I just went crazy and bought the Tekpower VVPS, The OLD 18650 battery pack from Fast tech, It looks better than the New model on Amazon due to the variable voltage IMO. And I bought this So I can make my own with a deans plug input to use any one of my many Lipo batteries from RC's. They are mostly 11.1v? I wonder if this will get up to 13+V with a 3s 11.1v Lipo? If not I do have a 22.2v 6s if needed but its a lot bigger.
And these little metal 1 hitters are the best buy on the underdog website. You can make 1 hitters out of anything! This is a 14/18mm male adapter from a CCA zeus nail I had laying around so it fits any female connection.
That DROK board is a boost only board which means it can raise voltage above input but not lower it below input. Shouldn't be an issue if you only need to boost the voltage but figured I'd mention it just in case.