As promised, pictures of my new UD:
It's made of red african milkwood, and the pictures don't do it justice. I can't wait to see what it turns into after a couple years and plenty of use! I have a thick glass direct draw, a 14mm GonG, a 14mm NonG, and a Nylon direct draw. I'd intended for the nylon to be 18mm and not 14mm, but it's possible I just chose the wrong option!

I want a SS lite stem, as well, so I'm sure I'll pick the two of those up soon enough!
Again, thanks so much to whoever made it possible for me to get one made out of such a nice wood.
Edit: Review in progress: As functional as it is beautiful. Only trouble was blowing to clear out my nylon direct straw... It wasn't popping out, so I blew harder than I should have. Needless to say, I basically blasted confetti over my desk instead of into my abv container.