Hey Dogs I'm caught up on most of my work for once so thought I'd drop by with a general update from UD country, you know what's been going on around here lately, some random thoughts, etc.
I've really been having a lot of fun with custom orders lately, it's too bad though that so many of the people commissioning them (probably 90%) don't want pictures of them shared publicly. Not you guys here on FC but mostly people that don't trust putting this kind of stuff on the net. Bummer the lack of pictures really but their wish is my command.
The rain finally stopped here in my area of NorCal so now I can throw all the shop doors wide open again and get back to work. Lots of pretty pieces in the works including someone who I think is going to have me make them a Space Modulator in high-end Bidwell Walnut.. that should be fun, I'll post pictures if they allow.
Had a handful of people who happened to be driving thru NorCal stop by to pick pieces up and visit for a bit which is always nice. Any of you Dogs who are ever in the area and want to visit are more than welcome just let me know, my only requirement is that you don't be an axe murderer, grouchy or a crazy stalker or anything since we're still running out of our humble home shop.
On the subjects of shops we're still working on moving to a larger/nicer location but it's going pretty slowly. We did raise some funds towards that goal with help from the Holiday Sale but in the end only brought in about 10% of what we need to change shops. We'll keep on plugging away and do it the slow way no worries.
Once we do manage to get into a larger space we'll be having an UD get together for any of you who are interested. Food, vapor, live music, the works. We'll also have the ability to once again run workshops for people interested in coming in and making their own Dog(s). More on all that later, getting ahead of myself here a bit lol.
Alright enough for now, I'll let you all get back to your regularly scheduled programs..