I got a couple of WonGs from Dave today to try out. I'm not sure why he sent two, but I figured I should put two UDs to work for proper testing.
I've never really been a huge fan of the silicone stem for direct draw with my UD, but when I realized how much my pup likes to play with water, I've been a quest for the perfect UD/water filtration solution. At first I just hacked away at a thick silicone stem to make a workable solution to connect my UD to a 14mm downstem. It was funcional, but not very elegant.
I then began to use one of Dave's wood stems to mate (albeit crudely) with my glass. I really liked how the glass-lined stem was designed. But it was a bit awkward to vaporbong with due to the length of the stem. It mated with my downstems fine (both 14.4mm and 18.8mm), but again seemed to lack the elegance that I desired.
I bought one of Dave's GonG adapters, and while it was well made and did funcion ok, I didn't like the fact that it required some stirring.
Enter the WonG.
It combines the sleek water adaptability of Dave's GonG adapter, with the elegant design of Dave's wood stem. The real genius of it is how it is connected by a piece of glass tubing, just like the wood stem. This allows for really tasty hits that don't come into direct contact with the wood at all. This makes for easy cleaning and/or reclaim.
The WonG is not as airtight as a traditional GonG connection, but it's damn close. I did several tests where I blocked the airflow of the WonG stem and pulled hard on my glass and compared the amount of air with the same test using a GonG plug. There was slightly more air entering with the WonG as there was with the GonG, but IMO the difference is negligiable and will not affect performance.
There is more restriction when using the WonG as opposed to the silicone stem on its own due to the smaller interior diameter of the glass lining, but it was not enough to bother me at all.
The WonG adapters fit very snugly into all my glass pieces' downstems. There is a little bit of play compared to a traditional GonG piece, but not very much. The WonG easily allowed me to vaporbong with my ion bub handsfree with no problems. Any downstems that are not perpindicular will require a helping hand as was the case with my BW inline bub (it has an angle to the downstem as you can see in the photo below).
Enough of my rambling. Bottom line is that the WonG is the ShiT. Anyone who likes to vaporbong with their pup should have one of these. Simple as that.
I almost forgot to mention that screen placement with the WonG is as easy as pie since the glass tubing acts as a stopper for the screen to sit flush on. I can't tell you how many times I've been pissed off when my screen moved inside my silicone stem, causing my lazy ass to poke it out, and re-insert it at my exact prefered spot.
Anyway, I'm really high from WonG testing and should probably stop typing, so I'll leave you with a couple of pics of these bad boys.