Quick Preview and first day opinion on the Underdog Log.
This Buckeye Burl dogg showed up yesterday afternoon. I snapped a fast teaser photo on my phone but plan to use my gf camera to get some high quality pictures once i get the chance.
First off this is my first log vape I was going in off the positive feed back of fellow FC members. Once i got the dogg warmed up I reached for the direct draw first. I was able to get instinct big rips with out restriction other than the pack of the herb. I then used it thru water with a nong and it was a little different to use since the nong does not lock into place, in other words not a hands free set up. But the hits were amazing really smooth. Next I reached for the whip and felt just like my old vapor bros box minus the huge bowl and long hose haha. I really enjoyed having the whip experience since parting with my VB box in spring last year. The nylon stem worked pretty good as well nice flavor over all. Finally not to be forgotten the aroma cups with a few drops of the orange oil and some bees wax the over all experience has been a pleasant one. With the cup and whip its like a mini hand held vapor bros box. With any stem using the SS tip its like a few great hits almost the one hitter but just a few more closer to 4 or 5 on avg so far. With the direct draw that will get u ready couch locked if using solo. I'm taking the dog to over my friends house tonight to continue breaking it in. He has been only vaping with hammer since i sold him it 3 months ago, so im curious to what he thinks since he is the only one of my friends that has realized that vaping is the best way.
Any ways thought i would chime in with a little feed back of the first impressions with are nothing short of outstanding.
@underdog & @underdogette Thanks for bring this pup to life for me and doing it in such a quick easy and unique manner. This whole experience has got me even further interested in this underground community vaping. The chance to work with quality small businesses and not give money to big companies and corporations makes me feel a lot better about this world. In some respects this world of big business has grown "too big to fail" but in others it already rebuilding from the bottom up. To support the rebirth of america and small business is an honor i hope to spend a life time contributing to.
@Snappo & @Ed's TnT this wouldnt be concluded even if it was suppose to be a short post with out a huge thanks for all the help and great craftsmanship your guys bring to the table.
What a freaking beauty! @Snappo did you right and you have an amazing vape! I look forward to working up your stems to match. @underdog & @underdogette Thanks for all yall do for everyone here and for getting that SS tip out to me!