Underdog Log Vapes

Gonzo said:
I find it harder to hold those big hits in :cool: than to actually produce them with the UD. Those are definitely not the size I take on average. I was just trying to show what the UD is capable of. For a person who can handle bigger rips, I'm sure they could produce even better results.

Believe me your not alone in that statement, my aqua vape makes it 10 times worse. I usually cough like I did back when I was a combuster after the first hit or two, but I think that's why the UD is so appealing :D


SirElton said:
Honestly, I think the twigs are mainly for glass users. I've never tried one, but that seems to be their purpose. If you aren't using glass primarily, get a full-sized Dog and you'll be more than satiated. Vapemeister, if price is an issue you can contact Dave and see if there are any Lost Dogs that tickle your fancy. They are cheaper, but only in cost, not performance.

Thanks dude.

I get the feeling the full-size UD may be better, but I wonder if the Ubertwig really does have a better heating core.
The Ubertwig also heats up in about 30 mins, I think.
Whereas the full-size UD takes about an hour?

I think we'll have to wait and see if there's a difference in efficiency between the full-size UD and the Ubertwig.
It's a pity there can't be any sales of the products until Feb 15.
Do we know why?

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Vapemeister said:
SirElton said:
Honestly, I think the twigs are mainly for glass users. I've never tried one, but that seems to be their purpose. If you aren't using glass primarily, get a full-sized Dog and you'll be more than satiated. Vapemeister, if price is an issue you can contact Dave and see if there are any Lost Dogs that tickle your fancy. They are cheaper, but only in cost, not performance.

Thanks dude.

I get the feeling the full-size UD may be better, but I wonder if the Ubertwig really does have a better heating core.
The Ubertwig also heats up in about 30 mins, I think.
Whereas the full-size UD takes about an hour?

I think we'll have to wait and see if there's a difference in efficiency between the full-size UD and the Ubertwig.
It's a pity there can't be any sales of the products until Feb 15.
Do we know why?
You will be fine with any dog ! Either full size or twig.. the less glue the more durability.. although things are getting fused under a lot of pressure.. My Dog has 4-5 different woods fused together and it is still kickin strong.
I will advise you not wonder about which of the UD's has better performance but seek some design that is close to your heart and personally.. Because this is what is going to watch most of the time you vaporize :D + the fat clouds..
Abysmal Vapor,


Slightly Stoopid
Vapemeister said:
It's a pity there can't be any sales of the products until Feb 15.
Do we know why?

Dave (UD Owner) is away on a trip and the shop is on break until he returns. He said he would check in here daily and also be checking Emails so if you see something you like Email and let him know.


shade-tree vapor engineer
Hey guys, just dropping in the check on things here.. mostly things look to be in good order eh?

@ Vapemeister - I'm traveling on business until Feb 15th so decided to close the shop rather than have someone try and run things in my absence and possibly mess stuff all up. :o so sorry for any convenience but we'll be back in a few weeks better than ever.

Well we've reached our base of operations for the first couple weeks of our stay in SoCal. Sitting here 2 blocks from the beach finding it hard to pay attention to business between the sounds of the ocean and the always entertaining shenanigans here on the FC threads. :lol:

I'll try and keep up on what's going on here but given how infrequently I might be able to check in things might fall through the cracks and escape my notice.. so if you've got anything important I need to know then it might be best to email me directly just to make sure I get the message.

Have fun and play nice UDs (as always)!
Well I received my purpleheart twig on Tuesday and so far so good. The mflb is the only thing I can compare it too so I don't know how credible I am. I think one stem of the twig is on par with one trench from the mflb in terms of the high I get. The stems Im packing are about 1/4th to a 1/3rd the size of the mflb trench.

Also Im getting about 5-6 hits from the twig in comparison to 10-12 hits from the mflb.

So the twig is everything I hoped for and more. Im not bashing the mflb by any means its just the only other vape I have tried and its still awesome at what it does (portability & stealth).

Anyways hope you all are enjoying your dogs as much as I am mine.
The Pie Pan,


Abysmal Vapor said:
the less glue the more durability.. although things are getting fused under a lot of pressure.. My Dog has 4-5 different woods fused together and it is still kickin strong.

Lol! I got a bit confused when you mentioned glue.
What has glue got to do with it?

Then I realised you meant the UD wood exterior is a composite of 4-5 tiny cut-offs of wood.
And they've all been glued together.

I think they look great!
The purpleheart wood is really amazing.
You shouldn't worry too much if the wood pieces will come apart because, like you say, they've been fused together under very high pressure.
And the glue also helps.
The UDs look really tough and durable to me.

Of course, since the other log vapes are only carved from a single piece of wood, then they don't need glue or pressing.
However, since the UD exterior is a composite of different wood chippings, it provides a completely unique look.
I think it makes wood look really fun and interesting.

I will advise you not to wonder too much about which of the UD's has better performance but seek some design that is close to your heart and personality

Well, I think performance may be more important than design.
I mean, a Ferrari is a nice car.
Red, elegant, yet still masculine.
But if it drove slower than a Honda Element, then no-one would be talking about Ferrraris would they?

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
The case is choosing between two models of ferrari.. All are kickass :D.. no matter if you are a pimp or a racer.. LOL
Abysmal Vapor,


errl enthusiast
i think what abysmal meant by disregarding performance, is that all UDs will perform more or less the same, though wood type and size will affect performance to a lesser extent. Choose one based on your personal taste, you will be much happier rather than trying to analyze the performance of each individual piece. just keep in mind that smaller pieces heat up quicker and softer woods run a bit hotter.


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
So, I have read through the thread tonight and emailed Dave about adopting a dog. My dog will be used only with glass. It also need to run hot enough to produce huge hits of nighttime medicine.

So, looking at the website, there are 10 available. I don't see any twigs, but I really like the PolkaPin!

Dave suggested a twig for glass, and I have read that others say the same thing. my questions are:

Do I need a twig for better hits through glass?
Should I order a full size dog from the site, or wait till Dave gets back to inquire about a twig, or something that will suit my situation?
Out of the available dogs, which one would be best for huge clouds through glass?

I hate waiting, but I am pretty much decided on this vape! I also love the dog theme, I have 4 dogs myself- 2 goldens and 2 labs!


Slightly Stoopid
If you are planning to run through glass I would definitely get a Twig. Dave has more pieces available than are currently listed on the site and either way I don't think any of the pieces can ship until after Feb 15 anyway. IMO the Twig will run a little hotter and will allow you to really pull the kind of clouds you seem to be looking for through those nice bubblers ;)


shade-tree vapor engineer
Gonzo is correct, no orders will be taken or shipped until we return from our trip.. whether from the website or otherwise.

There are quite a few pieces that will added to the website after I return including 10+ Twigs.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
underdog said:
Gonzo is correct, no orders will be taken or shipped until we return from our trip.. whether from the website or otherwise.

There are quite a few pieces that will added to the website after I return including 10+ Twigs.
LOL :) Can wait for that dog orgy :D..
Abysmal Vapor,


Well-Known Member
Vapemeister said:
Thanks dude.

I get the feeling the full-size UD may be better, but I wonder if the Ubertwig really does have a better heating core.
The Ubertwig also heats up in about 30 mins, I think.
Whereas the full-size UD takes about an hour?

The heating cores are the same. The full-sized UD's only take 30 minutes to warm up as well. I'd recommend going back through this thread and reading all about Underdog. Many of your questions will be answered and you will pick up a few tricks too :cool:


SirElton said:
The heating cores are the same. The full-sized UD's only take 30 minutes to warm up as well. I'd recommend going back through this thread and reading all about Underdog. Many of your questions will be answered and you will pick up a few tricks too :cool:

Thanks SirElton.
I've reviewed the thread, as you've said.
But I'm a little confused.

UD says: 'The amount of time it takes the piece to get to that heat is effected by the mass of the body though so to answer your question (kinda haha) the quickest (hottest) ones are the small pieces like...which gets up to temp in as little as 15-20 minutes vs the large side mount Tortuga... which can take close to an hour'.

Also, on page 1 of the thread: 'Currently I build two different size cores, one uses a 3/8" stem and the other a 1/4" stem'.

This seems to suggest 2 different core sizes and 2 different heating up times.
And that's straight from the horses mouth (or should I say, the 'underdog's mouth'?).
Can anyone else make the UD products a little more clear, please?
It's just that the UD appears to be a serious new generation log vape.
The internal heat core looks like it processes dilithium crystals for the Starship Enterprise!

Furthermore, a new 'solid' heat core seems to be underway.
Will this heat core be a fusion of the 23 steel 'washers', I wonder?


Great Scott!
The tortuga is unlike any other dog. It was massive lol. The rest seem to heat up in ~20 min give or take 5 here or there.

There WERE 1/4 cores, but from this moment on all UD's come with a 24/7 use core that is 3/8.

As far as I know this is the latest core and unless Dave has a secret core revision again (theres nothing to really improve with the current one IMO) then you will end up with the 3/8 core I have now.


Well-Known Member
I think this is Dave's latest post concerning the core used:http://www.fuckcombustion.com/viewtopic.php?pid=182332#p182332
He wrote:
The UD core (at the time of joining FC) used to be divided into three types: 1/4" 3 watt, 1/4" 5 watt and 3/8" 5 watt. All of these had good performance but none were rated for the 24/7 operation people wanted. I revised the 3/8" core several months back making quite a few improvements in design, performance and efficiency (amongst other things), added 24/7 operation and improved air-flow. My initial intent was to also revise the 1/4" core in a similar fashion but have decided not to do so for the time being and am now using the revised 3/8" core in all pieces being sold.

I revised the DC power supplies shipped with UDs several months ago after having a series of failures with the type I had been using. The new power supplies are still the same 12v DC but are a different technology, much more dependable and provide better performance.. those these gains are at the expense of the power supply being significantly larger.

As far as wood designs go the only revision externally noticeable is that of the uber-Twigs which are larger than the old generation of Twigs, have a side mounted power plug instead of bottom mounted and all use the revised 3/8" core.


Hey, thanks guys.
That's really helpful.

I hope UD doesn't mind me quoting him, but there's a lot to talk about with the UD vapes!

UD says: 'As far as cheaper units, I am in the middle of a core redesign with one of the objectives being to be able to offer a lower priced unit, something like a small Bullet'.
Also: 'I am in the late stages of a core redesign to a solid one, not for health concerns or anything like that but simply reasons of improved design and ease of manufacture'.

So it looks like there's a UD portable on the way (unless I'm mistaken).
In which case, I'll be keeping my eye out for a large UD like the Red Bishop.


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
Well, dogs... I am going to defer to the experts here. I have decided to wait and get a twig! This is a big step for me, since I hate waiting, and I wasn't impressed with the PD performance.


Great Scott!
Vapemeister said:
Hey, thanks guys.
That's really helpful.

I hope UD doesn't mind me quoting him, but there's a lot to talk about with the UD vapes!

UD says: 'As far as cheaper units, I am in the middle of a core redesign with one of the objectives being to be able to offer a lower priced unit, something like a small Bullet'.
Also: 'I am in the late stages of a core redesign to a solid one, not for health concerns or anything like that but simply reasons of improved design and ease of manufacture'.

So it looks like there's a UD portable on the way (unless I'm mistaken).
In which case, I'll be keeping my eye out for a large UD like the Red Bishop.

The "portable" is actually just a smaller one. The twigs are what you are talking about. Those may or may not already be on the site, but some members here have them already :) I am waiting for a custom one that will take quite a lot of work.


darkrom said:
The "portable" is actually just a smaller one. The twigs are what you are talking about. Those may or may not already be on the site, but some members here have them already :) I am waiting for a custom one that will take quite a lot of work.

Make sure you post a pic when you get it.
This I have to see!

The big ones on the UD site seem to vary in height from 3.25" to 5".
That's quite a good range to choose from.

I would want a 5" by 3" from a nice bit of burl.
But it'll probably be over $300.
So that's quite a few grannies I'll have to mug before I put the order in.


Well-Known Member
Vapemeister said:
Hey, thanks guys.
That's really helpful.

I hope UD doesn't mind me quoting him, but there's a lot to talk about with the UD vapes!

UD says: 'As far as cheaper units, I am in the middle of a core redesign with one of the objectives being to be able to offer a lower priced unit, something like a small Bullet'.
Also: 'I am in the late stages of a core redesign to a solid one, not for health concerns or anything like that but simply reasons of improved design and ease of manufacture'.

So it looks like there's a UD portable on the way (unless I'm mistaken).
In which case, I'll be keeping my eye out for a large UD like the Red Bishop.

My understanding is that the twigs should heat up quicker than their full-size counterparts - although both versions are ready in an hour or less. All of the new Underdogs are rated for 24/7 usage now, so if the heat-up time is a concern for you, you can always keep it plugged in!

I just got the mahogany twig in this week, I'm really loving it. My 1/4" Birthday vape hit like a champ...I can't believe Dave somehow made the new UDs produce even better clouds...it's insane. :D


shade-tree vapor engineer
Vapemeister said:
Hey, thanks guys.
That's really helpful.

I hope UD doesn't mind me quoting him, but there's a lot to talk about with the UD vapes!

UD says: 'As far as cheaper units, I am in the middle of a core redesign with one of the objectives being to be able to offer a lower priced unit, something like a small Bullet'.
Also: 'I am in the late stages of a core redesign to a solid one, not for health concerns or anything like that but simply reasons of improved design and ease of manufacture'.

So it looks like there's a UD portable on the way (unless I'm mistaken).
In which case, I'll be keeping my eye out for a large UD like the Red Bishop.

Hey Vapemeister sounds like you're getting most of the info you need but I figured I'd chime in just to make sure. The cored mentioned in the quoted text above was an alternate design that ended up being incorporated into the current design.. so the only core out now or in the foreseeable future is the modern 24/7 3/8" one that has been mentioned. This core will get up to speed in a Twig in 15-20 minutes and a full size piece somewhere between there and 30-40 minutes depending on size and wood type.

@ CaptainDDL - happy you're enjoying the Mahogany piece!

@ Everyone else - thanks for keeping up the good work and guarding the house while I'm gone.. it's appreciated. :cool:
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