Heya dogs!
Just want to pop in to announce a new product from one of our many ongoing R&D projects: Dimmers with LED voltage readout screens.
Now it's easier to find your spot on your dimmer. Also, you can easily use a 15 volt power supply with this dimmer and adjust down from there, if you're finding you want to increase your vape's temperature, but don't want the hassle, the bulk, or the expense of a VVPS.
We were also able to add a screen to the remote control dimmers, but found the inline dimmers to be of higher quality.
For anyone who already has a dimmer, but would like to add just the little LED screen, get in touch with me and we can go over some options.
Also, great job with the video you guys.
So far I'm loving my UD, but was looking to mix it up a bit. Does anyone know if something like this would work with the dog if I had the proper adapter?
Amazing idea!! Why hasn't this been done before?!?!
You two never cease to amaze me with all you guys do just being you two running the show!! I'm still convinced you have an army of vape elfs in your basement.
You guys bring 'mom n pop' shops to a whole new level. You set the standard!!
Keep up the great work!
I'm curious how you guys wired this up, my understanding was that because the dimmer uses PWM a voltmeter would just always read 12v?
EDIT: Also, great job with the video you guys.
I love that you guys are always thinking of new ways to enjoy our dogs!
So far I'm loving my UD, but was looking to mix it up a bit. Does anyone know if something like this would work with the dog if I had the proper adapter?
Dimmers with LED voltage readout screens
Those digital display dimmers look sick. I wonder if you could option your UD with a LED dimmer & 15v power supply (with appropriate warnings about voltage) as a factory upgrade?
The UD I ordered just got here and it is heating up as I type this
Very, very excited to try it out
Well, some days mother nature is an artist and other days she wants to be temperamental. Occasionally, those days collide. Sadly, the blank I had sourced from @Snappo was not destined to grace me with its presence. But he was absolutely great to deal with and really helpful through the whole process. And I get the feeling I'll have another custom pup made from one of his exquisite finds soon enough
Now that it's set in stone (or madrone to be more precise) I'll go ahead and share the teaser pic I've been sent.
I might be a little biased but i think it's gorgeous!It's quite a satisfying feeling having a custom log made to your own specifications. And that feeling is increased exponentially when you have the good fortune to deal with amazing people like Dave and Amanda throughout that process. @underdog is a master woodworker who's talent obviously speaks for itself. He's like Billy the Kid on a lathe with how fast he can turn a pack of pups
but like Michaelangelo with the quality of his craft
But I think the real champ has to be @underdogette !!! I like to think I'm not too difficult but the amount of emails exchanged between us begs to differ lol. If patience is a virtue than she is a saint haha. I made so many changes and addendums to my order, I thought she would surely miss something. But she had no trouble sorting through the mess of details to make sure my order was correct.
From my short experience with them I can say that Dave and Amanda make a hell of a team! Considering the workload they take on, it's amazing how fast they get things done. If only all mom and pop businesses could be so efficient, then there wouldn't be a need for Walmart or McDonald's lol. I can't wait to have another pup made and I can't wait to show off some more pics of this one once I receive it! Dave and Amanda are great people and I hope they can continue doing this til a ripe old age!!![]()
Wow, @underdog, those all look beautiful!
Still been using my dog every day since I got it, one of the best purchases I have ever made.
Nice work man!![]()
Hey @underdog any exotic/rare minis/midis in that batch? I have a stupid supply of minis already, but there are really never enough.
That wormy olive lost dog and the ripple twig are two of my all time favorite looking logs! Oooooo