Heya Dogs just checking in to see how you're all doing.. from the looks of things pretty good eh?
Nothing much exciting to report right at this moment, just continuing to keep on keeping on.. and breaking down that wood I pictured on the trailer a little while back. That plus the other wood that came in just a few days ago (the Monkey Pod, and the absolutely most stunning Ambrosia Maple I've ever seen!) has been keeping me busy in what little time I normally spend outside the shop. One of these days I'm going to have to take another vacation since I can't seem to force myself to take a break otherwise lol.
Oh wait, some of my favorite people, the freight company showed up today with a new little air compressor to replace an older one that's on it's last legs. I was afraid they weren't going to make before the long holiday but this driver really went the extra mile and made sure it got here today.. thanks dude!
New little air compressor: (this is what qualifies as excitement in my life these days)
Plenty of real exciting things coming soon though of the non-equipment variety. We're going to be cutting back some practices, products and services that aren't working out so we can free up more time to make Dogs. We're not talking minor improvements in production we're talking significant improvement like doubling the amount of Dogs we can put out withing the next 6 months. We'll also be able to resume investing a respectable amount of time and resources into R&D again so we can keep fresh and get on with updating the product and introducing new ones. That's the kind of stuff I find really exciting and like to share with you guys and we'll go into more detail later as we actually start to make these adjustments and whatnot.. good times coming, good times.
Oh, one other bit of awesome newness.. the WonG stems are shaping up and looking good. I had a chance to spend some time on them over the past two days and actually made a few. Very nice, very functional and I should be able to do them at a price you guys will probably approve of, probably $15 and less. I'll be sending the first ones out to some of our testers over the next week or so and then we'll start offering them on the website a week or two after that. All hail the mighty WonG!
Alright Dogs, I'm heading back to the shop to get back to cutting down this wood and finding places to store it. Gotta get as much work in as possible as tomorrow we'll be closed so we can go party with friends and family for Thanksgiving.