seems kinda like a stupid question, but... does the limoncillo wood smell like lemon?
Not a stupid question at all, especially given the name. I'll admit the first time I turned it I couldn't help but to sniff it and check for a lemon smell myself lol.

@ weedemon - thanks for the pics and review dude, glad the new Pup made it to you safely. As far as working on the dead one I personally wouldn't because from the pictures I saw I don't think the wood is solid enough around the bore hole to hold the core solidly even if you tried. It can also be tough to drill the piece open without tearing it up and you'd almost for sure sever the internal wires in the process anyways.. I think I'd keep it as a bookend or decorative piece instead.
Alright y'all I've gotta get back to the shop and work on some more pieces.. more to come for here and also more custom pieces still coming in.