*Warning a little foggy when i wrote this*
Just wanted to type up my review for my new underdog.
First want to thank Dave for working with me on finding the dog with right fit for my family. My wife and I have a rustic feel to our house and Dave was able to send me a pic of a few peace he had that feel to them. Here is a pic of my new baby
That is my other dog Baxter in the background

I order the GonG "water pipe" adapter and love it. The joint is nice and tight on my precooler but it uses a small silicone tube to connect to the dog and when i would pull away to clear my pipe the dog wouldn't let go very easily so I put a Keck clip an and now it works like a dream.
My overall impression of the dog is Wow. I have been using the MFLB for about 2 months and there is a very noticeable difference between the it and the dog. For me the high with the box wasway to mellow, but the dog get me foggy after 3 super cloudy hits. I have read/watched all info on how to correctly hit, grind, and shake the box. I can get some ok clouds from the box but nothing compered to the dog. I know this has been said before but the dog hits like a truck! One session i use about .2 or .3 gram and i feel like i just ripped 2 gram blunt. The wife is crazy about it. This was the best purchase could have made.
I do have one question. How many rips do you guys get from your dog before you need to reload her up?