Dharma Initiate
Just saw the news about Paradise and my first thoughts went to you guys......glad to see you're OK. Much love <3
how about a gofundme to help UD out?
I set up a Go Fund Me page. Hopefully get them started on rebuilding. If anyone can write a better story, please do, and i can change it.
@underdog F*ck, man! I have no words
You mentioned earlier, that you've got still Underdogs left in stock, for a couple of months worth. Do you ship to Europe/Germany (or maybe UK - have a mate there, who could send it over then) and did this mostly work out, regarding customs (missing CE cert.) and so on? If so, I'll order a unit from your website first thing tomorrow morning!
Small contribution, but I guess, ye faster you get your stock turned into cash now, ye better.
I'm a few hours away (in Miranda) but DM me if you guys need any help of any kind. I know a couple of woodworkers in Arcata and Eureka who may have spare equipment and the like. I've appreciated your products for a few years now and would gladly lend a hand if you guys deem it necessary.
Take care. Jah will provide.
You guys are among some of the more exceptional people who I've come to know in this world, a rare breed in a slim class.. generous and good natured, I have only love and appreciation for you guys.. It's always distressing to hear news of bad things happening to good people, especially ones you know, unfortunately disaster doesn't make the distinction.. It's a good thing it takes more than that to defeat the Underdog.. The name really fits you guys like a glove.. If anyone has the potential to literally rise from the ashes, I know you two do.. I'd be glad to be of any help that I can.. I have a couple things I'll PM you about.
Looks can be, and are often deceiving, especially online, where things are largely focused on selling postured appearances, pandering, and seeking approval.. You can bet your bottom dollar that this is not the case w/ Dave & Amanda.. Make no mistake, these people are far greater and more admirable than they would ever care to sell themselves as, whether people are watching or not.. a hallmark of truly sincere and authentic people.. What's seen is the tip of the iceberg.. While none of that needs to be mentioned, I wanted to anyway.
Devastating to see the destruction, but glad you guys are safe. My thoughts are with you guys. Im sure you will be able to overcome this and prosper!
Harsh ! Heart goes out to you guys from UK.
Never been good with words so here is just One word Phoenix!
The news from Cali' and Paradise is horrendous, and to learn that Underdog have suffered amongst all these other poor folk is just heartbreaking.
I am however glad that you two are unhurt.
The firefighters and other emergency services that have worked, and are working to save those at risk, and their homes, are the pride of your nation (and indeed any nation they risk their lives in).
The best that mankind has to offer stands between hell and humanity, and they deserve to be recognised as real heroes.
I hopw that Paradise can recover from this, but my fingers are crossed especially hard for Dave and Amanda, and the future of @underdog, there's nothing better than when the underdog you support fights their way to victory, and you know we're all thinking of you guys![]()
Just saw the news about Paradise and my first thoughts went to you guys......glad to see you're OK. Much love <3
Oh wow even on the East coast that hit home... I've been a loyal Underdog supporter since I switched over from my Purple Days all those days ago
Sending good vibes your way underdog
how about a gofundme to help UD out?
here's two similar campaigns to help artisans that lost their shops/livelihoods in the fire: https://janheine.wordpress.com/2018...pdate-on-mitch-and-alistair-and-ways-to-help/
Fuck yeah, amazing people with amazing spirits, truly special people!I set up a Go Fund Me page. Hopefully get them started on rebuilding. If anyone can write a better story, please do, and i can change it.
Oh man, I have not been on FC in like forever and was randomly wondering what was new in the world of UD and just decided to pop on by. I'm glad that you guys are safe but I'm so sorry to hear that your home and shop are gone.
The amazing dog that I got from you guys like... three? years ago has more or less been plugged in 24/7 and gets utilized every day. Thanks for making such a great product, I hope that everything works out and you are able to set up shop again without a terribly long delay.
Is it safe to assume that the dogs currently up on your site are what will be available for the next while?
I might need one last “pre-rebuild” UD..Good morning everyone. Thank you so much for all your generosity, it's been a point of brightness in a dark time.
Many of you have asked about sending support, financial or otherwise, directly to us either via PayPal or via the mail. PayPal is fine and we can give you our associated email address if you don't already have it. Mail might be difficult as our post office burned as well but I think we can pick it up in the next town over and will be having it forwarded soon so shouldn't be a deal breaker.
Now, I hate asking for things but if any and all of you could possibly share the GoFundMe campaign that @Magic9 set up for us that would be incredible. We're going to rebuild and come back stronger and better than ever but we're going to need all the help and support we can get. Thank you all so much!
Thanks indicandescent, yeah the Dogs on the site are all we have left for the foreseeable future. I don't know exactly how many there currently are (between unique pieces and Vape Specials) but I think it's a decent amount right now. I'm sure they'll run out long before we're able to get up and running to make more though.
I would like to help Amanda and Dave.
Today, I made this special stand for an Underdog vape...
It's a beautiful red narra piece with an oak bowl and a yew / amaranth / boxwood / narra and turquoise inlay.
The starting price is 90$. You can join me by pm until friday 8pm (french hour) and propose a bid from this price. The one who will propose the higher bid will have the stand. All the money will go to Amanda and Dave and I will pay the shipping cost to the buyer.
Please let me know![]()