Underdog Log Vapes


Well-Known Member
@damm I'm pretty sure the voltage isn't actually jumping around that much. The LED just struggles a bit to get an accurate readout. I've seen a bit of jumping on mine, but nothing that extreme. It's not perfect but it beats flying in the dark with zero markings, imo.

I suppose if you're referring to voltage drops from your outlet, then it is plausible. Again, that's a bit extreme. But lower voltages pose no risk to your UD


Log Hog

Love it! Nice score my friend

@damm I'm pretty sure the voltage isn't actually jumping around that much. The LED just struggles a bit to get an accurate readout. I've seen a bit of jumping on mine, but nothing that extreme. It's not perfect but it beats flying in the dark with zero markings, imo.

I suppose if you're referring to voltage drops from your outlet, then it is plausible. Again, that's a bit extreme. But lower voltages pose no risk to your UD

I think that's the nature of a dimmer. They're not reliable enough IMO. I've ran them into my vvps to see their voltage ranges and they're extremely sensitive and fluctuate a lot.


Well-Known Member
FYI, I can confirm that the EpicVape Silicone Stem Guards work on the thick all-glass direct draw UD stems (even though the UD stems are slightly larger in diameter). Nearly impossible to get on if you do it dry, but a little bit of water is all it takes to make them slide on easily. EpicVape silicone stem guards are nice because they are octagon shaped, which helps prevent the tubes from rolling.

Loving my Underdog!


Well-Known Member
My UD is arriving in the mail as early as Monday, according to online tracking *faints*. I am always amazed at the wicked fast service of this company led by Dave and Amanda. I am planning to take the day off and welcome the new pup. Never have I wanted the weekend to go by fast in my life, but when your UD is in the mail, suddenly Mondays aren't so bad.


Well-Known Member
Man, I'm loving my UD so far. I can't believe how potent it is. I get more out of one NonG bowl than I used to get out of a .5 g pipe bowl, and my throat doesn't feel raw afterwards.

Just curiously, do you guys bother to stir a NonG and hit it again, or do you call it shot as soon as it stops producing visible vapor? How about with DD glass or GonGs?


Well-Known Member
So I have a question about using glass pieces (water pipes) with the UD. I just went to my local shop, looking for a new glass to pair with the UD, but I noticed two types of glass: glass on glass and plastic (?) on glass. I saw the water pipes where the down stem was glass and totally removable, and I saw others where the down stem was plastic and not totally removable from the water pipe. I have been looking at videos, but I just wanted to know, is everyone using the glass on glass down stem style water pipes (where the glass piece is totally removable)? I am just wondering. I honestly should just wait until my UD stems come in so I can take the NonG to the shop and test it before committing to a water pipe. I am just wondering.


Well-Known Member
Man, I'm loving my UD so far. I can't believe how potent it is. I get more out of one NonG bowl than I used to get out of a .5 g pipe bowl, and my throat doesn't feel raw afterwards.

Just curiously, do you guys bother to stir a NonG and hit it again, or do you call it shot as soon as it stops producing visible vapor? How about with DD glass or GonGs?

I only stir the bigger glass stems and gong, and only then with a full load.

So I have a question about using glass pieces (water pipes) with the UD. I just went to my local shop, looking for a new glass to pair with the UD, but I noticed two types of glass: glass on glass and plastic (?) on glass. I saw the water pipes where the down stem was glass and totally removable, and I saw others where the down stem was plastic and not totally removable from the water pipe. I have been looking at videos, but I just wanted to know, is everyone using the glass on glass down stem style water pipes (where the glass piece is totally removable)? I am just wondering. I honestly should just wait until my UD stems come in so I can take the NonG to the shop and test it before committing to a water pipe. I am just wondering.

I think all glass is more popular.


@NickDlow hmmm... now you've got me thinking I need to scoop a vvps myself

I would definitely recommend it.

Underdog, Dave, sent me one and it is great. You are able to make sure the voltage to the unit is the same no matter what outlet you are plugged into (voltage can vary from outlet to outlet).

You can also raise or lower the temperature as you wish. The best part to me is that you can keep it on low voltage as a standby mode to have a faster heat up time.


Well-Known Member
I would definitely recommend it.

Underdog, Dave, sent me one and it is great. You are able to make sure the voltage to the unit is the same no matter what outlet you are plugged into (voltage can vary from outlet to outlet).

You can also raise or lower the temperature as you wish. The best part to me is that you can keep it on low voltage as a standby mode to have a faster heat up time.
You can do all that with the LED dimmer, it just jumps around a little bit. Are you sure that's not what you're referring to? The VVPS's aren't currently available on the UD site

I had my pup tuned on the hot side so I'm enjoying my glass stems at 10.5 to 11 and metal stems I use at 9.5 to 10. Flavor is great and I get a nice dark roasted abv from it at those voltages. Good times :)


shade-tree vapor engineer
Man, I'm loving my UD so far. I can't believe how potent it is. I get more out of one NonG bowl than I used to get out of a .5 g pipe bowl, and my throat doesn't feel raw afterwards.

Just curiously, do you guys bother to stir a NonG and hit it again, or do you call it shot as soon as it stops producing visible vapor? How about with DD glass or GonGs?

Glad to hear you're enjoying your Pup!

With DD or GonG stems I usually get 2-4 hits out of with a stir in the middle since they have a larger bowl. The Nylon and NonGs I like to use as one hitters and don't bother stirring. :2c:

So I have a question about using glass pieces (water pipes) with the UD. I just went to my local shop, looking for a new glass to pair with the UD, but I noticed two types of glass: glass on glass and plastic (?) on glass. I saw the water pipes where the down stem was glass and totally removable, and I saw others where the down stem was plastic and not totally removable from the water pipe. I have been looking at videos, but I just wanted to know, is everyone using the glass on glass down stem style water pipes (where the glass piece is totally removable)? I am just wondering. I honestly should just wait until my UD stems come in so I can take the NonG to the shop and test it before committing to a water pipe. I am just wondering.

I don't have a ton of experience in this area but I prefer traditional pieces with a ground glass joint. Most of our glass here in the shop have fixed joints (vs removable downstems) but all are glass, no plastic. :2c:

You can do all that with the LED dimmer, it just jumps around a little bit. Are you sure that's not what you're referring to? The VVPS's aren't currently available on the UD site

I had my pup tuned on the hot side so I'm enjoying my glass stems at 10.5 to 11 and metal stems I use at 9.5 to 10. Flavor is great and I get a nice dark roasted abv from it at those voltages. Good times :)

I test so many VVPS (so as to make better recommendations to you guys) that I usually have a handful laying around the shop and we sometimes give them away or sell them to people picking up Dogs.. I think that's the case with @itzptr.

You can definitely get the same results with the LED Dimmer assuming your Dog is hot enough to only need to come down and not go up in heat. Of course if you need more heat at the top end it's easy enough to plug a 15v power supply into the LED dimmer instead of the stock 12v one, care just has to be taken not to negligently overdrive the Dog at any point, same as using a VVPS.

Some of you guys have mentioned the numbers on the LED Dimmers jumping around a bit and yeah sometimes they do, it varies a bit between each dimmer too so it's not consistent. On higher end measurement equipment the voltage stays steady, cheaper/simpler displays just have a hard time with the 'noise' in the PWM circuits output.

I'll probably be making some larger desktop style LED Dimmers that have nicer screens for better and smoother adjustment for those people who are interested. :peace:


Well-Known Member
The dimmer is working pretty well for me. The screen stays fairly steady at 10v or higher. It can jump about .1 in either direction and fluctuates more below 10 (I assume because it measures 2 places passed the decimal) but still stays within .1 of the correct voltage. I questioned whether it was just the display or if the dimmer itself was fluctuating. If it's just the screen than that doesn't bother me and I don't need a vvps currently, because my pup gets hot enough without any assistance haha


Enter the Dragon
I think that's the nature of a dimmer. They're not reliable enough IMO. I've ran them into my vvps to see their voltage ranges and they're extremely sensitive and fluctuate a lot.

Bingo. I only find a dimmer useful for full blast or resting temps as the slightest bump can cause big fluctuations in voltage..

Just curiously, do you guys bother to stir a NonG and hit it again, or do you call it shot as soon as it stops producing visible vapor? How about with DD glass or GonGs?

I get one rip out of a NonG & anywhere from 2-4 from a GonG in most cases. Pretty similar to what Dave said but if you have ridiculously good cannabis just have a smaller NonG as they work too well as single hitters.

So I have a question about using glass pieces (water pipes) with the UD. I just went to my local shop, looking for a new glass to pair with the UD, but I noticed two types of glass: glass on glass and plastic (?) on glass. I saw the water pipes where the down stem was glass and totally removable, and I saw others where the down stem was plastic and not totally removable from the water pipe. I have been looking at videos, but I just wanted to know, is everyone using the glass on glass down stem style water pipes (where the glass piece is totally removable)? I am just wondering. I honestly should just wait until my UD stems come in so I can take the NonG to the shop and test it before committing to a water pipe. I am just wondering.

You will need a 14.5mm female joint & I would suggest a simple 10" straight tube with a removable downstem is a great starting piece. Otherwise a small bubbler or a ash catcher with a J hook may be more suited. Go to a head shop if you can & look at what they have. If you find what you like in a 18mm size you can buy a $5 18/14mm reducer easy enough.


Well-Known Member

We needed no introductions. This pup was born to obey my every command. It feels good to be part of the pack:love:

I've been having a little too much fun with my new pup these last few days and forgot to get some more pics haha. I'm loving the metal stems, as well. The ss lite and ti taper are both great! Extremely efficient and unbreakable. What's not to love? Seems like just what Dr. @ataxian ordered :D I've been using the Ti mostly for concentrates. I'm killing it in one huge milky delicious hit :ko:

I decided I would finally try out the aromatherapy cup last night. Proceeded to spill half the bottle on my dresser, so now it smells like cedar lol. At 4.5v it takes a while to melt the wax (like hours) and there wasn't very much scent produced. I didn't turn it higher than about 4.8 but I still couldn't smell it from more than a few inches away.

For the most part my dimmer has been pretty consistent, but I've noticed a few times where the display has become more erratic. What vvps would you guys recommend? Did most of you guys go with the options UD has linked on their site?


Well-Known Member

We needed no introductions. This pup was born to obey my every command. It feels good to be part of the pack:love:

I've been having a little too much fun with my new pup these last few days and forgot to get some more pics haha. I'm loving the metal stems, as well. The ss lite and ti taper are both great! Extremely efficient and unbreakable. What's not to love? Seems like just what Dr. @ataxian ordered :D I've been using the Ti mostly for concentrates. I'm killing it in one huge milky delicious hit :ko:

I decided I would finally try out the aromatherapy cup last night. Proceeded to spill half the bottle on my dresser, so now it smells like cedar lol. At 4.5v it takes a while to melt the wax (like hours) and there wasn't very much scent produced. I didn't turn it higher than about 4.8 but I still couldn't smell it from more than a few inches away.

For the most part my dimmer has been pretty consistent, but I've noticed a few times where the display has become more erratic. What vvps would you guys recommend? Did most of you guys go with the options UD has linked on their site?

I use a small vvps that underdog used to sell on their site. They now have an eBay link for it.

I've also been waiting since may on a voltage keeper.

And I have a five battery, battery pack that can raise or lower voltage by .5V.

I am curious and hopefully someone will post something about lab style vvps units


Well-Known Member
I use a small vvps that underdog used to sell on their site. They now have an eBay link for it.

I've also been waiting since may on a voltage keeper.

And I have a five battery, battery pack that can raise or lower voltage by .5V.

I am curious and hopefully someone will post something about lab style vvps units

The tattoo style unit? That could be good. I like the lab style one but it looks a bit bulky and I need something that takes up as little space as possible. I'm not too crazy about those flames either. The VK looks awesome BUT... if i thought I could get one I totally would.


Well-Known Member
The SS light stem is fun! Good find @underdog !

Fun, fun, fun, indeed!

Mine quickly became dedicated to concentrates- it came with a bonus that I'm enjoying immensely, with the aid of some degummed fiber and Super Jack shatter, of course

Fits my 14mm pieces naked :rockon: Would love to see that as an option or as standard vs using dedicated... please simplify my life, Underdog! :)


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

So I've decided to pick up an underdog. Just deciding on stems now. Any advice? I'm interested in efficiency and conservation. And I'd also like to be able to use this (as I already own it) if possible?


(I know it's not a UD product but I figured it's ok to ask about it since I want to use it with a UD)

Gotta pick out what wood I want too!


Jack of all trades, master of none.
Hey all,

So I've decided to pick up an underdog. Just deciding on stems now. Any advice? I'm interested in efficiency and conservation. And I'd also like to be able to use this (as I already own it) if possible?


(I know it's not a UD product but I figured it's ok to ask about it since I want to use it with a UD)

Gotta pick out what wood I want too!
The SS tipped stems will be best for conservation and efficiency. The 14mm NonG will be good for the glass piece. Might want one glass stem since you can put more herb in it in case you want to get crazy every once in a while or have friends over.


Well-Known Member
Hey, great choice! If you want efficiency, you can't beat the NonGs and the nylon direct draw. They (and any other stainless tipped stems) are functionally one hitters that you load with a tiny bit of herb and take in one pull. You'll be shocked how potent that tiny bit is.

Your piece should work totally fine with a 14mm gong or nong.

The 14mm GonG and glass direct draw have a significantly larger bowl than the nylon stems, I'd guess 2-2.5 times as much based on mine. They're more of a session stem, expect to get about 3 good draws and stir the bowl once while using one.

I don't have a stainless steel stem, but I've heard great things about them!
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