Hey guys nice sticker suggestions so far.. keep 'em coming, we'll give it a few more days before we make a decision and put in an order. I think we'll select one from the submissions and have that and our classic sticker reprinted, I wish we could do all of them but it's not in the budget.
@ BUZZHEAD - hey man, long time no talk.. 5 heart attacks & 7 stints!? You don't do anything half way huh? Glad to hear you're still kicking, hard to hold an UD down! I haven't found any Cocobolo big enough to make a piece like that yet but I have one or two remaining stash places to check so I'll look in those tomorrow and see.
@ Buildozer - 50% huh? That's awesome, that's what we like to hear!
@ UserLain - Thanks for posting, always happy to see people pop into the forum with their happy updates.

Your Pup very well might run hotter at night because the stock power supply is an unregulated one and it's output will run higher when the power grid is less taxed (ie: nights, holidays, weekends, etc).. so no, it's probably not your imagination and it shouldn't be anything to worry about.
So, as usual lots of stuff going on around here. Working on a bunch of custom jobs, working finishing up some equipment work in the shop, still processing and sorting wood (and buying more of course) and still trying to find time to cram in R&D as well. I'm a busy Dog..
I'm working on a refresh right now in case anyone is wondering, not a huge one by any means probably only 20-25 pieces but I think there will be a little bit of everything in there so hopefully everyone is happy.
Alright enough rambling for now, time to shut things down for the night.. lots to do tomorrow.