My lost dog:
I'm firing up my Underdog and missing my lost dog. I guess there's no reason any more to leave my Underdog on all the time so you won't take it and hide it from me, like you did the remote controls and anything else you thought would get my attention (which you always already had, my sweet girl)
One of the 7 great dogs of the world. All dogs are one of the seven.
Fire up your dogs, people, and spend a few minutes remembering all of our lost dogs, friends, relatives, and pets.
Good speed Trudy. Turn towards home, and go there. Many overs, over woods and fields, and streams and hills, many overs. Just turn towards home. How else would one go there? Perhaps it was a dream, and you have awakened from it. May the earth rise up beneath you, with home in your heart, and your person waiting. **
** - Dean Spanley
Sweet looking pup @CurryLeafTreehugger sorry you lost her. Beagle? I always had a pet beagle growing up as a kid, hilariously smart and sweet dogs!
? What is the function of WOOD for VAPORIZING?
What if a different material is used for the case?
@CurryLeafTreehugger does wood make it special?
@ataxian Haven't seen you around (the UD world) in a while.. welcome!
For the UD wood is: physical structure, insulation and aesthetics.
I have made some 'cases' in non-wood materials but it's hard to find ones that are: safe, affordable, have good workability and also have proper insulation properties. Many woods have all those properties plus beauty which make it a good choice. Did you have something specific in mind for a different material?
Wood is also special to/for me because I grew up in a tiny remote logging town in the middle of the woods. All my family is/was loggers and/or woodworkers so I just naturally gravitate to wood.