TV Shows - General Discussion


Well-Known Member
For those always looking for new shows...I like a bit of nonsense at end of day to wind down the brain:

Defiance( Firefly vibe, gets good in 2nd season ).
Falling Skies.
Hello Ladies(very funny a'la car crash cringefest check it! ).
Power(say what you like about Fiddy, this isn't terrible).
Tyrant(This weeks epi was heavy..interesting show).
The Leftovers.
The Last Ship.
Utopia( Excellent )
You're The Worst.
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Well-Known Member
Show's I am currently dvr'ing and watching or have dvr'd but haven't watched yet:

The Leftovers
The Bridge
The Strain
The Last Ship
Ray Donovan
True Detective
Halt and Catch Fire


Well-Known Member
^^Excellent, didn't know that.

@lwien ...turned off the first epi of Hannibal after 10 mins thinking it was just another boring cop show, then seen you mention it was the best thing on TV atm so gave it another go...oh my! Mads Mikkelsen plays an amazing part, very technical actor, his micro expressions are crazy good....that whole psychopath "wearing a person suit" thing is very hard to pull off & he does it in spades.


Plant Enthusiast
Married on FX is looking promising. Only seen first episode so far, but as a pilot, it was pretty good.

I'll have to try The Bridge again. I gave up after an episode or two, but that was in part to being worried about FX killing it.

Tried "Working the Engels" (horrible) and "Welcome to Sweden" (less horrible).

I hate to admit it for fear of being judged, but "Big Brother" is the show I look forward to the most right now.


I miss: Entourage, Six Feet Under too.

Just finished watching the final season of Six Feet Under a week ago, already miss it too.

The outdated look and really slow paced development of the main story made it a rough first contact but the characters really creep into your mind, just like death over time does I guess...
After needing two years for watching the first two seasons the third really got me into and I flew through the rest like no other show.



Well-Known Member
The Leftovers is kinda growing on me. A depressing show, to say the least, but last nights episode really picked up some steam. I almost gave up on it. Glad I didn't.

Gray Area

Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that Dr. Who does trump ALL television, past, present, and future. He is a time lord after all . . . :)


Word :nod: :tup:

Absolutely!! :nod:

David Tennant was my favorite Doctor, but I am going to give Capaldi a chance. At least he's not Matt Smith. :lol:


What's wrong with Matt Smith? He may not be as pretty as Tennant :brow: with that big chin and all, but he played the part so much better (imo of course). He's by far my favourite "new" Doctor (however Tom Baker will always be my Doctor)...

Looking forward with anticipation to Capaldi's rendition. Did you know he (and Tennant actually) are life long Dr Who nerds themselves??

3 days to go... :clap:


Herbal Alchemist
What's wrong with Matt Smith? He may not be as pretty as Tennant :brow: with that big chin and all, but he played the part so much better (imo of course). He's by far my favourite "new" Doctor (however Tom Baker will always be my Doctor)...

Looking forward with anticipation to Capaldi's rendition. Did you know he (and Tennant actually) are life long Dr Who nerds themselves??

3 days to go... :clap:

I didn't like him from the get go. I liked Rory and Amy a lot, though! I was really pissed that the weeping angels got them. :(

I thought Capaldi was great in "The Fires of Pompeii." When I heard he would be the new Doctor, I was excited to see what he could do. You heard Jenna Coleman quit, right? She was also in Captain America.

Yes, I knew that. You knew that David Tennant is married to Peter Davison's daughter?

Don't forget that BBC America is having a Doctor Who marathon all the way up to Saturday. :)

There's just three days to wait now until Peter Capaldi makes his full episode debut as The Doctor in Series 8 of Doctor Who. A huge, lifelong fan of the show, Peter landed his dream role when he was cast as the Doctor last year, a part that has already made him recognised around the world. Fortunately he has had the benefit of advice from a couple of people who already know what he will be experiencing: his predecessors Matt Smith and David Tennant.

"We are often in touch. They have been very good," he said. "David did take me for a coffee before it had been announced, and he just pointed out to me that I would become more visible and that my life would change in some way."

Peter had been following the series since its return in 2005, and although he landed a guest part in The Fires Of Pompeii opposite David Tennant he never expected that the lead role would come his way.

"I was always interested but I never thought they’d come to me," he said. "I loved Chris [Eccleston], David and Matt - all of them have been fabulous. I was always hoping someone would call me and say, what do you think of being in an episode? But I never thought they would think of me as Doctor Who."

Doctor Who returns on Saturday 23rd August at 7.50pm BST on BBC One

Doctor Who (S8 E1) Deep Breath

When the Doctor arrives in Victorian London he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions.

Who is the new Doctor and will Clara's friendship with him survive as they embark on a terrifying mission into the heart of an alien conspiracy?

The Doctor has changed. It's time you knew him.

Starring Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman with Neve McIntosh, Dan Starkey and Catrin Stewart

Source : BBC

Gray Area

Well-Known Member
:rockon: ^^^ classic story... to be honest though, I'm not a big fan of Davros (although Michael Wisher and that scene are the best :tup:) felt that the Daleks themselves lost a bit of idividuality/intelligence and became dumb grunts (as it were) after Davros appeared. They've done quite a bit to correct that in the new series which is good.
Best era imo, Philip Hinchcliff/Bob Holmes at the helm: seasons 12 - 15 :bowdown:

@Vicki I'm in the UK so can't watch your BBC America stuff, although I'm sure the BBC has plenty planned. Unfortunately I'm working on Sat, but will be home just in time to tune in.


Herbal Alchemist
:rockon: ^^^ classic story... to be honest though, I'm not a big fan of Davros (although Michael Wisher and that scene are the best :tup:) felt that the Daleks themselves lost a bit of idividuality/intelligence and became dumb grunts (as it were) after Davros appeared. They've done quite a bit to correct that in the new series which is good.
Best era imo, Philip Hinchcliff/Bob Holmes at the helm: seasons 12 - 15 :bowdown:

@Vicki I'm in the UK so can't watch your BBC America stuff, although I'm sure the BBC has plenty planned. Unfortunately I'm working on Sat, but will be home just in time to tune in.

BBC America is the best I get here. I wish I could get BBC One.
True Detectives is excellent. There are only 8 episodes but it it is high quality.It gets you slowly but by episode 8 you should be deeply hooked.
Mr. Gweilo 420,
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I watched a 4 episode marathon yesterday of the scary drama The Strain. A very good show. I thought well written and I enjoyed the actors in it. I liked Legends, I like the actor Sean Bean. I've seen the first 2 episodes of that.


Well-Known Member
I've dvr'd all episodes of The Strain, The Detective, Legends, and Fargo. Haven't watched any of them as of yet.


Herbal Alchemist
We decided to set our DVR for Intruders on BBC America because it looks really good. :nod:


A TV series centered around a secret society devoted to chasing immortality by seeking refuge in the bodies of others.

We are also watching Legends. #dontkillseanbean


well-worn member
I just started watching a one-season series I never heard of from a few years ago called kidnapped, too bad it got canceled because it's pretty good. It's well-written (so far), with a great cast let by timothy hutton.


Well-Known Member
Few more:

Hand of God(Promising 1st epi).
Really(Interesting 1st epi).
Intruders(Hard to describe).

Legends(Sean Bean thingy).
Hysteria(Hmmnn, might be ok).
Red Oaks(Caddyshack without Chevy).
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Well-Known Member
Seriously if The Trailer Park Boys is not on every stoners list I am :huh::huh::huh:

It seems like a really dumb comedy show but it actually is alittle more complex than it appears. Still kind of dumb to most people but you have to be in the right mood/VAPED. Perfect show to test with my "new" (used but I only paid $130 :rockon:) volcano classic.



Well-Known Member
Just finished the new adult animated show on Netflix, Bojack Horseman. Some episodes are funnier than others-it's got a dramatic streak to it-but I found it sort of charming and oddly intriguing. Worth a look if you're into Archer, Bob's Burgers, or the like.
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