Hi all! So, my dog and I have gotten a chance to get to know each other now, and I'm in love. It's now my go-to home vape. One minor problem I'm trying to solve - I have an air core in mine, and I put an O-ring on the core, to prevent it from being able to slide down inside the glass stems. When I rest the unit under it's own weight, upside down into one of the stems, the weight of the dog alone is enough to push that O-ring down.
Does anyone else use the O-rings? Do you have a trick to make them stay better? Could I add 2-3 O-rings, to help add friction? Or would that be bad for the core for some reason?
I just bought one of these and watched the videos I'm still not sure what to do and how to use it. I have all the stems but church one should I use and should I move the screen? The box said it would have a dimmer? In between the extension and power supply? Idk but I don't think mine had a separate dimmer? Could be wrong. Anyways idk really how to use it outside of the wall can I just unplug and use it somewhere else? Can I just plug into a car? How do I use a cr charger? Wat are the battery packs? I also wanted to know when I put the grind in the stem (wen I do) and then I just set it on the vape and then wat happens? Which side of the stem goes to the vape? Wen do I take the hit? Is there a delay how do I make the vapor? Idk really how this thing works. But I'm sure it's simple
Can anyone send me a pic of their burnt material? Mine looks like it's been smoked idk I heard a crackle I think this thing is too hot u said it tested hot? I'm getting high but idk if it's true vapor and if I'm grinding too thick but there seems to be good grind left in the cashed bowl. Idk I'll take a pic maybe but I thought it would be more odorless and just plain thin black dust but idk I'm seeing colors of green and stuff in the product I blow out. I'm not sure how to tel if it's working?
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In the spirit of Vincent Van Gogh!!!
Mine can get black on top, but usually if *overpacking*. The default screen positions worked well for me. Grind = normal 4pc grinder for me. Those stainless tips almost never give me 100% even ABV (better than glass though), but its the most even ABV I've seen a vape one hit a small amount of, and there is little to zero visible vapor left in the material once hit. If the slight char bothers you, definitely try a dimmer, or maybe a VVPS if you really want to tune it. I find just heat soaking less, combined with a water peice, and drawing faster (this is key) gives me a nice medium brown-light brown ABV if I want it. I have some HW to do tonight, but I'll post some ABV pics for you later. I doubt you are combusting, if you want less hot/lung busting hits try the glass stems. If you actually combust: you'll see /feel a massive increase in "vapor" that will be noticeably different and harsh than vapor. I have actually yet to do this with my UD, though I have had it happen with the enano (user error). I requested a hot UD as well, for greater body high.I'm thinking it's just burning the top and then not truly vaporizing all my grind? I swear the material closest to the screen on my nylon one is still fresh but the grind in front had turned black and the nylon stem gets hot in my mouth I have to stop the hit. I still get visible vapor or smoke I'm starting to think it's just the top weed smoke. Don't get me wrong I know this thing is sweet but I'm guessing I'm not using it correctly or it's just burning my weed, so it's not really vaporizing and it all gets too hot the nylon stem, I only have the gong and two direct draw stems I haven't used still. I've only been using the nylon one and it burns my mouth after a bit, I read that you want very slow 15 second hit? I try that and it gets hot after a while. I am also pushing the stem down and just trying to feel a good hit but idk maybe the grind is too big and needs to be finer. Also could I use the Gong and glass stems without a bong? I have the air core underdog
There's only one way to know for sure. Take a tiny amount of herb and burn it. Compare the two.I'm thinking it's just burning the top and then not truly vaporizing all my grind? I swear the material closest to the screen on my nylon one is still fresh but the grind in front had turned black and the nylon stem gets hot in my mouth I have to stop the hit. I still get visible vapor or smoke I'm starting to think it's just the top weed smoke. Don't get me wrong I know this thing is sweet but I'm guessing I'm not using it correctly or it's just burning my weed, so it's not really vaporizing and it all gets too hot the nylon stem, I only have the gong and two direct draw stems I haven't used still. I've only been using the nylon one and it burns my mouth after a bit, I read that you want very slow 15 second hit? I try that and it gets hot after a while. I am also pushing the stem down and just trying to feel a good hit but idk maybe the grind is too big and needs to be finer. Also could I use the Gong and glass stems without a bong? I have the air core underdog
I just bought one of these and watched the videos I'm still not sure what to do and how to use it.
I have all the stems but church one should I use and should I move the screen?
The box said it would have a dimmer? In between the extension and power supply? Idk but I don't think mine had a separate dimmer? Could be wrong.
Anyways idk really how to use it outside of the wall can I just unplug and use it somewhere else?
Can I just plug into a car? How do I use a cr charger?
Wat are the battery packs?
I also wanted to know when I put the grind in the stem (wen I do) and then I just set it on the vape and then wat happens? Which side of the stem goes to the vape?
Wen do I take the hit? Is there a delay how do I make the vapor? Idk really how this thing works. But I'm sure it's simple
Can anyone send me a pic of their burnt material? Mine looks like it's been smoked ... I'm getting high but idk if it's true vapor and if I'm grinding too thick but there seems to be good grind left in the cashed bowl. Idk I'll take a pic maybe but I thought it would be more odorless and just plain thin black dust but idk I'm seeing colors of green and stuff in the product I blow out. I'm not sure how to tel if it's working?
The best of threads are a great place to start.
You are correct on both counts. Enjoy and welcome!This seems like a dumb question but I just got my UD today and also ordered a dimmer separately. So I was wondering how do I connect it? Is it Wall wart -> dimmer -> extension cord?
Also once I have that all connected can I just switch the dimmer to off, then when I want to use the unit can I turn it on? Once I turn it on do I put the dimmer to max to get the normal voltage/vaping temp?
I'm going to try the glass stem right now about 3/4 packed and I flipped my grinder so it grinds more finely. I hear I should twist and slow hit? Or maybe puff on it? It seems like I burn the weed because wen I dump the cashed weed it's ash with little brown and should the hits taste or seems much different then smoke? I really just want to know how to use it so it draws a big cloud of pure vapor, and if I'm right all the weed should be a yellowy brownish color wen I blow it out. I don't want smoke.
This seems like a dumb question but I just got my UD today and also ordered a dimmer separately. So I was wondering how do I connect it? Is it Wall wart -> dimmer -> extension cord?
Also once I have that all connected can I just switch the dimmer to off, then when I want to use the unit can I turn it on? Once I turn it on do I put the dimmer to max to get the normal voltage/vaping temp?
I'd like to give water filtration a try. what's a glass piece that's high quality, compact in size, and works well with the UD?
I asked this question myself when I got my UD, so lemme pay it forward. I do wallwart > dimmer > UD. I havent found a need for the extension cord. I always vape at the highest temperature, so the dimmer is a bit of an on/off switch for me. I'm considering a Wemo switch that I can control with my phone and maybe even remotely turn it on when I'm commuting home.
One tip I can share...if you ordered the hitlights dimmer, it does not have any markings. If you want markings, the easiest way is to heat up a sewing needle on the stove or under a lighter and simply melt dot(s) on the dimmer. Of course, dont poke too deep -- surface level only.
Hope everyone survived monday.
Needing a little assistance keep grtting 404 not found at the end of finishing my order any ideas.
D020-D or the matrix bubbler from steven on dhgate. I personally have the matrix bubbler and the diffusion is insane.
Thanks, i'll keep that in mind. They included the extension cord because mine runs hot but since I have the dimmer I can probably omit the extension cord. Since mine runs hot I should just try to find the right spot for me with the dimmer and mark it. Is that why you are suggesting I should mark it?
Can you post a picture of a packed stem? The glass shouldn't be getting too hot. Just curious to see exactly how your packing and using the stem.The glass gets way too hot and I am not getting very big hits hardly getting high. I've tried twisting I try to pull oon the stem hard, slow. idk I can't seem to get it to work.