yes, I was thinking the same, but also my heating is out at night so it coud just as well be that that makes the dog feel hotter(since the nerve-ends, or whatever it are, in your hands detect temperature not absolute, but relative, like when after having my hands in the hot dishwater for a while my dog feels less warm)
and it could even be more local, at night I also have less electronics running(by day I sometimes hook up my laptop to the tv, stereo to laptop and I have my own home cinema, but at night because of neighboors my stereo is always out, also I have a terrarium, with only plants in it, legal plants btw, a philodendron for example, a begonia schulzei, a spathyphyllum etc, and the lights for that are on a timer that shuts off somewhere around 11, altough now with summertime it's probably closer to 12)
btw, something is bugging me a bit lately..just happened again. the plug on the adaptor I'm usng is a little longer as the hole in the dog(it fits fine, same inner+outer diameter just is a bit longer), so it sticks out a bit. and therefor it stays in a little less well, and lately often when I pick up the dog from the table next to me to take a hit, the cable falls out and I have to pick it up from the floor and plug it in again.
maybe someone has an easy solution for that?
maybe I should just glue it in place, lightly enough to be easily removed again(and glue that can be scraped away easiy), but just enough to not let it slide out every time. but then I have to think of what kind of glue first.
also one time it had slipped out halfway or so without me noticing it, and then a while later I wanted to take a hit and got a shock when it felt cold when I touched it, luckily just the plug(as I mentioned before, I also have a PD, wch had some issues since it was a secondhand pandora kit, and with that PD it also happened it was suddenly cold but in that case I had to repair it again, so cold when I expect warm has still the connection with 'broken' in my head, I did now fix that PD tough and this time probably forgood, thanks to dave for suplying me with a new resistor together with my dog, but since I now have the dog I haven't really given the PD a good test yet, did take it to the bar with me once but that night not so many friends showed up, so didn't come around to actually plugging it in)
and I got some nepal again, it's like meeting an old friend again, and I notice I just keep adding things to this post with edit

a symptom with some sativa's among wich nepal, I can't shut up