completely in place.
You are going to have to experiment with basket placement.....I have it right up to the heater core and the bottom of the basket screen is about 15mm from the bottom of the stem and I fill it just above the top of the screen (which might vary depending on the screen) which leaves maybe 8-9mm of space to the end of the stem. This can sometimes put the edges of the heater core slightly into the herb but the actual heater screen is still recessed and not touching the herb.
I also have a Mighty and the UD will milk the glass just as well as a Mighty when set at the right temperature for either SS or glass (different temps required due to the extra conduction heating of the SS stem) however the Mighty bowl is of course a lot larger and can produce more vapour per bowl and is basically idiot proof. The SS tips are good for a couple of dense hits through water but can produce enough vapour to milk the glass while doing so and are extremely efficient with your herb.
So when you get your VVPS - again I say that the UD doesn't reach its full potential without one - then I am sure that you will get everything dialed in to your liking.
Just another thought......if you want to check out whether you want to invest in a VVPS and you already have the 15v power supply and the dimmer dial switch then all you need to get (or borrow if you know someone who has one) is a cheap multimeter.
Then just attach the dimmer to your 15v power supply and figure out the various spots on the dimmer switch where the voltages you're looking for are located and then mark them. Check whether these voltages are consistent (could change with household power fluctuations) and then this way you can avoid killing your heater and also find out what voltages you like to vape at.
Then you will probably want to grab a little VVPS with digital display and ensure that there is no chance that you are vaping at too high a voltage, or getting inconsistent result due to an unstable house line screwing with your dimmer setting.
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