I am thinking I may want to get an econo-dog to try out a log vape. I have a few questions though. What is the difference from a standard UD vs Econo-dog besides 12v or 17v. Can I leave the econo on 24/7? Is it compatible with all UD accessories besides charges? Can I use one of the portable battery packs that are being posted about or will it damage something? If I get the econo can I also get the mini? Is the mini as powerful as a standard dog? Any coupon/discount codes?
Sorry for all the questions.
The differences between the Econo-Dog and regular Dogs:
- Econo-Dog runs on 17v+ whereas the regular Dogs are 12v
- Econo-Dog is an AirCore design so is meant to be used with the stainless tipped nylon and NonG stems, they don't have the design features to work particularly well with our glass stem options.
- Econo-Dogs don't work with car chargers and require their own unique power supply and extension cables.
You can run them 24/7 just like the regular Dogs.
They won't work with a standard battery pack as they require considerably higher voltage.
An Econo-Dog and Mini is probably the worst possible combination since they require different power supplies and accessories and neither is happy using glass stems. Plus the combined price puts you into the regular UD price range.
No discount codes other than the 'free' shipping code in my signature.
... It uses at about half the voltage of a standard UD IIRC (I may be wrong, I do forget

) ...All the stems can be used on any of the UD's...
Close but no cigar..
The Mini uses the same 12v as a regular UD but only draws about 1/2 the power.
The glass stems will technically work on the Minis (and AirCores and Econo-Dogs) but not as well as on regular Dogs because of the lack of stem-stop. They can be handheld though or a core o-ring installed to act as a stop. Workable but not as good a solution as the regular Dogs.
I've read on your guys site that the life of the underdog is like having a set number of running hours so by leaving it on 24/7 you're putting more wear on it. I actually don't know if that's true. Coming from vintage stereos, as long as the idle power consumprion isn't an issue it's best to leave them on 24/7 as its not the being on that's bad for them but the transistion from off to on and on to off. I would think the same thing would go for the underdog that it's the transition from off to on and vice versa that would cause the majority of wear and tear over time rather than leaving it on 24/7 since all you have is a heater and essentially a heatsink. I wasn't sure though so I figured I'd bring it up. But honestly when it comes to reliability, when does anyone have a problem with their UD? I feel like mines built like a tank and it such a simplistic design that I feel like it's bullet proof and could last 100 years easily
Vintage stereos.. cool. I used to do a lot of repair work on vintage equipment.
There is a little stress on the heating elements in the Dogs during heat-up but much less than the wear 'n tear from sustained operation, if the UD is powered on it's power consumption is pegged at 100% max.
We talk about a lifespan measured in time-run because the primary modes of failure are heating element fatigue and degradation of the wooden body due to cumulative effects of heat exposure.
They do live a good long time though and oh what an enviable life dogs live.
I have one of those $5 dimmers that
@underdog recommended and i leave my dog on 24/7 but i turn it down to what i feel is below 50% power.....when im ready to use it i just turn the dial up and it only takes a minute to get up to temp....
That's a great compromise and will surely extend the operational lifespan of your Pup.. just like using a VVPS to lower voltage when not in use.