So much info in here, I've been researching vaping for a little over two weeks now, I think I am finally ready to say fuck combustion. Also thanks to this awesome forum, I now know that I only want a UD, it seems to fit my situation perfectly. My question is, where do you guys get the attachments to use it with a bong? And if you just use it with the standard glass tube, are the hits harsh at all/hot?
if you want the most convenient and most asthetic option, send a message to dave(or amanda, underdogette) for a WonG(wood on glass)
I just got 2 this morning and they rock!(or actually they wood...

but if the connecton on your bong is a 14 mm GonG you can also use the simple glass stem with a piece f the thinwalled silicon tubing(provided with the underdog/simple glass stem) to make a seal, or you can take a piece of the thickwalled tubing and cut a taper to one end.
I do recommend some sort of diffusion, when my diffused downstem broke I rarely used my bong anymore, the diffusion makes it possibe to take a slower and more steady/constant drag.
as to recommendations, you could check out the glass subforum.
I now own a bong and a bubbler(well, a precooler I use as bubbler), and my opinion is:
standard bong is easier to clean, I have an ehle 250 ml, and with diffused downstem it's an excellent piece, while not too expensive(I live in europe, so low shipping costs played a role too)
then the bubbler, a precooler with a j-hook(sometimes I use it without j-hook if I want a short vaporpath). it has an 8-arm tree percolator, so not so easy to clean, I can easily put the tap to an end and so thoroughly rinse it with hot or cold water. it's cheap glass, but it functions well so far. it makes less noise(with the ehle the bubbles break on the glass wich makes a cling-sound, and the tube-shape amplifies the bubbling I think), sometimes convenient on the same level that the noise of chips can be annoying on some ocassions.(moviewatching)
the shape also makes it easier to keep my eyes on the tv while hitting.
also it clears a lot faster, for some odd reason with the ehle the vapor keeps lingering in the tube longer while clearing, it basically is partly thinned down by the incoming air while with the precooler/bubbler Ican see it getting all replaced by the incoming air instead of thinned.
but I do have to pay attention to the angle I hold it to let most of the arms bubble.
price of both was about the same I think, the precooler/j-hook combo a bit cheaper if I include the diffused dowbstem in the price of the ehle.
this is the precooler:
with this J-hook"Saxobong"-Mouthpiece-18.8mm-connection
and this is the ehle 250 ml(although I bought mine off EDIT, headnature is cheaper I think, didn't know of them yet when I bought the ehle):
with this downstem: