no, never vaped sneeuwwitje, I think a friend, who is only an ocassional smoker, said he got it a while back and was positive about it, but that was combusted ofcourse. maybe I can try vaping some next time we get together to smoke, I think it was his las pickup and since he doesn't smoke often it always lasts him long, so great chance he still has it
I've once seen a topic somewhere around here with someone with a similar problem, and I also have noticed differences in how different strains vape. in my VG I noticed for example that often coffeeshopweed easily realeases huge clouds, but also scorches easily, while my own harvest could take a lot more abuse, and still vape without a trace of torching. and release more blue clouds instead of more white-ish
I'll try to make a pic, still have to make one of the dog too, but it's always such ahassle with the memorycards, uploading etc.
but the new glass stems are pretty simple. you basically have a glass straw(with some details like a rim at the mouthend etc), the bowl is just a piece of silicone. this silicone is a bit softer/more supple(soepel) as the silicone stems. I think the inner diameter is the same, but the outside diameter is smaller, the silicone itself is thinner.
this piece of silicone makes a good fot around the glass, the screen fits insde the silicone(not in an archform like the silicone stems, but just flat), but since the glass is also inside the silicone the screen rests on the edge of the glass. this also makes the bowlsize easy to change, just slide in the glass a bit more or less and move the screen with it.
I also like the taste of that first hit

and since mine is a little lower in temp the taste is even better, and is still present in the 2nd and 3rd hit but less strong as the 1st. taste almost lasts as long as the stem itself, altough my nose isn't always good enough to keep tasting it since it does get less intense
I've alsi had it busy, but now early weekend, came home, plugged in the dog, went to bed(slept 4-5 hours past 2 nights, and last week too), hade some weird viid dreams and woke up to a warmed up dog, to cure the weirdness of sleeping during the day... that's life