Broad City is pretty funny, though I've only seen a handful of episodes.
Finished True Detective, was fantastic. The ending was somewhat lackluster, but its a crime show....they either solve the case or they don't, its not like there can be much of a climax....but the journey and the thematic tones they incorporated into the show, really really well done, specifically I like how they bring up the idea of a "good man".....what makes a good man? Is it how one carries himself on the job? At home? When alone? Overall just a splendid show, really looking forward to S2.
Downloaded the complete series of Curb Your Enthusiasm the other day....always heard great things, and REALLY loved the first season a few years back, but I never had the time to acquire them. Gonna watch a few of those after work.
As far as good dramas......kind of don't know what to a good TV show and just can't find anything thats really keeping my interest. AHS S1 was fantastic, S2 was decent but I thought it was getting a little off, and I heard S3 was pretty terrible so haven't watched it yet. LOST is my favorite show of all time probably, haven't ever rewatched it so maybe I can do that. BSG and Fringe were both pretty good. I have Seasons 1-4 of Oz and never finished the series, but I don't remember whats going on and don't really want to rewatch the prior seasons.
Maybe The Shield? Always heard good things. Also meaning to get The Larry Sanders Show....its kind of before my time, but I've only heard AMAZING things. Some of you older heads may be more familiar.
I've been watching Dragonball Z still at night before I go to bed with a FireFly, the memories :') I'm like halfway through Gohan's training with Vegeta and the Ginyu Force on their way
The next season of Survivor starts Feburary 25th, and the cast is officially released this Wednesday....I'm pretty hyped about that....3 tribe start which always allows for more fluid and exciting gameplay, and I actually have spoke with a guy on this upcoming season a handful of times about Survivor before he got cast.....he's a former professor at who taught a class on reality TV, real funny dude and I'm excited to get to watch a guy who I know in any capacity play.
BBCAN 3 starts in March as well I'm pretty sure, so I'll be enjoying that.
That's what I'm watching or planning on checking out, could always use more suggestions though

I'm open to most anything if you couldn't tell.