Good afternoon dogs,
I have been enjoying my UD quite a bit, but I seem to be combusting material more often then not… I am not yet using the VVPS because I like to keep the UD plugged in 24/7. I have tried loading more/less, pulling harder/softer, but still combust the material.
Have any of you noticed some UD's running hotter then others? I have also, on occasion, noticed smoke/vapor coming from the UD when it has not been in use. Is this a normal characteristic?
Thank all in advance for your answers.
underdog Just want to say my UD is so much more beautiful in person. I'm proud to have it on display! Also, you put out some awesome new dogs with the last refresh. I'm already excited to see what comes next!
underdogette So many woods in the world, it's hard to pick just one! I am a fan of lighter wood with dark highlights (perhaps why I went with the Spalted Tamarind) or vice versa. I guess I need a little contrast!
MileHighLife Good looking new dog, enjoy!
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