Underdog Log Vapes

What is the best way to indicate if your medicine is spent?
The easiest way is the taste, generally speaking when it doesn't taste fresh like a plant matter taste it's done. Some people do push it a bit further which is fine and i have kicked it early sometimes using that judgement but that is the easiest way.

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Well-Known Member
reading around looking for ramdom info, found this:
wouldn't it be cool if we could make a portable version of this so you could set it up in the forrest and use your dog there with energy provided by the earth?
no idea if it's feasible tough, but would be really cool if it would be possible. and when the zombocalypse happens we will still be able to enjoy our UD's:D
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Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I love my Underdog still! I am getting it down to the point where 1-2 loads of the whip that I one hit tends to get me medicated just enough for the next hour or two. That is saying something for my tolerance level.

I also just got my website set up today. I wanted to start a vaporizer review/news blog. Something the community can reference for their search for the perfect vaporizer. Check it out:

I want to get a written and video review up of my two dogs.


Well-Known Member
Had my ud for a little while now and have been impressed from the moment I opened the box. Everything was packed very well and it's immediately obvious how well-crafted this vape is. On first plugging it in, there was a strong, acrid smell coming from the heat port once it had a chance to warm up a bit. I'd read here that a few people had a similar experience and that it was probably residual walnut oil. Whatever was causing it, it had faded noticeably after a couple of hours and was completely gone after a day or two. There's still a faint sweet/toasty (if that makes any sense) smell near the top of the unit, but it doesn't seem to affect the flavor and it's a nice aroma anyway.

For the first session I used a medium grind and loaded an amount roughly equal to the area of a dime. Two medium-speed pulls of about 5 seconds each and I was done! Probably could have gotten a little more out of the stem but I really didn't need it. The next time I loaded a little less and tried to draw the session out a bit more, two faster pulls to start followed by two slower. It still seemed like the stem was mostly done after the first two, but there was some wispy vapor in the last couple. The abv came out light to medium brown both times, which is how I like it. The default setup with the included power supply and screens positioned about an inch from the end of the silicone stems just right to me, although I may try moving the screen up or down a little just to see what happens.

My plan for the ud was to pass it along to a combuster friend who I'm trying to convert to vapor. After testing it out I'm confident that if he doesn't like vapor it won't be the fault of the ud, which in my opinion is a top-notch vape. I've started to get a little attached though, so if he ends up liking it I may need a replacement for myself before too long :)

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
My (Down)Under Dog arrived today :D
I really love the look of the Tasmanian BlackWood :luv:, and I am lucky that it actually matches some of the wood furniture I already have :)
I had some errands to run today, so I plugged it in with my power supply I had bought for my CRZ (Dave gave me a discount on shipping instead of a power supply, since I'm in Aus), and off I went.
I came back about 1.5-2 hours later, and noticed that my room had a nice smell to it, so I'm guessing whatever oils it was burning off smelled nice to begin with :)
The puppy was warm to touch, and with a 2hr heatup, I figured it would be ready to go.

I figured out the easiest way for me to mate it up to some glass (Thick stem->7th-Floor 14mm WPA->14-18mm low profile reducer->EQ cyclone bowl->Mobius Matrix desc perc... I didn't say it would be the easiest way for everyone to hook it up to glass :lol:) and loaded a stem.
I was a little hesitant of putting the stem on at first, as my brain just really didn't like the idea of "a plastic-y thing touching hot metal" but I knew it would work fine, since its been working for everyone else.

I finally got to hit it and... :/.
Very little visible vapor, and my load only went to a golden brown at best...
I definitely need a new power supply, as I'm now sure that either my one is running lower than the 12V it says, or I need a 13V type setup...
Having said that, I am quite surprised how medicated I am, given the small amount I used and only getting it halfway to where I'd like (as a guestimation:shrug:)
Basically, even with a coolish running puppy, I like what I know I'm gonna get when I pick up my VVPS, but I'm gonna have to wait a week or so for it to arrive :(

I've got my little one in a blanket at the moment, lets see if that warms her up enough :)
I also have yet to try moving the screen closer to the heatport, but I thought it looked pretty close with the screen where it is.

I'll be sure to post some pics of the puppy soon, as well as a vid or 2 once I get my VVPS :brow:

I've gotta say, the FC goodie bag was really awesome :D thanks for that Dave.
I got a glass jar, a plastic jar, a jar of underbutter, 2 glass stems, each in a nifty stem holder, as well as 2 thick silicone stems, 1 thin silicone stem, a whole bunch of screens, a little muslin bag, and a bit of dowel to help get the screens into position.

It feels like my puppy is a bit warmer now that I've typed this post with it all bundled up, I'm gonna see how she hits :cool:


Active Member
Thanks that such a sick idea.

The easiest way is the taste, generally speaking when it doesn't taste fresh like a plant matter taste it's done. Some people do push it a bit further which is fine and i have kicked it early sometimes using that judgement but that is the easiest way.

Exactly, I used pack to more and vape but noticed that the flavors really do get distorted after a while and that is when I quit. The herb is a greenish golden brown and I know their are still active ingredients in them but I just did not enjoy the flavor and potency. Somedays I go further to a darker level just depends on how I feel. Recently, I have readjusted the screen closer to the tip and pack a very smaller grinded amount of herb and use the back end of a Bic to give it a slight tamper. I like this multiple small hit technique because each hit will be strong, flavorful, and unadulterated.

Peace n Pot,


The Cloud Conductor
Hey Dave, just wondering if my UD has shipped yet. I've been combusting since Monday and I hate it.


here for the chicks
So you do need more powerrrrr after all aye? Just be careful with the blanket Fred, I wasn't and am pretty sure I loosened my core this way. I'd say two hours straight at most. I felt the same about the silicon at first btw. Even stronger perhaps. But trust me, you'll get over it eventually :lol:

She looks good anyways, welcome to the pack bro :tup:

Lemme show off what the Underdude and -dudette just made me. It's not as shinny as you guys are used to because I opted for a different finish then the walnut oil Dave normally uses. These are finished with beeswax instead. Load and behold, my new Abluesymahoe vape & sidekick:


Love how the caddy turned out Amanda, you can be sure I'll keep these two paired indefinitely. Thanks again for making me one on such a short notice.

Now the long wait for international mail begins *sigh*

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I love the look of the beeswax finish there OTA.
It was only about 15-20 minutes to get that bit of oomph I was after, I certainly wouldn't want to leave it for hours...

I tried pushing the screen a bit closer to the heater core (about 1cm closer than where it was originally - so that there's only a tiny gap between the end of my bud and the start of the heater), and I'm certainly getting better results :ko:
I left it on for about 6 hours after my first stem, so it was definitely up to temp this time, and I didn't need to wrap it up in a blanket either :tup:

I'm more than happy after having 2 stems, which is less than I would've packed in my LSV...
I can see this puppy is gonna become a working dog pretty quickly:dog:

Also, I'm really loving the grain of the TBW, it has a really cool holographic effect to it when you move it around under direct light. From one angle, you can see the main dark/light vertical stripes grain of it, and from another angle, that all sort of brightens up to the same color, and all the little bits that accent the grain look like their own entirely different pattern...
Basically, it's very cool, and I caught myself staring at it, just sorta turning it over in my hands, for about 15 mins :lol:


The Cloud Conductor
To my pleasant surprise my UD was at my doorstep waiig for e after work. I wasn't expecting it until Saturday because I ordered late Monday night. Much thanks to Dave for the quick shipment. My dog is warming up and I can't wait for the first hit. First impressions coming soon..


The Cloud Conductor
I let the dog warm up for about an hour and the only smell was a faint, sweet, and mild woodsy smell. After grinding up some loud, I hit the glass tube and I couldn't taste anything but green. The taste is about on par with the LSV, which is pretty impressive. I was bit underwhelmed at first because out of habit, I was trying to hit it like my LSV. The LSV has such an unrestricted airflow and I'm used to hitting it pretty fast. The dog's airflow is a bit more restriced and requires a slower,steadier, and longer pull. Once i figured this out I began blowing foggers through my bong. I may have over did it because this was day 5 without a vape and the vapor just was delicious. I'm super vaked and super pleased with my UD.


one in a billion
Company Rep
Love how the caddy turned out Amanda, you can be sure I'll keep these two paired indefinitely. Thanks again for making me one on such a short notice.

You're welcome! I think you're going to love this wood even more in person!
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Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
The testing continues :science:

I tried out the glass stem last night, it worked quite well, but it was a bit warm for me, and I had a bit of an uncomfortable feeling in the back of my throat after it.
I get that with all of my vapes that haven't gone through water though, so it's nothing against my puppy.
The taste was really nice, and I was surprised how many hits I got from such a small load.
Then I spent another 5 mins looking at the grain again :lol:
It was strange, when I got up today, the UD didn't feel as warm as last night (only slightly), and my vapor was a bit thinner than last night, so I went back to the blanket :tup:. 20 mins or so all bundled up and I'm getting pretty nice vapor :).
I'm beginning to wish I'd ordered that VVPS ahead of time :lol:
Frederick McGuire,


The glass tubes don't all fit with 14mm, but if you order the thin silicone tubing, that makes a 100% air-tight seal with any 14mm GonG joint without buying an additional adapter.
i use the thick silicone and it works great with 14mm. the silicone feels sturdy, unlike the da buddha tubing. and although silicone is sticky, it really helps keep the herb in the tube and from my initial feelings, i'm starting to really like it. i use a 2-3 inch silicone with water bubbler and since i dont bother reclaiming thru silicone, i choose to rinse & dry almost every day. very easy to maintain.


Well-Known Member
Can't beleive I forgot to thank you for my goodies aswell, thanks dave! Enjoying my dog so far.

It's a little harsher than my extreme Q, but since I take less hits I'm sure it will be fine, and the efficiency is great. Been enjoying my dog and playing diablo 3 the last few nights and it has been the best


Got my Maple Twig and love it! The grains are horizontal in some light and vertical in other light. Very cool for what at first appeared to be quasi plain-janeish. Thanks Dave for the craftsmanship and bag o' goodies and thanks to the members on this forum for steering me in the right direction. Still getting the hang of it a bit...never used anything but the MLFB, but the leaning is a fun process :tup: . This thing gets warm (like don't grab it too tight or you'll know it warm). Not a problem, but I was surprised. We have a newer house and must be strong current on the grid. I think I may need to move my screens back as some ABV was blackish... Anyone on here accidentally com bust in one of these? Any pics of ABV? How dark do you take it and how fine do you grind? Fine grind from the MFLB won't stay put of course... Anyway, hope to master it over the weekend! Thanks again to all!


Well-Known Member
a plain jane dog doesn't exist I think :p
some may look plain jane on pics, but judging by how mine looked even better in reality as it did on the pics and changes with the lioghtreflection, I think all dogs are like that and will look different under any angle


Great Scott!
Got my Maple Twig and love it! The grains are horizontal in some light and vertical in other light. Very cool for what at first appeared to be quasi plain-janeish. Thanks Dave for the craftsmanship and bag o' goodies and thanks to the members on this forum for steering me in the right direction. Still getting the hang of it a bit...never used anything but the MLFB, but the leaning is a fun process :tup: . This thing gets warm (like don't grab it too tight or you'll know it warm). Not a problem, but I was surprised. We have a newer house and must be strong current on the grid. I think I may need to move my screens back as some ABV was blackish... Anyone on here accidentally com bust in one of these? Any pics of ABV? How dark do you take it and how fine do you grind? Fine grind from the MFLB won't stay put of course... Anyway, hope to master it over the weekend! Thanks again to all!

I get BLACK abv in my twig (with prototype core) if I leave it on in my car too long and hit it. Black is a bit too dark for me personally, so I unplug it between bowls when on the car power supply. Then it stays nice and perfect since it takes ~2 min to reach FULL temp on my setup. Very quick. Even with the black ABV I am yet to combust using an underdog. I think it would take some trickery to do such a thing.

I have no problem with anything from super fine MFLB powder like grinds, to broken by hand fresh nuggets. It all vapes well but if it is too big it will get stuck in the heater core which is a pain in the ass so I try to prevent that these days.

MFLB to Underdog is like going from a Prius to a Porsche. They are both good for what they are made for, but the UD is just roaring with power waiting to be used.


MFLB to Underdog is like going from a Prius to a Porsche. They are both good for what they are made for, but the UD is just roaring with power waiting to be used.

True enough.. The power is DEFIANTLY there! Vroom, Vroom!! May have to name her Greyhound.
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