Underdog Log Vapes


Ate the Kumo Kumo no mi
I actually have both vapes. I know most HA owners lover it (and it's great) IMO the direct draw method of HA leaves a LOT to be desired. Very airy hits with the stem or the whip. The HA is fantastic at blowing bags, and that is all I use mine for. The underdog beats it for direct draw in every way and IME in efficiency by a lot as well. Unless you only want to blow bags I still take my UD over HA hands down.

I should also add that the UD seems to hit just like a huge packed DBV wand, only with way less bu d needed to get the same size hits. I sold my DBV after a month of it sitting in my closet after I got the underdog. Better flavor, same hits, less bud. DBV is great, but IMO the UD does everything it does but better.

hmm, interesting. I'm wondering, can you vape hash with the underdog? And can you vaporbong with it or put an aqua vape on top of it?


Well-Known Member
hmm, interesting. I'm wondering, can you vape hash with the underdog? And can you vaporbong with it or put an aqua vape on top of it?

come on man, I dont mind helping out but FFS if you are going to INVEST in a vaporizer than at least INVEST the time to read even a bit of this thread or the thread of any other vape you are going to INVEST in.

Only a few pages back, I have made a vid & several coments on how the UD is a vapebong & hash monster.

God helps those who help themselves dude. I am done here.


Ate the Kumo Kumo no mi

I'll do work next time. Sorry dude.

@Stroh thanks, I had the MFLB and one of the things that frustrated me about it was that you couldn't vape hash with it and vaping kief gave you massive throat irritation.


Well-Known Member
you need page 105, it has the answers to which you seek, including a demo of my UD doing hash via a whip & vapebonging. as well as pics from some others using the UD with a bong.

Now young grasshopper go and do some study.


Well-Known Member
I've done it. ;)

With an UD load the standard power supplies I include in the north American market run between 12.6 and 13.25v typically. This can vary quite a bit (as has been discussed) based on your local line voltage.

I've had no way of testing the EuroPlugs that I have included with your other-side-of-the-pond guy's purchases so not sure what they put out under UD load.

Hello Dave,

I do not know if that will help you and give you a hint, I hope so.

Living in EU, the one that came included in my "Queen Latte" ( "V-Infinity" brand) has a 11.7V output (measured with a multimeter), which is fine for me.

I've tried with others EU nominal 12V power supplies I have here and there , all having actual (measured) ouputs of 11.7V (the EU UD one), 12V, 12.1V, 12.25V and even 12.4V. Excepted the UD one (11.7), it appeared to me that all these outputs were giving too high voltage for what I wanted.

I must add that I've also noticed, like Djonko has, that using these higher outputs has made that some parts of "my UD has already (slighthly) changed color in just a short period of time" and are a little bit darker now.
This is (another) reason why I'm fine with the 11.7V.

Hope that helps. :peace:

Thank you for your product Dave, I'm really happy with it. :cool:


Well-Known Member
umm, the colorchanging was OTA, not me, I just have my UD since friday so would be really quick if I already had a colorchange ;)
also a colorchange could be normal maybe? my cherry PD also changed color, got darker, so maybe the same is normal for UD's depending on the woodspecies? do you have some knowedge on that, dave?

I also tried OTA's pillowmethod, with a half hour I didn't notice a drastic difference yet, with an hour under the pillow the ABV got darker and the outside of the unit was pretty hot. but I like it about the same on lower temp, stem lasted about the same length of time, maybe bigger hits but I couldn't compare directy and kind of forgot how big the hits were :ko: taste is certainly better at the lower temp, I get amazing tasty hits but on the higher temp there's less of that taste and a little more of a bit bitter side-taste)
also finally gave the dog it's movietime, first pick of destiny then up in smoke, but I fell asleep somewhere during up in smoke

and @justoncloud9, I tried hash and it works, albeit thin hits and lasts long and I don't think I will get everything out, but I'm also in the EU so have a UD running on lower temp

edit: just refreshed the hashstem, the hash actually felt pretty cashed when I took it out, I noticed with vaping this same hash in my VG for the past few weeks that when it's cashed I'm able to turn it into dust between my fingers, if there's still something in it it will cling together more, still feel a bit sticky. yesterday when I dumped it out to check it was still a bit sticly, but now it felt like how it feels when it's cashed, but a ligherr color as how it comes out my VG. also loaded some new hash and those first hashhits are really flavorbombs:) no visible vapor, just a lot of flavor. after that the visible vapor will come, especially after I've broken it up more(well actualy more pushed than broken)


Well-Known Member
umm, the colorchanging was OTA, not me, I just have my UD since friday so would be really quick if I already had a colorchange ;)
also a colorchange could be normal maybe? my cherry PD also changed color, got darker, so maybe the same is normal for UD's depending on the woodspecies?


umm ...sorry for the confusion Djonkoman ;) too quick (wake'n'bake) reading :doh:

I have a cherry PD too and mine has also got evenly darker after the first year of use ...

What I wanted to say is that the slight colorchange of my UD, which I have for 2 weeks, has occured only on some (upper) parts of my UD, .
But, I say it again, I'm ok with it and I'm not complaining at all. I'm completely happy with my queen latte

I just wanted to point out how surprising (to me) actual inputs of power supplies can be when they're given for a nominal 12v output and give Dave a hint about his "questionning" related to EU powersupplies.


here for the chicks
K, follow up as promised, if I forget anything remind me please. Last night was pretty hazy over here, and the same mood seems to just flow on this morning. God I love sundays.. :)

Djonko, it sounds like you didn't get the non-switching PSU I've seen at Boonstra. That one was a large brick weighing between 0,5 and 1kg. It did plug directly in to the wall-socket though, and it was rated at 12V/2000mAh if I remember correctly but I don't know if it was regulated or not. I lean towards unregulated. The 13,8V I ordered myself is one of those laptop power bricks with the two chords like your PD PSU. It'll probably be here tomorrow or Tuesday but I'm not sure if I get around to test it properly this week because I'm leaving for a short trip to Germany on Thursday.

I think I may have become somewhat of an expert in UD couch/bed stuffing by now, haha. Perhaps you need a little more practice. I even noticed temperature differences between different type of blankets (fabric), lol, and use a different layering with different room temps and wanted effect (vape temp wise). Completely or partly covering the UD also gives different temps.

There is one UD (maybe there are more but I only know of one) that came with a little lid that you could use as one of those spinning toys (een toll in dutch, I don't know the English word). I'm not certain, but I think it's one from Stroh's collection. I've often wanted that my UD came with one too as I think that just that would already give you something like ten degrees Celsius extra. I'm actually having my mom making me a little custom felt hat for my UD btw, I got the idea when I was looking at egg warmers :)

So in your first stuffing-test you didn't notice a large increase of the number of hits you could take of the same load? Because for me it is significant. I can only get perhaps 3 hits from around 0,8 gram without stuffing, but at least double that if I stuff (lol). The difference in ABV color is also very clear and varies from gold with green specs to coffee brown with milk chocolate specs between the two methods. Difference in vapor density is enormous too, but I don't recall you using any kind of water filtration so it may be less noticeable to you perhaps, not sure.

I value huge cloudy hits, I am made of clouds :D , but i like the versatility of the herbalaire and although dorkus_morlorkus didn't fall in love with it others have. I've hit a silver surfer and it was amazing, and since you've had a da buddha dorkus, and since it is extremely similar to a silver surfer, can you tell me how the hits compare between the underdog and da buddha?

also does this guy not like like dr.doom :argh: ...DOOM!!! haha

I loved him in the comics, but he's a total wimp in the movies imo.

Ex-surfer here btw, twas my daily driver for about 8 months. I think the UD performs similar to the 7thfloor products in terms of vapor production. Very large dense and tasty hits (although for me the taste with the UD is a bit colored by the walnut-oil, but I seem to be one of the exceptions that notices it this strongly). But for some reason you seem to need less product for the same clouds with the UD, and I think it's also easier to use (less sensitive to packing methods and draw speeds) and more practical without the whip. The hits often felt a little airiër (is that even a word?) to me with the SSV, but that may be just because I had to clear a lot of air first the way I used mine (first there's the whip, but I also used mine through a 500ml Ehle).


Well-Known Member
Wow, thats generous of you Dave, thats great for the winner!

Heres how im going to do this. Today is March 10th. Im going to run this contest for two weeks. This puts the final date to enter as March 24th. That will give the winner almost a full month to order their unit and hopefully get it before 420!

To enter...

1. you must plan to buy a unit. I dont want this discount to go unused. Dave was kind enough to run the contest in the fall to prospective buyers. I got busy with school and life and was unable to use the code. The goal is to get a sale for Dave.

2. Post your answer in this thread. One entry per person.

3. The closest guess to the correct answer will get the code!

This is one of those auto counting change jars that they sell all over the place. I have a collection of change in this one below. How much do you think is in it in american dollars? Good luck to everyone! Thanks!

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I don't see where anybody else used it, so.......

I'll put in for $4.20. ;-{)


Student of Vapor
can't wait for the new batch of pups to come out so i can pick out my own, i've been watching the UD website and this thread like a hawk...:uhoh:

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
OTA I love Sundays .. too .. and this one is maybe the best in a while..
Tonight I am going on a concert of God Is An Astronaut - a very nice post rock band..
Anyway i was running trough my concert gear and artefacts drawer and fond a very nice shirt that reminded me of some warm acid summer at the see... and then suddenly i decided to check the stash pocket and there was half a blotter and a rolled joint.. (I haven't rolled joints in 3 years... so this shit must be at least that old.. LOL.. ) The weed was kind of tasteless but i got very medicated.. The blotter is going to be tested tonight.. although i dont expect much of it :). I am going back to checkin all my old clothes for left stashes.. I am very intrested what quality i was smoking back then.. :freak:


shade-tree vapor engineer
Hey Dogs, getting orders fulfilled and shipped out of here.. so much so it's been keeping me to busy to post much, hope you guys are getting by alright without me.

Pictures coming tomorrow maybe of a few more pieces then more later in the week... :peace:

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Wohoo ! I got a very strong bud atm and the only thing i can complain about is that it dries my eyes, i am sure some new dogs will fix that issue :drool:.
Abysmal Vapor,
Wow, thats generous of you Dave, thats great for the winner!

Heres how im going to do this. Today is March 10th. Im going to run this contest for two weeks. This puts the final date to enter as March 24th. That will give the winner almost a full month to order their unit and hopefully get it before 420!

To enter...

1. you must plan to buy a unit. I dont want this discount to go unused. Dave was kind enough to run the contest in the fall to prospective buyers. I got busy with school and life and was unable to use the code. The goal is to get a sale for Dave.

2. Post your answer in this thread. One entry per person.

3. The closest guess to the correct answer will get the code!

This is one of those auto counting change jars that they sell all over the place. I have a collection of change in this one below. How much do you think is in it in american dollars? Good luck to everyone! Thanks!

Uploaded with ImageShack.us
I'm gonna say $26.75

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Welcome to FC :) ella harris . Are you planning of joining the Dogride ?
If you are you are in the right time.. cuz we expect new dogs to pop out soon :p.
Abysmal Vapor,


here for the chicks
OTA I love Sundays .. too .. and this one is maybe the best in a while..
Tonight I am going on a concert of God Is An Astronaut - a very nice post rock band..
Anyway i was running trough my concert gear and artefacts drawer and fond a very nice shirt that reminded me of some warm acid summer at the see... and then suddenly i decided to check the stash pocket and there was half a blotter and a rolled joint.. (I haven't rolled joints in 3 years... so this shit must be at least that old.. LOL.. ) The weed was kind of tasteless but i got very medicated.. The blotter is going to be tested tonight.. although i dont expect much of it :). I am going back to checkin all my old clothes for left stashes.. I am very intrested what quality i was smoking back then.. :freak:

How was you concert yesterday bro?

I had never heard of them before but they sound good from youtube, a bit tripy, thanks for the link :)

A buddy of mine is smoking secretly since he's married and he keeps a little stash of pre-rolled joints in his shed. At one point he found a joint in there that had rolled behind some stuff or something and it must have been at least a year old. We were curious too and tried it, but it tasted awful. It did still work though, haha. I hope yours tasted beter anyway, I think his moist old shed didn't really help preservation.. ;)

I've never done acid myself, it never was very popular in my circle when I was still experimenting with drugs, but I also tried to stick to natural stuff only mostly back then. Let us know if it still worked though.

Right now my experimental days are mostly over and I just stick to mj, and a tiny bit of coke just once a year (usually on new years eve). Well, I still want to scrape peyote and salvia off the to-do-list one day, but only in the right circumstances and with the right company.

Can't wait to see the new pics Dave, hurry up! :tup:

Welcome Ella! I just noticed the address underneath your avatar. I'm not sure if that's your real address and if you're aware it's there, but if so you might want to remove that from your profile.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
The acid worked for sure..(for 3 years in a drawer it seems that it had only lost fraction of its potency).. I am still having some minor flashbacks when i vape, even my underdog starts glowing from time to time.. .. which i enjoy a lot.. :).
The concert was very awesome.. They were celebrating 10 years on stage and made a nice 4 hours show..
Acid is the mother of dope for me.. It can be whatever you want.. (at least for me) there is no classic effect IMO.. you just get indepth of your brain limbo .. The main and most desired effect for me is the boost of senses.. I can swear i can scope to at least 100 x and and hear what bats and dolphins can :).
So if you are a guy that enjoys his personality and deals only with his favorite stuff while on it.. i can tell for sure you get 1000 x the experience you normally do.. + you are getting messages from other dimensions and worlds combining all into one logic masterpiece.. LOL..
If there wasn't so much propaganda on how bad acid is.. and if it wasnt compared to the rest of dope..
I for sure would tell anyone that it is the shortcut to final levels of human evolution..
I experimented enough with chemicals.. and i can say for sure it is best to stick to organics.. But acid is semi-synthetic it is derived from the ergot.. + I never had ill after effects unlike from many organics (especially some ethnobotanicals that are pure puke-a-rama and contain many toxins other than the psychoactive stuff.)
Abysmal Vapor,
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shade-tree vapor engineer
Here's a custom piece that came out of the shop yesterday.. it's a flying saucer from the planet Vapetron. Enjoy! Now I'm back to work on the general litter of Pups.. :peace:


Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Dave this piece is awesome :) .. Woah.. this is almost as cool as the lost BP :ugh:.
I love those cool rings.. Looks like log vape bullet meteorite pierced Jupiter and was trapped by the gravitation intensity of the core :p.
Abysmal Vapor,


Student of Vapor
just out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to be working with any bamboo twigs in that workshop of yours would you Dave?

coming from a Chinese culture, i feel like a bamboo twig would be a nice match for me :D


shade-tree vapor engineer
just out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to be working with any bamboo twigs in that workshop of yours would you Dave?

coming from a Chinese culture, i feel like a bamboo twig would be a nice match for me :D

Hey HES - actually I do! I've got a couple new Bamboo Twigs in the works, plus one left in inventory though I see it's not on the website for some reason. Also the Big Bamboo Log is coming back to the Dog Pound and will be available for re-homing. The one that's in stock is pictured below, #4b.

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